Zhonggong Entertainment

Listen to the works of five famous masters and feel the tender and deep maternal love (5) My mother (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-05-08 10:40

The thread in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son's body.

Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late.

Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui.

Since ancient times,

People never stop praising maternal love,

But this is still not enough to say the greatness of maternal love.

Mother is the soul of a family,

It is also the pillar of children's spiritual growth,

As Mother's Day approaches,

Let's listen to the gentle and deep interpretation of motherly love written by five famous artists, and better understand the thick love.


(5) My Mother

Author: Feng Zikai

Read aloud: Wang Chenyu


I left my mother at the age of seventeen to study far away. When I was leaving, my mother's eyes sent out a solemn glow, telling me to treat others and learn from others; The quarrel shows a kind smile and takes care of all the details of my daily life and food. She prepared my tuition, she prepared my luggage, she made me a can of fried rice noodles with lard and put it in my basket; She made a small wire board for me, put two leads in my box, and then sent me out. When I came back from vacation, as soon as I entered the store, I saw my mother sitting on the Eight Immortals chair in the northwest corner. She welcomed me home, with a kind smile on her mouth. She inquired about my studies, and her eyes shone with serious light. In the evening, she went to the kitchen in person to cook some of my favorite vegetables for me to eat. Under the light, she inquired about my school life and encouraged, taught, or blamed me.

After I graduated at the age of 22, I went to serve far away. Instead of living under my mother's knee, I had to return to my hometown on holiday. Every time I returned home, I still saw my mother sitting on the chair in the northwest corner, her eyes emitting serious light, and her mouth showing a loving smile. She treats me like a virtuous lord and teaches me like a good teacher.

When I was 30 years old, I abandoned my job and returned home to study and write for my mother. My mother still sat on the chair of the Eight Immortals in the northwest corner every day. Her eyes glowed seriously and her mouth smiled kindly. But her hair has gradually turned from gray to silver.

My mother died when I was 33 years old. My mother no longer sits on the Eight Immortals chair in the west corner of my old house. However, whenever I saw this chair, my mother's sitting figure would appear in my mind - her eyes were shining with seriousness, and her mouth was smiling kindly. She is both my mother and my father. She taught me to raise me as a strict father and a loving mother. I was born until I was thirty-three years old, no, until now. Tao Yuanming said in his poem, "When I heard the words of an elder, I would not like to cover my ears." I also made this mistake; I have accepted all my mother's love, but I will not accept all her teachings.

So every time I look at my mother's sitting figure in my imagination, I feel very grateful for the kind smile on her mouth, and I feel very afraid of the serious light in her eyes. This brilliance gives me deep vigilance and strong encouragement every time.

(e employees of CRCC)

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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