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[A letter from home] Long journey, go hand in hand (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-01-13 14:23

Long journey, go hand in hand

Author: Chen Jingde

Hi, Alu:

Every day, you and I are talking and chatting, talking about parents and children, talking about food and living, talking about trivial work, talking about friends and relatives, talking about the past, talking about the future, and talking about anecdotes. However, after a long time of talking with you, I still hesitated to express my feelings. The letter you wrote to me when the epidemic broke out last year, I read it again and again, each time with different thoughts, and now I am alone in the medical support of other counties and cities thousands of kilometers away, and my heart is full of emotion. Good looking skins are the same, and unique souls are one in a million. I know that you must understand what I want to say and what I have no time to say.

I was born in a rural area more than 50 kilometers away from the city. Today, 50 kilometers is just an hour's drive. More than 30 years ago, it was a whole day's journey. Occasionally, on the way to the city, I used all my numbers to count my steps to alleviate the pain caused by uneven cloth shoe patches grinding my toes. The farthest part of the house is under Yangjiaya (pronounced ai twice), which is my "end of the world". The village adults stay up door to door watering the land. Frogs chirp and insects chirp, which is my "cape". When I was young, I only remember summer and winter. My impression of summer is only at one o'clock in the afternoon. The hot sun is high and the air is still. Everything seems to be seen through the glass. In this weather and afternoon, my brother takes me to shuttle through the corn fields with pesticide barrels about my height. The ears of corn pricked my arms and neck like a brush, and the pesticide stung from forehead to waist with sweat. At that time, I began to think: When will this day end? And the impression of winter is always in the middle of the night. Every year at 3949, we have to help adults watch the night to take care of the newly born lambs. When I put on all my clothes, I still felt the cold. My ears and hands and feet were always cold from unconsciousness to burning and itching. My elder brother, who was three years older than me, would tell me that we need to study hard to change our life now. So there is no adolescence in my life, and there is no such word as treason in my dictionary. There are only "struggle" and "change".

After more than 30 years, and even in the countryside now, the conditions in all aspects are much better and more convenient than in the past, so we can use the memory of suffering to make light jokes. I talked to you about my growth first because you often say that you can find the direction of struggle only when you see your position clearly. Yes, every dream has the birthmark of identity and the brand of the times. I grew up in an era of profound and extensive changes in our country. I am grateful that my parents sent me to school when many children of the same age were doing housework and farming. I remember the teachers' advice, earnest admonitions and ardent expectations for me. Although I went to college, my life was still poor, but the township government would provide me with a little financial aid every year, and I was able to get a scholarship through my efforts in college, which more or less alleviated my difficulties in my way to school. When I went to graduate school, I got the qualification of the last batch of public funded graduate school in China with the first place in professional courses.

Along the way, I never arrived late or was absent due to difficulties, but I finally stuck to it, which could not be achieved by my own efforts. Fortunately, whenever I want to back down, there will always be good people, and there will always be Communist Party policies to give me support and strength, so that I can forge my heart and not fear hardship. Therefore, when the epidemic broke out last year and faced the national crisis, I submitted the application for support to Hubei at the first time. I am not afraid of hardship, and I am not afraid of difficulties. I hope that I can repay the care of the Party over the years with my own modest efforts to help those who need help, just like those who help me in my growth process. I have always kept in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's requirements for young people: "shoulder the historical mission, strengthen confidence in progress, set great ambitions, show great virtue, become great talents, shoulder great responsibilities, and strive to become a new person of the era who can be the important task of national rejuvenation, so that youth will blossom in the unremitting struggle for the motherland, the nation, the people, and mankind." At the beginning of the journey, people who know will know, Every generation of young people has the mission entrusted by history to meet major challenges and resist major risks. As a medical worker, I should have stepped forward at that time. In that case, I may feel selfish from your position, which was also the most difficult part in my heart at that time, so all the explanations are hard for you. After reading your letter, I was extremely moved by your profound sense of justice. I think this is also the most suitable place in our soul!

Choosing a doctor is equal to choosing to face and bear bravely. I went to Nanjing for further study when you were seven months pregnant. I was absent on the hardest day of your pregnancy. You were in line to do the examination alone, and all the supplies for the newborn were prepared by yourself with a big stomach. I stayed with you for only five days when you gave birth. I left again when your knife edge was still in sharp pain. How many children cried at night and you stayed up all night without sleeping. Finally, the study ended, and the three of us spent a short and happy year. When my child was one year old and nine months old, it was time for mischief. I left home and went to other counties and districts for medical assistance. Every time I leave, I can't bear to look at your lonely face. Every time I leave, I just say to you selfishly, "Take care of your children, your parents and our home, I can leave safely again and again, and I can spare no effort to play my role in different posts. Recently, I saw that this passage explains marriage very well. I think it is more a reflection of our tacit understanding. It says that we are loyal to each other, not because we do not have capital, not because we do not have opportunities, but because we have moral requirements, desire management, and self-discipline in marriage. With the heart of trust, do not limit the freedom of the other party; Cherish, do not abuse your freedom, be content and firm, trust and tolerate. thank you.

I once asked you what industry you hope our children will be engaged in in the future. "Doctor!" You blurted out without thinking, and we both laughed at each other. I scolded you "How silly!" You said, "Ha ha, I will." After thinking about it, You also said, "Our child is just as good and happy as he is. He can do whatever he wants to do, and I will not limit him." I smiled again, and so do I. I hope he is like his mother, gentle and modest, firm and independent in his work, calm and able to clearly see the distance, pursue warmth, and enjoy love and freedom.

Let's stop writing here. When I return next year, we can enjoy the beautiful spring scenery together.          


two thousand and twenty-one point five

(Recommended by: Jiuquan People's Hospital)

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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