Zhonggong Entertainment

Pioneering (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-03-26 09:30


Author: Xia Chunguang

Read aloud: Huang Lei


After a busy day's work, sitting in front of the computer, my mind was suddenly pulled back to 2007. Looking at the calendar, today is my 14th year and 6th day overseas.

In 2007, I set out from my hometown in northeast China to a place called Hanoi Yah, where the W8 bid project of Algeria's east-west expressway is located.

Older railway soldiers and project leaders came before us. When they came, they lived in tents and often fell asleep with the howling of wolves at night. Now there is at least a "standard room for four", although the room is still muddy. Later, we came to a unified understanding: we were afraid that we could not do it. We should do it better than we could do it. Now that we are here, we should do it in a good way!

Soon after, the camp quickly changed from one to two, three, and many. We scattered and successfully copied the practice of the project management department - build plank houses, harden the pavement, and have food and shelter before you have a future. As the number of people gradually increased, we began to have a mixing station, a technical camp, and a beam yard, and the access roads on the site were also quickly accessible. But at first, we needed to constantly identify the access roads and check the topographic map to find the exact location of the starting point, because there were so many ravines and there were too few accessible roads.

There are many construction sites, and the mountain roads are difficult to drive. Lunch must be eaten at the construction site. It would be better to stay at the construction site all day long. I am more familiar with the drawings. The work arrangement of the Chinese labor service is more detailed. I can also have more time to learn a few words of French with the supervision owner and the local workers. It is not so difficult to communicate the inspection application and technical problems on the site.

Gradually, our construction and production got on the right track, and it began to get cold. The average temperature in the meteorological data is obviously inaccurate. It was told by a series of ice skates under the eaves of the plank house after an ice rain. There was no heating or air conditioning, and the 7.5cm thick board could not block the cold. So during that time, our brothers in the dormitory seldom communicated with each other after coming back from the construction site, and we quickly got into bed after eating. When it's hot, I feel sad. The lunch break ceremony is to wet the floor of the room with water to try to cool it down, and prepare a towel to wipe the sweat between half sleep and half wake

About half a year later, my roommate brother and I had our first meal of instant noodles sent by mail in China. What a happy moment it was when we locked the door, boiled water and opened instant noodles. However, take a closer look. What should I do if the instant noodles expire? I've been thinking about it for so long, so I can't stop eating! We still have the wisdom and method: eat more garlic with garlic, and we agree that the taste is fresh and memorable.

In this way, bridge piers began to emerge from the ground, and culverts began to be completed and covered by the subgrade. The line became clearer and clearer, and the construction sites were not so difficult to find; In this way, the east-west expressway, which is known as the "Heavenly Road" and "Holy Road" by Afghan people, was opened to traffic; In this way, nearly 10000 houses have stood up in Afghanistan. Later, we also undertook construction and power plant projects, with 13 at most.

In the summer of 2020, our power plant project has drawn a large part of the development territory of China Railway 17th Bureau in Algeria closer to the desert hinterland. To be precise, we have entered the southern desert of Algeria.

Now, as a manager, looking back on the past ten years, I know that my experience in the construction of the Algerian project of China Railway Construction Corporation is nothing more ordinary than ordinary. I have seen too much silent persistence and dedication. The big red slogan "Glory for the motherland, add color to the railway construction" on the floor room of Beijiaya Connecting Line Camp has been washed away by wind and rain, but it can often attract my attention. When I am free, I will go to the waste equipment parking lot of the project, sit there for a while, look at the sky, look at the white clouds, and look at the excavators with their heads buried. They seem to have life, they seem to be telling something

(e employees of CRCC)

Editor in charge: Liu Hanyue

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