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The "word game" in the recruitment information in the starting season (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2022-04-12 09:30

[Resolve workplace discrimination and promote equal employment 1]

Original title: "Diabolism" (theme) behind refusing to hire in the starting season

Invisible and intangible prejudice makes job seekers feel trapped but suffer (subtitle)

Worker's Daily - Li Na, reporter of China Industrial Network

Full time graduates have more advantages than part-time graduates. They have a good image and temperament, and are more likely to get opportunities. Gender differences, marital status and childbearing status still determine employment preferences, and age is still an important watershed for selection... At present, it is the peak of "golden three silver four" job search and the golden period of recruitment. The reporter of Workers' Daily found through interviews that depending on the gender, age, appearance Employment discrimination patterns based on educational background and marital status reappear and exist in a more secretive form.

In the beginning of the season, "dark discrimination" was invisible. These invisible "prejudices" made job seekers feel trapped but suffering.

   "Word game" in recruitment information

"Ask, it is clear in the recruitment that 'this position needs to work night shift, travel to other places, the conditions are difficult, and there are many emergency work'. What's the chance for women to win?" The reporter found in the interview that such a post caused discussion among netizens. Some people thought that "this is just a statement of the actual situation of work, don't think much", Some people also think that "such posts are clearly gender oriented, and men should not women". One netizen who claimed to work in the personnel department said frankly, "This is actually a piece of information that has been cut to prevent discrimination. For a long time, its complete original text was concluded with" suitable for men ". If the opposite sex chooses one, men will have a better chance of" going ashore ".".

In recent years, in order to protect the fair employment rights and interests of workers, the relevant departments have repeatedly stressed that it is strictly prohibited to release recruitment information with restrictive content. In 2019, nine departments in Sichuan jointly issued a document to focus on the recruitment information (including online information) released by public employment talent service institutions and universities to ensure that it does not contain gender discrimination. The reporter learned that such administrative means did have some effect, but those prejudices that were forced to disappear did not really disappear. Many job seekers sighed that the recruitment information seemed to "recruit talents", but in fact it was a "word game" to avoid risks.

"It seems to meet the needs of employers, but there is always an invisible threshold..." Li Liying had been engaged in accounting for up to six years. After pregnancy and childbirth, in order to better accompany the children, she stopped working for three years to take care of children full-time. Due to her excellent professional foundation, she never stopped learning, Returning to the workplace again to look for work opportunities, she was full of confidence, but never wanted to run into difficulties all the way. "Several times, it was hard to win the interview opportunity, but the interviewer was most concerned about my family's actual situation, and finally there was no following".

   "A thousand reasons" for refusing to be employed

"When full-time mothers return to the workplace, employers will consider many practical factors and choose carefully.". He Fang (pseudonym) has been working in a human resources management service company for 10 years. At present, her department serves more than 400 enterprises and manages the labor relations of more than 20000 people. In her opinion, Li Liying's dilemma is just a routine operation in their industry.

Employment discrimination is opposed by the public, and the gradual improvement of laws and regulations has also made more and more enterprises afraid. He Fang said that the external recruitment information is only aimed at the requirements of job functions, while enterprises will put forward specific criteria for selecting and employing people when formulating recruitment plans. For example, they must be 985 and 211 college students, and women who have plans to marry and have children in the near future will not be considered, and even have corresponding special restrictions on height and physical appearance, These are the real "rulers" in the hands of recruiters, but in order to avoid risks, they will not be put on the table most of the time.

In 2008, in the first year of the implementation of the Employment Promotion Law, the first complaint involving employment discrimination appeared at the reporting and complaint window of Sichuan Labor Security Network. A recent college graduate in Chengdu passed the written examination and interview of the enterprise, and was told after the physical examination that "Big Three Yang" was hepatitis B and was not admitted. Later, with the help of the provincial labor inspection team, the graduate successfully defended his rights and successfully entered the job. More than ten years later, the reporter visited the relevant departments and found that it was almost difficult to detect any trace of such discrimination.

"If you refuse one person, you can find 'a thousand reasons'." He Fang said that in the actual recruitment, hepatitis B virus carriers with positive hepatitis B surface antigen are still the people most employers keep away from. But with the lessons learned from the past, employers have learned to be smart. Once such a situation is found during the entry physical examination, they will "create" according to different positions More secure reasons for refusing to record.

   "Can't see, can't touch" has words of suffering

China's labor law and other laws stipulate that workers will not be discriminated against in employment because of different nationalities, races, genders, and religious beliefs. Functional departments have also issued documents many times, requiring employers not to set restrictive recruitment conditions such as nationality, gender, age, household registration, but the reality is always unsatisfactory.

Recently, there were many job fairs on the campus of various colleges and universities. The reporter interviewed and found that in many applications, it was always found that the number of boys in most enterprise recruitment positions was more than that of girls, and the conditions for boys could be relaxed, but girls were very strict; Some people are out because of their height and appearance, although their school performance and professional ability are on a par with their competitors; The employment market for graduates and other highly educated people is also "internal", and some enterprises even use the first degree as an important reference for job application tickets... In short, the employment environment is harsh, and the bad things are different.

"They certainly didn't say, 'You're not tall enough to hire you,' but clearly the position is matched, why didn't I even take my resume?" At a job fair being held in a human resources market in Chengdu, Sichuan, a boy about 1.6 meters tall felt helpless, "This kind of 'invisible and intangible' discrimination is really painful".

"Discrimination originates from prejudice, which is hidden in everyone's heart, and behind it are very complex economic and sociological issues". Wang Enhui, executive director of Sichuan Weixu Law Firm, has been dedicated to handling cases related to the protection of employees' rights and interests for a long time. He told reporters that since his employment in 2009, he has hardly handled a case related to employment discrimination, which means that few people protect their rights and interests through the law.

"What if it is discrimination? It is important to strive for the right to equal employment, but the key is to find a satisfactory job for the more than 10 million new graduates this year. If this family can't find another one, time is pressing". During the interview, more than one college graduate expressed such feelings to the reporter.

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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