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May you be simple, happy, warm and kind (read aloud)

Source: WeChat official account of Xinhua News Agency
2022-04-12 07:54

Original title: Night Reading | May you be simple, happy, warm and kind

   Life is not simple, but we can live simply.


Do you sometimes feel that the more people grow up, the more difficult it is to be happy? They often doubt the meaning of life and complain that life is dull and boring.

In fact, it is not that life becomes boring and happiness becomes less, but that the threshold of happiness is raised. What changes is our mood.

Many times, we want too much, care too much, but ignore those simple happiness.

The best state of life for a person is not to be vigorous all the time, but to cherish the small beauty of ordinary days while pursuing enthusiasm.

From today on, be a simple person.

Go shopping, read books, take a walk, have your own small life and fun, and try to live your own life.

As a writer once said, "I have done everything with my heart, heart and soul. No matter what my achievements, I should go to bed happily."

Life is not simple, but we can live simply.

Experience and enjoy more, and do something that you haven't done before. Those grand goals should be achieved slowly.

Don't hold back what you can't get, and don't hold back the feelings you lost.

What we need to do is to eat every meal, do everything at hand, and love everyone around us who is worthy of love.

Let's be simple people together.


What qualities are the most important in a person? Have a clean heart.

In this world, there are too many temptations and too many tests. It is a person's most precious quality to be able to stick to his own heart.

In this journey of life, we have grown up slowly, experienced social hardships, abandoned innocence and simplicity, gradually learned to wear masks, and began to become sophisticated.

But I hope you will always be sincere no matter where you go or how far you go.

Only with pure eyes can we see beautiful scenery; Only with a clean heart can we have pure happiness.

In this life, people do not have to be rich and famous, but they must live in innocence and have a clear conscience.

Sweep away the dust in your heart and be a clean person.

Even if the world is more complicated and troubled, I hope you will still leave a pure land for yourself.

Clever but not excessive, smooth and naive.


I read a very touching sentence: "If you become more and more indifferent, you think you have grown up, but in fact, you have not. Growing up should be gentle, and can be merciful to many things. Maturity is a warming heart."

Although my ability is limited, I can bring warmth to others.

I hope you can still be a kind and warm person after seeing indifference. Many times, kindness is not to please others, but to please yourself.

As someone said, "We stick to one thing, not because it will be effective, but because we firmly believe it is right."

It is to let us look back after the end of the matter. I am not ashamed of this matter; I found that there was a soft place in my heart, and a warm current rose in some moments; I want to see a better world.

If you keep warm in your heart, the world will be bright; If you are clear, the world will be clean; If you are simple, the world will be difficult to be complex.

May you have seen the world and still believe in the beauty of the world. May you taste the warmth of the world and still have a soft corner in your heart.

Light up the "watching" and believe that you, who are simple, clean and warm, will also be treated tenderly by the world.

Anchor | Zhao Shiyun

Author: Jingluo Source: Yetingfm

Reviewed by: Yu Weiya

Supervised by: Anniversary Jun, Wu Weiling

Editors: Dynasty, Li Yongxi, Zhao Shiyun

Art Design: Zhao Danyang

Interns: Song Shufei, Zhang Xingran

  ? Xinhua News Agency New Media Center, Xinhua News Agency Audio and Video Department

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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