Zhonggong Entertainment

The rest of your life is still long. May you live as your own sun (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-03-05 09:22

The rest of your life is still long. May you become your own sun

Author: Tan Xuying

Read aloud: Liao Yuan


Life is a journey with no return. We all move forward in our respective tracks, meet people coming and going, and meet good or bad scenery. Through spring, summer, autumn and winter, wind, rain and rainbow, some of them have accumulated negative energy all over their bodies. Wherever they go, they are even more desolate and depressed. Some of them will also live as a beam of light. No matter where they are, they will be thriving and happy.

If the feeling is not warm enough, and if the meeting is thin and cool, then we should start to reduce expectations, calm down and strengthen ourselves. Don't always waste your precious time and energy on those meaningless people. You should carve out your own life value and play the leading role in your life. No matter what happened in the past, always face the future, with confidence in your face, kindness in your heart, optimistic smile, warm self-healing power, independent and brave, and move forward.

In the ordinary post, we pay silently, run hard on the road of chasing dreams, and brew with our heart in the fireworks days... The days are ordinary, and we must always have some pursuit and thinking, so that we can be closer to the sun, live more meaningful, and come to the world in vain.

Socrates said: "Everyone has the sun, mainly how to make it shine." The world has its own flash, but some have not yet been found, so sometimes experience is the best growth. In this life, we should try our best to know ourselves, explore our own advantages and strengths, find what we really love, and then do it well, so that our sun can slowly shine and warm us.

"Those who really have a skill and work hard in a down-to-earth way will eventually shine in his field no matter where the wind is."

The best appearance in this life is to live your own life, not to be the shadow of anyone, and not to wait for someone to give the sunshine, control your life, have your own color, warm your journey, and be your own king. The rest of his life is still long. With faith in his heart, he marches forward without compromise, dependence, attachment, or hesitation. He lives in the sun. The days are hot, his heart is like flowers and trees, and the years are fragrant.

Follow your own path, confident and magnanimous; Be your own sun, warm and bright!

(e employees of CRCC)

Editor in charge: Liu Hanyue

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