China Weather Network News Today and tomorrow (May 23-24), thunderstorms are frequent in Hainan, and there are heavy rains in the local area. The public should pay attention to the approaching warning information to prevent the adverse impact of heavy rainfall and severe convection weather on transportation and other aspects.

During the day today, Hainan experienced short-term heavy rainfall. For example, the rainfall in Wenchang reached 64.9 mm from 13:00 to 14:00, with heavy rainfall.

According to the forecast, there will still be thunderstorms in Hainan today and tomorrow, with strong local precipitation. It is expected that from this afternoon to night, Hainan Island will be cloudy with thunderstorms, and local rainstorm will occur in the north, middle and west; It is cloudy on Yongxing Island in Xisha, and the southwest wind turns to southeast wind at level 4; Zhongsha Huangyan Island is cloudy with thunderstorm, and the easterly wind is level 5; The Nansha Yongshu Reef is cloudy with thunderstorms, and the easterly wind is level 4.

Tomorrow, Hainan Island will be cloudy with thunderstorms, and the central, western and eastern regions will experience local rainstorm; It is cloudy on Yongxing Island in Xisha, and the easterly wind turns to southeast wind at level 4; The Zhongsha Huangyan Island is cloudy with thunderstorms, and the northeast wind turns to the east wind at level 5; Nansha Yongshu Reef is cloudy, with easterly wind turning to northeasterly wind of 4 degrees.

The day after tomorrow, the rainfall in Hainan will weaken. It will be cloudy in the north, middle and west of Hainan Island. There will be thunderstorms in the afternoon. It will be cloudy in the east and south of Hainan Island. There will be thunderstorms locally; It is cloudy on Yongxing Island, Xisha, with a southeasterly wind of 5; Zhongsha Huangyan Island is cloudy, and the northerly wind turns to the northwest wind with a force of 5; The Yongshu Reef in Nansha is cloudy, and the southeasterly wind turns to southerly wind of level 4.

The meteorological department reminds that thunderstorms are frequent in Hainan today and tomorrow, and the local rain is strong. The public should pay attention to the near forecast and early warning information, try to avoid traveling during heavy rainfall and convection, and pay attention to traffic safety when going out in rainy days.