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[A letter from home] Coincidentally, it was uneven that year (read aloud aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-01-13 14:18

Coincidentally, it was uneven that year

Author: Ma Jing

Hi, Jing!

I really haven't written a letter for a long time. So, you may as well give it to yourself today. And make narration and summary, and remember the past, so as to be self policing. It would be best if we could see ourselves smoothly in this process and eliminate those who are confused about life and work.

In high school, because of his obsession with words, he always enjoyed such a game - after finishing his homework as soon as possible in the self-study class, he took out his notebook to copy Jane Zhen or Huang Biyun in large sections, and then, at a time when his emotions were too rich to look good, he turned to writing a letter that now looks full of paper. In the short ten minutes between classes, I flew across the not too far playground, delivered the letter to my best friend, and then spent the next day self-study for a whole period, looking out of the window, imagining her expression when reading, and the wisps of green silk that swayed freely when I was waiting at the desk to answer the letter.

Later, in a college essay contest, he wrote: "Thank you for swimming across the river of eternal kindness, youth, in this way.". This sentence is so beautiful that it has been used repeatedly and is still impressive today. But the life circumstances have already led us to our different ferries. Looking back at the river that has drowned countless green memories, we can only sigh with one sentence: Coincidentally, the year goes by unevenly!

It's a long way to go. I have been in this habit for many years. When I turned over the pages that had turned slightly yellow, I was surprised that I had never picked up a pen to give myself. Although after many years, even Mr. Muxin's "Previously Slow" has become an abusive sentence on the streets due to his singing at the Spring Festival Gala, this letter, which is slower than horses and cars, should finally be delivered to his own hands at this moment. Today's I look at the past, and I look at the present as I did in other years. The mind and the situation are not the same, but the sentence "love changes with time" is absolutely true.

Now, the cold comes and the summer goes, just like a fleeting time. It is not as early as when you were young, full of ignorance and recklessness. Although you still have condolences for the past years, you have seen more scenes in your life journey, and you can learn the power to inspire you to move forward in a broader range of opportunities.

Do you still remember the day when work resumes in 2020? On the way to rework that day, an unexpected detour occurred, passing through an old lane. The dilapidated buildings, tiles and old windows are firmly guarded in the concrete forest built with steel tendons and iron bones. Under the shadow of the earth wall, you can have a glimpse of the city ten years ago, which is quite impressive in the sense of years. It's hard for you to adjust your work and rest for a long time. You are drowsy in the bumpy road. When you look up, you see this scene and almost forget the world.

What an amazing change! The abrupt separation between the old lane site and the city makes people feel how distorted. It is hard to imagine that the development of this city has already been somewhat earth shaking in the past ten years; However, over the past decade, young people who yearn for the new 5G era and complain about the fast-food culture have forgotten the true way of delivering letters, and the mailbox has become mottled.

However, perhaps in a few days, this scene will also disappear. However, you can remember the beauty of the scenery when you saw it, but you don't have to regret or worry about it. Because this is a joyful disappearance, an inevitable trend of historical development, and a gratifying result of the rural revitalization strategy and the battle against poverty. It used to belong to a part of our nostalgic family and country, but in the future it will turn into a scene of history - when people look back on its face, they will stand in a modern city and say with surprise: "Look, here was an old street, now it is the result of wisdom and sweat"!

In order to realize such a future, we have never stopped striving for it - such an idea has never been stronger than now.

Maybe it's because I just experienced a plague. Although we have heard such stories more than once since we can remember, SARS, Wenchuan, Yushu... But I was a watcher of these disasters at that time, and I never witnessed them. But this time, we are all in the midst of disasters. What we hear every day is that the number of cases in a region has reached a new high. In such a moment, the power surging in the heart is also surging in the hearts of every Chinese people. It is the so-called national spirit.

I always believe that the theme of the Chinese nation's culture and spirit is to fight together against nature, disasters, invasions and epidemics. We believe in ourselves. We believe that in the world split by this axe, there are unyielding backbones that can not be crushed by natural and man-made disasters. When these backbones are united, we will have "a humble position and dare not forget to worry about the country", "stay loyal and reflect on history", "worry about the world first", and "for the sake of inheriting holy knowledge and opening peace for all generations". Only then can we have the eulogy of "why my eyes often contain tears, because I love this land deeply", Only then can we have such a culture that we will always unite together, think of the country and the nation. These cultures have been deeply engraved in our blood and bone through thousands of years of inheritance and historical edification.

As a result, Wuhan, a transportation hub city with tens of millions of people, stopped transportation and controlled the export of pathogens at a single command; Only 1.4 billion Chinese people stayed at home, closed doors and no one in the streets, suffocating the virus; Only then did the Air Force transport tens of thousands of tons of emergency equipment and materials, and tens of thousands of doctors went to the front line and resolutely went against the trend; Only the Vulcan Mountain and the Thunder God Mountain, which were built in more than ten days, and Zhong Nanshan, who was more than seventy years old, walked up to the most difficult battlefield.

Of course, there are us, the postal people including me who make me extremely proud. Who said Mr. Muxin's The Past Slow is a poem commemorating the postal service that was eliminated by the times? Who said that the postal service has lost its former glory? I clearly see that there are so many young people of my age who have volunteered and enthusiastically participated in the main battlefield of epidemic prevention and control, making contributions as volunteers; I clearly heard that there are so many postal workers who rush forward, or stick to their posts, or rush to help at night to solve the delivery problems; I clearly appreciate that in such a moment, the leading cadres have become our most firm support!

To sum up, Gansu Post also donated the anti epidemic commemorative stamps of "Unite to fight against the epidemic", which were donated to the medical workers who fought on the front line during the epidemic. It really makes me greedy. However, I know that it is the honor of the angels in white, and I hope you can remember that the honor belongs to us, we still have to rely on our own down-to-earth and conscientious efforts to fight for it.

When we were young, we always said with affectation that "all the vagrants in the world are like those who have nothing to rely on", which was changed from the sentence of "The Story of Little Rock Pond", as if this could give us some comfort in the wasted years. Today, we still admire Su Shi's attitude of "Peach blossom falls down, water flows into the world", and only want to turn into one of the thousands of waves. Even if life and death are only in a flash, we still have to make a contribution to the rising tide.

Now, the "14th Five Year Plan" has been unveiled, the fear of famine and poverty has been completely eliminated in the land of China, and the achievements of poverty alleviation have been remarkable, which means that this wave will inexorably flow towards the direction of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. After the years of revolutionary war, when there were a lot of bullets and powerful enemies, and after the years of destitution and destitution, I still remember the construction tide of a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which was set off by the original intention of working for the happiness of the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. What is surging in that wave is the great strength of the unity of millions of Chinese people. Therefore, we should praise it, praise its majesty; Therefore, we should pursue it and go to the other side of the ideal with it.

By the time I finished writing, it was already late at night. I will stop today. Don't forget to sigh one last sentence: times have changed, the past has been uneven! If you have faith, you can go far.

Another you who gives good expectations

March 25, 2021

(Recommended by: China Post Group Co., Ltd., Luqu County Branch, Gansu Province)

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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