Three days from today (June 22-24), Anhui still has a large range of rainfall, including the Dabie Mountains and Jiangnan along the Yangtze River. Some areas may have heavy rain. Local people should be alert to the occurrence of secondary disasters such as floods, mountain torrents and landslides in small and medium-sized rivers. If the public goes out in case of heavy rainfall, they should not wade into the water rashly. Try to choose ground transportation and pay attention to safety.

Recently, Anhui has entered the plum rainy season, with continuous rainfall in many places. From 20:00 on June 20 to 07:00 on June 22, there was precipitation in most parts of the province, including heavy rain to heavy rain in the west along the Huaibei River, the east between the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, Dabie Mountain and the west along the Yangtze River, heavy rain to heavy rain in some areas, and local heavy rain.

The Anhui Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, the cloudy weather in Huaibei will turn cloudy, and there will be showers or thunderstorms in some areas; On cloudy days south of the Huaihe River, there are showers or thunderstorms in most areas, including heavy rain to rainstorm in the south of Dabie Mountains and the south of the Yangtze River along the river, and local heavy rainstorm.

Tomorrow, it will be cloudy in the north between Huaibei and Jianghuai; There are small to moderate showers or thunderstorms on cloudy days in the south and south of the Yangtze River between the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, including heavy rain to heavy rain in the south of the Dabie Mountains and the south of the Yangtze River along the Yangtze River, and heavy rain in some areas.

The day after tomorrow, it will be cloudy to sunny along the Huaibei area; On cloudy days south of the Huaihe River, there are showers or thunderstorms in some areas between the Yangtze River and Huaihe River and in the south of the Yangtze River, including heavy rain to rainstorm in the south of the Yangtze River.


The meteorological department reminds that Anhui will still be rainy three days from today in the plum rainy season. The rain is strong today and tomorrow, and some areas are hit by heavy rain. The public should pay attention to the early warning and forecast information, and try to avoid traveling during periods of heavy rainfall. For example, in case of sudden heavy rainfall, timely go to a safe room for shelter.