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Listen to the works of five famous masters and feel the tender and deep maternal love (4) Remember my mother (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-05-08 10:36

The thread in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son's body.

Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late.

Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui.

Since ancient times,

People never stop praising maternal love,

But this is still not enough to say the greatness of maternal love.

Mother is the soul of a family,

It is also the pillar of children's spiritual growth,

As Mother's Day approaches,

Let's listen to the gentle and deep interpretation of motherly love written by five famous artists, and better understand the thick love.


(4) Memories of My Mother

Author: Yang Jiang

Read aloud: Gao Meng


My mother is honest and never agile. If she is bullied, she often doesn't feel it, and then she understands, "Oh, she is laughing at me" or "Oh, he is scolding me". But she never cared, and soon forgot. She is broad-minded and never thinks of old evils, so she can get along well with anyone, and has never had a friend in her life.

Mother is not stupid. She should be said to be very clever. She was born in a rich business, and her family also asked a female teacher to teach her. She can read both new and old novels and is good at needlework. In the year when I was born, my father bought a sewing machine of Singer brand for her. She bought materials to cut, sew and sew on the sewing machine, and soon made a suit of clothes. Mother likes to read novels when she is not sewing. Old novels such as White Fur make her giggle. Reading new novels can also understand the styles of various writers. For example, after reading Su Mei's "Heart of thorns" and her "Green Sky", she said to me, "How can she learn the tune of Su Xuelin's" Green Sky "?" I said, "Su Mei is Su Xuelin!" After reading Bing Xin's works, she said that she is a famous female writer, but not as good as anyone. I think they are all appropriate.

Mom keeps accounts every night. Sometimes she can't remember how to spend the money. Dad grabs the pen and writes a "muddle headed account". She is not allowed to bother too much. But according to my father, my mother sent her family home in Wuxi every month, and never missed a day in her life. This is not easy, because she is a busy person. She is busy enough to lead a family life every day. My family is often transferred from Shanghai to Suzhou, Suzhou to Hangzhou, Hangzhou to Beijing, and Beijing to Shanghai because my father has no fixed place to work.

My father is tired of this kind of work and has changed his profession to become a lawyer. As a lawyer, he wanted to have a firm, so he bought a big, dilapidated house. Mom is certainly busier. Then the Japanese invaders invaded China, and my mother fled to the countryside with my father. My mother got a bad disease and was unable to recover from it. Our mother never had one.

I miss my mother, and suddenly it occurred to me why I didn't write an article "Memories of My Mother"? I have no father or mother, and no sisters or brothers. I wrote this memory under the light alone, and I still remember and recall it crazily.

(e employees of CRCC)

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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