From the afternoon of today (May 27) to the daytime of tomorrow, the weather in Hebei is mainly sunny or cloudy, and the severe convective weather will increase at night tomorrow. Thunderstorm or shower in Zhangjiakou, Chengde and other places are accompanied by short-term strong wind, short-term heavy rainfall and other severe convective weather. The public needs to pay attention to early warning and forecast information, and be careful of slippery roads when going out.

From this afternoon to night, Hebei Province is sunny and cloudy. Maximum temperature: 20~26 ℃ in northern Zhangjiakou, northern Chengde and northwest Baoding, 27~32 ℃ in other regions. Minimum temperature: 4~8 ℃ in northern Zhangjiakou and northern Chengde, 9~18 ℃ in other regions.

It will be sunny and cloudy in Hebei Province tomorrow.

From the night of tomorrow to the day after tomorrow, the west of Zhangjiakou, Chengde and Baoding will be cloudy with thunderstorms or showers. The rainfall will be accompanied by short-term strong wind, short-term heavy rainfall and other severe convective weather, and other areas will be sunny to cloudy.

In addition, in the day after tomorrow, most of Hebei has a strong wind, of which the southwest wind in Bashang area turns to northwest wind of magnitude 5 to 6, and gusts of magnitude 7 to 8. There are southerly winds of magnitude 5 to 6, and gusts of magnitude 7 to 8 in the middle and south of the plain, the Bohai Sea and coastal areas.

The meteorological department reminds that the weather in most parts of Hebei will be sunny or cloudy from this afternoon to tomorrow, and the severe convection weather in some areas will be online tomorrow night. In addition, the wind is strong in most parts of Hebei the day after tomorrow, and the gust in the central and southern parts of the plain and coastal areas can reach level 7 to 8. The public should pay attention to wind prevention when going out.