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[A letter from home] My superman mother (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-01-13 13:47

My superman mother

Author: Bian Wenjing

Dear Mom:

Words are like faces!

At the beginning of the new semester, the cute kids around began to chatter in their ears again. As the children were about to graduate, they seemed to feel a little sad every day. When I remembered that the first sentence you called every day when I just went to work was: "Have you finished school? Why haven't you come back yet?" At that time, I would choke with you every time. It was work, work Instead of going to school, I am a working mother, and you always laugh and say "the same, the same." I know that in your heart, I am still a child, a child who will never graduate.

You see, I call you "Mom" again. Although you always complain that I am old, compared with my sister's gentle "Mom", I am still ashamed to speak. You always say that you are careless and not gentle. You are a girl. However, in my heart, I was a woman when I was young, and I firmly believe that these perseverance characters are accumulated step by step under your patience. Don't believe it, dear mother, we will recall memories.

When I was a child, my memory is also very good. I remember the first time our family built a house. I ran around the pile wrapped with red cloth. You kicked my young buttocks and said loudly, "Move bricks." For the first time, I thought my mother might be different from others. At that time, I was two and a half years old, under the pile of cement and soil built by my grandfather and father, Witnessed the birth of the new home. The industrious you only managed the poor and white family in a orderly way, which of course included a bit of education for me. I am still like a treasure, and I should be careful to hide it.

When I was three years old, I followed my father to the construction site. When I came home, I told you that there was a yellow dog in the place where my father lived. I was afraid. You answered me, "What can a person who is afraid of even a dog do in the future? There are many things that make you afraid in the future." Sorry, Mom. Although I am still afraid of dogs at the age of 30, I understand that you were teaching me courage at that time.

When I was seven years old, I lived with my grandparents. What I look forward to most every year is that you can come back from Jiayuguan to see me. That Spring Festival, I wore the first clothes of my own in my life. God knows how happy I am. Pink coat, coffee checked pants, I finally don't need to wear my sister's clothes, and I finally stop patching, Finally, I can stop my classmates from laughing. Although I study hard, they dare not say I am, but I don't want to get the look of ridicule again. I feel that I am finally proud. On the way out of school, I walked very hard, and played the game of gunfight with my friends. I was still in the east of the village, and I saw you from afar pouting out a budding poplar bar and pulling up your sleeve, So I was taken back to my home in the west of the village from the east of the village. While beating you, I said, "Good clothes are covered with dirt. Do you think it's easy to wash clothes?", I wrote in my diary with tears running down my nose: "I'm going to find my own mother, and you must not be my own mother." But after many years, I still remember your words in my mind. You said, girls should not be allowed to lose everything.

When I was nine years old, I came to the big city "Jiayuguan" for the first time. When I was in the third grade, I learned for the first time that there were such strange courses as "English" in the world. I was assigned to the last row of the class change students, and the unfriendly classmates came to me: "Where are you from? Do you know English? Can you speak it?", The first time I opened my mouth, my native English caused the whole class to roar with laughter. I thought that I might be famous at that time. I had a strong self-esteem. After returning home, I read English short sentences more than 200 times silently with tears. I pretended not to see you, continued to cook and hum songs. The next day when I went to school, I was transferred to the third row. After class, the teacher taught me pronunciation many times privately, I also had the first audio tape after school, which can play English tapes. I was thinking that my hard working teachers must know. After many years of talking, I learned that you were afraid of my self-esteem. The next day you went to see my head teacher. At that time, I didn't say that I was afraid you would beat me and say that I was not strong. At that time, you didn't say that you were telling me that there is a kind of love called mutual respect.

At the age of 15, I was afraid that I would lose the high school entrance exam. I took a bunch of leaflets at the school gate and solemnly told you that if I didn't pass the exam, I would go to Xi'an to be a nurse and Lanzhou to learn kindergarten teacher. You were serious. The next morning, I found that they were all under the hood when I served breakfast. When I was 18 years old, I went to the Northeast for the college entrance examination. I was very happy. I thought that I could finally escape from this home. Finally, no one talked about me. You never gave me away. It was really over when you sent me out of the door. The first time I called the Mid Autumn Festival party in college, I cried. The words "homesick" made my father on the other side of the phone silent for a long time, and the living cost increased by 500 the next day, My heart was surprised and pleased. After a long, long chat, my father told me: "In fact, your mother cried red at home on the day when I told you I was homesick." It turns out that motherly love is sometimes as deep.

On the morning of my senior year, a phone call from my father: "Daughter, from today on, your father and I will be orphans." Such a joking remark made me cry. At that time, I was still thinking about my roots in the distance, packed my bags and resolutely returned home. Isn't a father who lost both parents an orphan? What can we do if we are no longer around? I can't imagine when my parents walk with white sideburns; I can't imagine being a parent and saying, "Girl, how can I miss you?"; I can't imagine the scene when they stand at the window and watch other people's daughters go home to see their parents holding their arms and talking and laughing; numerous...... I dare not think. Maybe it's really like what Dai Wangshu said. Home is a place where when I was young I wanted to escape, grow up, want to go back, and can't go back.

After working as a teacher, wife and mother, I have become more and more able to understand my mother's hardships. Life has made me stronger and more optimistic. I also suddenly understood that it was only when I was a child that I was raised as a mother that I was ashamed to say "Mom", but "Mom" is no longer the way to stand at the door and yell at you to go home for dinner, She began to take a lot of medicine to treat various diseases of the body. She began to act coquetry for you. She began to stop talking to you with her voice. My superman mother, the person who made me love and hate as a child, began to become more and more soft. Once, my mother made jelly powder and sent it to me. I refused to let her go. My mother had to listen, I took the bus to my home for 40 minutes. I was very angry. My mother turned around and left. Later, my father called me and told me that my mother said she was too old to do anything, and the girl didn't like to eat anymore. After listening to my guilt, I suddenly understood that you, who used to be my sole leader, now need my careful protection. You just need me to always need you and rely on you. Although I am grown up now, you still want to be happy to cook delicious food for me and call me home as a child.

Today is Mother's Day. At 11:30 p.m., I looked at my sleeping son and wrote this letter. There are many words I want to say to you, but I don't know where to start. My mind is full of the way you looked when you were a daughter. You lost your mother when you were three years old and your father when you were seven years old. You stand in front of the chopping board and face to face when you stepped on a stool; Look at grandma's grave after being wronged; Picking firewood on the beach with a straw frame; At that time, you were also like me now. You loved everything about your mother, but you were extremely grateful for the time when your mother was around.

Mom, I want to say to you, look, your daughter has grown up and can play her own role. In the future, I can also be your dependence. I will try my best not to let you work so hard, forgive my bad temper from time to time and the ignorance of talking back to you when I was young. I am also trying to grow into the way you want to be, optimistic, self loving, strong, and tolerant. These are the precious wealth you taught me. I want you to know that whether you are a superman who once led me to travel around the world, or an old child who needs my care, You are my favorite mother. Don't be reluctant to use the cosmetics I bought for you. In fact, you look like a lovely girl secretly, smelly and beautiful. Don't say that you don't like eating. When you lose your temper and let you eat, you look like a child who steals your lips. I want to give you everything I can give you. But in the face of your love and father's love, I can do too little. I can't fly high, Maybe others can see that I am not tired of flying, but only you will feel distressed. Sometimes when I look at your back, I feel uneasy, sad and frightened. Sometimes life's responsibilities and pressures take me by surprise, and time is pushing you forward. I just want to pray that time will be slower and slower, so that I can accompany you for a long time.

Mom, happy holidays.



Daughter Bian Wenjing

March 8, 2010

(Recommended by: Jiayuguan Education Bureau)

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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