China Weather Network News This morning (May 23), most areas of Guangxi are dominated by cloudy weather, and some areas have scattered showers. It is expected that the rain will increase and strengthen in Guangxi from tomorrow. Some areas in southern, western and northern Guangxi may have heavy rain, accompanied by short-term thunderstorms and strong winds and other strong convective weather, which should be taken precautions.

This morning, it was cloudy in most areas of Guangxi, among which Guilin, Yulin, Guigang and other places had scattered rainfall, and the local rainfall was obvious. In terms of temperature, at 14:00, the temperature in most areas of Guangxi was above 30 ℃, and the body felt warmer.

According to the forecast, from tomorrow to 26th, the rain in Guangxi will gradually increase and strengthen, and there will be heavy rain locally or now, accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds and other severe convective weather. Specifically, from tonight to tomorrow, there will be light to moderate rain and local heavy rain in Beihai, Yulin, Qinzhou, Fangchenggang, Chongzuo and other cities in Guangxi, while there will be cloudy and scattered showers in other areas.

From tomorrow night to the day after tomorrow, there will be moderate rain, local heavy rain to rainstorm in southern and western Guangxi, and cloudy and showers in other areas.

From the night after tomorrow to the day of the 26th, there will be heavy rain, local torrential rain, accompanied by short-time thunderstorms and gales in northern Guangxi and light to moderate rain, local torrential rain to torrential rain in southern Guangxi.


The meteorological department reminds that the rain in Guangxi will increase in the next three days. The local area may have torrential rains accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds and other severe convective weather. The public needs to pay close attention to the warning and forecast information in the near future, and pay attention to traffic safety when going out.