China Weather Network News Today (May 23), most areas in Henan are mainly cloudy or sunny, and some areas have showers. The temperature is generally high; Tomorrow, most of Henan will still be cloudy, and cities and counties in the middle and east may have hot weather. However, from the 25th to the 26th, western, central and southern Henan and other places will encounter significant rainfall, generally moderate to heavy rain, so we need to pay attention to the adverse impact of rainfall on wheat harvest.

This morning, most areas in Henan Province are dominated by cloudy weather, with high temperature. The temperature at 11:00 has generally broken through the 30 ℃ mark, and the temperature in Zhengzhou has reached 36.4 ℃ around 14:00, with a relatively hot body feeling.

According to the forecast of Henan Meteorological Station, the weather in Henan will not change much tomorrow. It will still be cloudy, and some areas may be hot; From the 25th to the 26th, western, central and southern parts of Henan Province will experience a significant rainfall, with strong rainfall in some areas.

To be specific, tomorrow, there will be scattered showers and thunderstorms on cloudy days in central and western Henan and southern Henan; Other counties and cities are sunny to cloudy. The highest temperature in some counties and cities in the middle east is 35~37 ℃, the northerly wind in the middle west and north is about 4 degrees, and the gust is 7 degrees.

During the day of the 25th, cloudy to cloudy days in Henan Province, with showers and thunderstorms in most areas, and moderate to heavy rain in the western part of the province; On the night of the 25th, it was cloudy in Henan Province, with showers and thunderstorms. Some counties and cities in the middle east and south had moderate to heavy rain, and some had short-term heavy rainfall and other severe convective weather.

On the 26th, there were showers and thunderstorms in the east and south of Henan, including moderate to heavy rain in some parts of the southeast, accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall, thunderstorms and gales in some parts; Other areas are cloudy with local showers.

The meteorological department reminds that the weather in Henan is warm today and tomorrow, and some areas may be hot now. The public should pay attention to heatstroke prevention and water supplement when going out. From the 25th to the 26th, some areas in Henan will encounter strong rainfall. Now it is a critical time for wheat harvest. Relevant departments and wheat farmers need to pay attention to the early warning and forecasting of the approaching, and do a good job in relevant prevention work.