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Bamboo shoots will be eaten in spring! (Read aloud)

Source: Beijing Youth Daily
2022-04-08 09:54

Original title: Eat bamboo shoots in spring! Learn these shopping and eating tips

The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, which is the time when the bamboo shoots compete to break the ground. Bamboo shoots are thick in meat, white in color, tender in quality, fragrant in flavor and fresh in taste. They are widely loved by consumers, including braised spring bamboo shoots, fried bamboo shoots, salted and fresh, and mushroom braised spring bamboo shoots. Bamboo shoots are rich in dietary fiber, protein, various amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. They are also widely distributed in China, especially in Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi and Hunan, and are found all year round. According to the growing season, it can be divided into three categories: spring shoots, whip shoots and winter shoots. Among them, spring bamboo shoots and winter bamboo shoots have the best taste. Whip bamboo shoots taste slightly sweet and grow vigorously in summer and autumn.

Eating spring bamboo shoots is particular. If the method of purchasing and eating is improper, the nutritional value and taste of spring bamboo shoots will be greatly reduced. Today, let's spread the knowledge about the diet and health of spring bamboo shoots, which enjoy the reputation of "the first grade of vegetable dishes".

How to choose and buy spring bamboo shoots?

Mainly observe five positions

Look at the shape. Choose fresh bamboo shoots with moderate size, compact and full shape, large bottom diameter, small tail, and no decay and deterioration.

Second, look at the shell of bamboo shoots. The shell of the bamboo shoot is complete, golden yellow or light yellow with pink, and the color is natural and bright. The meat of the bamboo shoot is fresh and tender.

Third, look at the Bamboo Shoot Festival. The closer the bamboo shoots are, the more delicate the bamboo shoots are.

Fourth, look at the roots of bamboo shoots. The shoots with white beaded "nevus" around the root are fresh and tender, while those with dark red or dark purple "nevus" are old.

5. Look at the bamboo shoots. The whiter the color, the more crisp and tender it is, followed by yellow and green.

It is recommended to blanch the bamboo shoots with hot water before eating them

Soak in clean water

Fresh bamboo shoots contain more oxalic acid and tannin. If eaten directly, they will have a numb and astringent taste. It is suggested to blanch the bamboo shoots with hot water before cooking, and then soak them in clean water, which can significantly reduce the content of oxalic acid and tannin in the bamboo shoots and improve the taste of food.

In addition, it should be noted that bamboo shoots contain more crude fiber to accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, and it is recommended that people with gastrointestinal diseases eat less; Patients with cerebral apoplexy and cardiovascular disease should also try to eat as little as possible; Patients with liver cirrhosis should try not to eat; People who are allergic to bamboo shoots should fast.

Storage method of spring bamboo shoots

Varies depending on whether it is shelled or not

Fresh bamboo shoots are easy to lignify, so consumers are advised to eat them as soon as possible after purchase. If short-term storage is required, the following methods can be used. Note:

1. Non shelled bamboo shoots: sealed storage method and burial method are recommended

Sealed storage

It is suitable for storage of a small amount of bamboo shoots. Take the container or plastic film bag, select the intact bamboo shoots and put them into the container or bag, seal the container mouth or tighten the bag mouth, reduce the water evaporation of the shoots, inhibit the respiration of the shoots, and achieve the fresh-keeping effect.

Burial method

It is suitable for storage of large quantities of bamboo shoots. Lay a layer of wet sand on the bottom of the container, then place the bamboo shoots vertically with their tips facing upwards, and then cover them with wet sand until they reach the top of the bamboo shoots. Seal the container and place it in a cool and ventilated place.

2. Shelled bamboo shoots: it is recommended to soak in salt water and boil in clear water

Brine bubble

Put the bamboo shoots in a container, place a layer of bamboo shoots, lay a layer of salt or coarse salt, add a lot of water after stacking until the bamboo shoots are no more than the bamboo shoots, press the bamboo shoots with heavy objects to prevent them from emerging from the water, and seal them in a cool and ventilated place.

Boiled with water

Boil the cut bamboo shoots with clear water for half an hour, then take them out and rinse them with clear water, put them in a fresh-keeping bag, seal them and put them into a refrigerator at about 4 ℃ for cold storage. The bamboo shoots after the above treatment can also be dried and collected, and can be soaked with water when eating. Before eating, it is necessary to determine whether the stored bamboo shoots have deteriorated. If it has gone bad, do not eat it again.

When shopping for bamboo shoots, don't be one-sided in pursuit of product color

In addition to fresh food, bamboo shoots can also be processed into various products, such as dried bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots slices, canned bamboo shoots, etc., to meet diversified needs. The following points should be paid attention to when purchasing these products:

1. Regular bamboo shoot products should be purchased in regular supermarkets and other places. Pay attention to check whether the package is in good condition to ensure that there is no bag expansion, air leakage and other phenomena; Pay attention to the food name and other information on the label; Don't pursue the color of the product unilaterally. If you find a pungent smell, choose carefully.

2. Edible bamboo shoot products can refer to the way of eating on the product label. For example, canned fresh water winter bamboo shoots can be rinsed and cut into small pieces, and then cooked by frying, boiling or stewing.

3. Bamboo shoot products shall be stored in accordance with the storage conditions marked on the package and eaten within the warranty period. In addition, sulfur dioxide can be used in the production of bamboo shoot products to prevent corrosion and bleach. However, the residual amount of sulfur dioxide in dried bamboo shoots, bamboo shoot slices, canned bamboo shoots and other bamboo shoot products should meet the relevant requirements of the National Food Safety Standard for the Use of Food Additives (GB 2760-2014).

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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