Zhonggong Entertainment

Look for the "disappeared" train (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-01-14 11:42

When it comes to my "bad relationship" with the railway, I have to say that I left behind the people and things I first loved for the railway - my "grandfather" and the railway crossing culvert. Of course, before entering the road, we called it Bridge Cave.

Of course, my grandfather has the greatest influence on me. When I was very young, my grandfather often told me stories about his involvement in building railways. At that time, the perception of the railway was that a long iron sheet on two rails rumbled. Grandfather said that at that time, his family was poor and he had no skills. He could only earn money by selling coolies. At that time, he heard that the construction of a railway needed to recruit workers, so he signed up. My grandfather talked about the railway construction in the past. Although he talked about it with great interest, he always looked very determined. Maybe it was then that I planted the seeds of my yearning for the railway.

As I grew up near the railway, when I recall it, the most impressive thing is that I sit on the roadside pier and watch the train passing by and going away. I remember when I was young, because I lived near the railway and had a very good view of the lower culvert, I would run there early every afternoon and sit on the kerb to wait for the arrival of the train. At that time, the bridge cave was not like what it is now after reconstruction. In memory, there was a mud road under the cave. You can often see the villagers in the opposite village coming home from work in groups. I often sit there alone in a daze, looking at the long railway and the distant train, often wondering where the train will arrive, dreaming that one day I can also take the train to the capital, to distant places. The roaring train has been deepening my love. Now, my dream has come true and I have become a railway man. I am proud that my love has been replaced by today's sweat, and my sweat has ensured the safety of others' travel.

Yes, the decadent culvert in my memory has disappeared, but now it stands in the original place with a higher appearance. It witnessed my growth, the vicissitudes of life and the development of the railway. Occasionally, I would go here to watch the passing bullet trains. I was glad to find that although the appearance in my memory has changed greatly, the scenery here is more beautiful and eye-catching. Green cars and bullet trains weave another landscape. I suddenly found that my love for trains was so deep and unforgettable. (Li Guoxing, Guilin Public Works Section, China Railway Nanning Bureau Group Co., Ltd.)

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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