Zhonggong Entertainment

[One hundred model workers tell the history of the party] Su Liyuan: the counter revolutionary coup on July 15 (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2021-06-30 15:44

Narrator: Su Liyuan

In 1927, the Communist Party of China, which was born soon, was full of enthusiasm and hope, and cooperated with the Kuomintang to start the Great Revolution. However, the Kuomintang reactionaries betrayed the revolution before the flames of the anti imperialist and anti feudal Northern Expedition ceased.

In Wuhan at that time, how to deal with the worker peasant movement became the focus of the differences between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. The situation became increasingly critical, but the Comintern, the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party and Soviet advisers were at a loss.


In the middle of July 1927, the Standing Committee of the Provisional Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided on three major issues: to concentrate the troops controlled and influenced by the Party in Nanchang and prepare for the uprising; Organize peasants in the four provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi and Guangdong to hold riots during the autumn harvest season; Convene a central meeting to thoroughly liquidate and correct the Party's serious mistakes in its past work, and discuss and decide on principles and policies for the new period.

Su Liyuan, currently the director of the testing center of Hebei Dongliang Gold Mining Co., Ltd., was awarded the honorary titles of "National Technical Expert", "Central Enterprise Technical Expert", "Central Enterprise Young Position Expert", etc. She won the first place in the final of chemical analysis in the third China Gold Vocational Skills Competition in 2014, and was rated as a model worker of Hebei Province in 2019.

The series of "Micro classroom in the air - 100 model workers telling the history of the party" was jointly launched by the Chengde Federation of Trade Unions and the comprehensive radio of Chengde People's Radio.

Editor in charge: Yin Wenzhuo

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