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In big cities, why do young people think about eating well every day (read aloud)

Source: China Youth Daily client
2022-04-20 10:14

Original title: Why do young people think about eating well every day in big cities

Recently, friends working in big cities are more and more keen to discuss the issue of "having a good meal".

Having a good meal is not a dazzling array of takeaways in mobile apps, nor a carefully spelled out Jiugong grid in the circle of friends after clocking in online stores, but a serious reflection on one thing: how can we live a "normal eating" life at home in the past?

After graduating from college, we rushed to the big city like a torrent, settled down in our living corner, and felt very happy - finally we got rid of the college canteen and the narrow food circle! With free money at your disposal, the kitchen has purchased complete equipment and started to seriously study recipes.

However, there is still a long way to go to live a good life.

Commuting and going to work have become the biggest stumbling block of "eating well". After a busy job, my hands and feet seemed paralyzed, and I had no intention of cooking seriously. The most frequent "three soul questions" that people around us talk about every day are "what to eat at noon", "what to eat at night" and "what to eat at weekends". In this way, we can even sum up some basic rules, such as "preserved egg and lean meat porridge and yellow braised chicken rice YYDS". If we have no idea, we will choose Malatang, let alone a cup of Starbucks

However, the takeaway is really weak. After eating for a year, the consumption amount and your weight soared together, and the indicators in the annual physical examination report warned.

We finally set up the flag with tears to have a good meal in the big city. My friends and I have racked our brains and come up with different tricks.

It is a relatively easy way for lazy people to find a space that matches the "food comfort zone" and set up camp once and for all. A friend decided to move near the university and "sneak back" into the college students' "foraging ecosystem", so as to obtain three meals a day, fruits and snacks with cheap prices and stable quality.

Some people also make full use of the strength of the original family. If you are in the same city with your parents or other relatives, your friends will try to "rub" a meal every night, and pack the lunch for the next day to achieve a "healthy meal cycle for relatives".

However, the above two "space tactics" have certain threshold and conditions after all. "Beipiao" and "Shanghai Piao" youth are more difficult to choose "base areas", but they try their best to adjust their living habits, mobilize the power of friends, or dig their brains and come up with some smart ideas that can eat a good meal without too much effort.

A friend of mine, who has been married to her husband for 3 years, works hard every day and has no time to cook in person. In the early days, they were 100% dependent on the restaurants and takeaway food near the company, and watched the heavy oil and salt meals outside, which made their weight soar. One day, my friend heard that colleagues in the office were discussing finding a cleaning aunt, and suddenly got an idea: Why not find an aunt who only used to cook a meal? Accurate demand, low cost.

According to her friend's original meticulous plan, she ordered the ingredients for the next day through online shopping the night before. The cooking aunt came home early in the morning to quickly cook lunch and dinner. The couple packed lunch to go to work and went home at night to eat the dinner stored in the refrigerator.

The operation mode of "pinch point cooking" is quite difficult to practice - after all, it is equivalent to requiring the cooking aunt to "clock in" early in the morning and enter the rush mode on time, which will affect the normal work of her friends and husband. Facts have proved that this "two-way rush" mode is too hasty, and the actual cooking and packaging process of the aunt is much longer than the plan of her girlfriend. In less than two weeks, the plan fell through.

Another guy rented a house close to three friends, one of whom was good at cooking home-made dishes, and the other was good at making cakes. So several people came together to set up the "Eat Well Foundation". At least three nights a week, buy food materials, go to the kitchen and the restaurant's largest friend's house, and get together for dinner.

This kind of "crowdfunding dinner" not only takes care of the appetite, but also sublimates the friendship, which is perfect. However, over the years, some minor problems will inevitably arise. For example, eating together by many people will raise the quality threshold of a meal more or less. The two "chefs in charge" always felt that they must take care of the feelings and experiences of each diner. They could not "simply cook" or "eat at will", and there was invisible pressure in their hearts.

I am a "casual person" with a low desire for quality of life. However, when I found that only "having a good meal" can bear the intensity of my struggle, I decided to change my diet regularly and systematically.

At the suggestion of an elder, I tried to use "numbers" to get rid of my old bad habits. For example, open the "dusty" bookkeeping app to record meal consumption; Use an Excel table to write clearly the consumption and surplus of food materials, snacks and daily necessities at home, so as to avoid waste caused by "stock anxiety"; In the chat group of friends, supervise each other "Dinner shall not be later than 7 o'clock", "Cook at least three times a week, and take out at most two times".

Running in the fast pace of the city, we may need to work hard and be self disciplined to achieve a "good meal", but we all know how worthwhile it is to insist on, and the ultimate goal must be to live a simple, happy and healthy life, so that we can have more control over the busy day. (Author: Anna)

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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