Zhonggong Entertainment

I prefer to be a torrent (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-01-15 12:27

I would like to be a torrent

Author: Pei Duofei

Read aloud: Zhang Deping


I would like to be a torrent

It's a river in the mountains

On the rugged road

Passing on the rock

As long as my lover

It's a small fish

In my waves

Swim about happily


I would like to be a wasteland

On both sides of the river

Yes, gusts of wind

Fight bravely

As long as my lover

It's a bird

In my dense

Nest among branches and sing


I would like to be ruins

On the steep rocks

This silent destruction

It doesn't frustrate me

As long as my lover

It's green ivy

Along my desolate forehead

Climb up intimately


I would like to be a thatched house

At the bottom of the deep valley

On the top of the hut

Suffering from wind and rain

As long as my lover

It's a lovely flame

In my stove

Happily slowly flashing


I would like to be a cloud

It's a broken gray flag

In the vast air

Lazily fluttering about

As long as my lover

It's a coral sunset

Near my pale face

Showing bright brilliance

(e employees of CRCC)

Editor in charge: Liu Hanyue

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  • China Industrial Network Client

  • Microsignal of China Industrial Network

  • Zhonggong Weibo account

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