China Weather News Today (May 27), from the night to the day after tomorrow, Guangxi will continue to have a rainy pattern. The southern and western regions will experience strong rain, or heavy rain to heavy rain accompanied by strong convection. The public should not rush through the wading road section when they go out, but try to bypass as much as possible.

In the daytime, there was scattered rainfall in eastern Guangxi. Around 14:00, the temperature in most parts was close to or more than 35 ℃, and the weather was very hot.

The Guangxi Meteorological Observatory predicts that from tonight to tomorrow, Baise, Chongzuo, Nanning, Guigang, Wuzhou, Yulin, Beihai, Qinzhou, Fangchenggang and other cities will have heavy rain to rainstorm, local heavy rain with short thunderstorms and gales and other severe convective weather, and other regions will have scattered showers or thunderstorms, local heavy rain on cloudy to cloudy days.

From tomorrow night to the day after tomorrow, there will be moderate to heavy rain, local torrential rain to heavy rain, accompanied by short-time thunderstorms and gales and other severe convective weather in southern and western Guangxi, while there will be light to moderate rain, local torrential rain to heavy rain in other regions.

The meteorological department reminds that from tonight to the day after tomorrow, there will be large-scale rainfall in Guangxi. There will be heavy rain to heavy rain in the southern and western regions, accompanied by severe convection weather. The public needs to pay attention to the early warning and forecast information and try to avoid traveling during periods of high incidence of severe convection.