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Diner, please check this summer food safety tip (read aloud)

Source: China Consumer Daily
2022-05-12 15:10

Original title: Diner, please check this summer food safety tip

Summer is coming, the temperature is gradually rising, and various pathogenic microorganisms multiply rapidly, which is easy to lead to food corruption. In particular, cooked food products, cold dishes, cold food and other foods are likely to cause physical discomfort if they are not properly processed or stored.

How to make your stomach healthy in summer? Professor Cheng Jingmin, registered dietitian of the Chinese Nutrition Society and director of the Health Management and Policy Research Center of Shanxi Medical University, created a summer diet safety strategy for consumers.

Be cautious in purchasing

When purchasing food offline, it is necessary to do a good job of personal protection, and shop in a crowded place; To purchase fresh food in regular shopping malls, supermarkets or markets, avoid direct contact with frozen food with your hands, and remember not to touch the mouth, nose, eyes and other parts with your hands after touching food.

When purchasing food online, you should choose a formal and reputable online platform. When receiving the express delivery, 75% alcohol can be used for preventive disinfection of the external packaging, and wash hands in time after treatment.

In addition, the following three points should be paid special attention to when purchasing food materials in summer.

Prepackaged food: check whether the packaging surface is neat, smooth and free of damage, and whether the identification information is clear and complete. Air leakage and bag expansion of vacuum packed food; The cans are bulging and fat; The dried goods and condiments are moldy and infested with insects; Do not buy or eat yogurt, fresh milk, ham and other foods that need low temperature storage but are not stored in low temperature storage equipment.

Bulk food: select the food labeled on the food isolation cover, and pay attention to the production date, shelf life, production unit and other information.

Cooked food: you should buy it in a supermarket or grocery store with legal qualification and refrigeration facilities. When you buy it, you should observe whether the color and smell are abnormal; It is not advisable to buy too much at one time. The opened cooked food products must be sealed, stored in cold storage, and eaten as soon as possible; Do not buy homemade cooked food, cold dishes, bean products, etc. sold by roadside vendors.

Clean thoroughly

Fruits and vegetables: when cleaning, it should be repeatedly washed with flowing clean water to remove bacteria or pollutants that may remain on the surface; Then, put it into brine (salt has a certain disinfection and sterilization effect) and soak it for 10 minutes, no more than half an hour at most, and then wash and eat it. In this way, the residual pesticide on the surface of vegetables and fruits can be dissolved to the maximum extent, and the pesticide dissolved in water will not permeate into the fruits and vegetables due to too long immersion time.

Meat: It is not recommended to wash directly with a tap, because it is easy for bacteria to splash to other places with water, causing cross infection. The correct method is to use special containers to clean with water, and then clean the containers; Wash your hands with soap and running water for more than 20 seconds after handling meat, and thoroughly clean the table and container.

Specific to different meat, there are different cleaning methods: pork can be soaked in hot rice washing water for 5 minutes or blanched for 10-15 minutes; Chicken and duck can be soaked in warm brine for 10 minutes; After the internal organs of fish are cleaned, put proper amount of vinegar and pepper in water, soak for 5 minutes, and then clean with clean water.

Cook thoroughly

Before processing, carefully check the food safety and quality. When processing food, knives, chopping boards, pots and baskets, dishes, etc. should be separated from raw and cooked food, and should not be mixed. Logistics should use boiling water for disinfection and sterilization; Raw and cooked food shall be stored, processed and treated separately to prevent cross contamination between finished cooked food and semi-finished food and food raw materials.

When cooking, cook thoroughly. Do not thaw naturally at room temperature before taking out the refrigerated and frozen food from the refrigerator for cooking. You can thaw thoroughly with microwave oven, refrigerator freezer or clean flowing water; Cold mixed vegetables can be sterilized by adding some raw garlic.

Keep hands clean. Wash hands with flowing water before, during and after cooking.

Classified storage to prevent deterioration

The food stored in the refrigerator should not be too full, and should be defrosted, cleaned and disinfected regularly; Vegetables and fruits shall be stored separately from raw meat and fish; Bottled, canned, carton and vacuum packed food shall be used immediately after opening. After opening, they shall be wrapped with plastic wrap and refrigerated in a timely manner. The refrigerated time shall not exceed 24 hours. Before re eating, they shall be thoroughly heated and can be eaten only after confirming that they are free from deterioration; When cooked food is stored at room temperature, the time shall not exceed 2 hours.

Leftovers and leftovers should be refrigerated in the refrigerator. It is best to wrap them with plastic wrap to prevent cross contamination. The storage time of leftovers should not be separated from meals. The leftovers should be eaten at noon in the morning and at noon in the evening. If you really have to leave food because of large cooking volume and other reasons, you should adhere to the principle of "leaving meat rather than vegetables, leaving meat rather than fish". Especially for leafy vegetables, you should never stay overnight, and cold dishes should be more careful.

Be careful when ordering meals

When dining out, the epidemic prevention regulations should be observed. At the same time, catering units with complete licenses, clean environment and bright kitchen should be preferred, instead of dining in catering units with poor sanitation and unlicensed business and roadside outdoor food stalls.

Before eating, pay attention to check whether the food senses are abnormal, whether it is fresh, whether it is thoroughly cooked, and whether the tableware is clean; It is strictly prohibited to eat wild animals, livestock and poultry and aquatic products that are expressly prohibited by the state. Try to eat less or no raw aquatic products and seafood; Try to eat less barbecue food, especially at unlicensed roadside stalls and night snack stalls.

When ordering online, pay attention to check the seller's Food Business License, select a catering unit that is close to you to order, and try to shorten the delivery time of food; Catering units that use takeaway seals are preferred; After receiving the food, check the quality of packaging and ingredients, and do not store it for a long time; Try not to buy cold dishes, raw food varieties, cold processed cakes and other high-risk foods online.

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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