China Weather Network News Today and tomorrow (May 23 to 24), the coastal cities and counties in southern Guangdong have strong rainfall, with local rainstorm or torrential rain. The day after tomorrow, the rainfall in Guangdong weakened. Recently, the rainy weather in Guangdong is frequent, and attention should be paid to preventing the occurrence of secondary disasters.

Yesterday, some areas in Guangdong experienced strong rainfall, with the precipitation in Xuwen, Zengcheng, Puning and other places being more than 40mm.

In the next three days, there will still be a lot of rain in Guangdong. Among them, today and tomorrow, the southern coastal cities and counties have strong rainfall. According to the forecast, the southern coastal cities and counties are cloudy in cloudy days, with moderate to heavy rain and local torrential rain or heavy rain. Other cities and counties are cloudy in cloudy days, with showers and local heavy rain. The highest temperature in most cities and counties is between 26 ℃ and 30 ℃.

In the city, Guangzhou is cloudy to cloudy in the daytime, with thunderstorms and local torrential rain; Cloudy to cloudy at night, with thunderstorms and local heavy rain; The temperature is between 23 ℃ and 28 ℃; The relative humidity is between 70% and 95%; A slight southerly wind is blowing.

It's cloudy in Shenzhen today, with (thunder) showers, and the rain is heavy in some days; The temperature is 24 ℃~28 ℃; Level 2-3 southeast wind; The relative humidity is 75%~95%.

The day after tomorrow, the rainfall in Guangdong has weakened. It is expected that on cloudy to cloudy days in western Guangdong and southern cities and counties of the Pearl River Delta, there will be showers, local heavy rain or rainstorm, and on cloudy to sunny days in other cities and counties, there will be scattered showers. The highest temperature in most cities and counties is between 28 and 32 ℃.

The meteorological department reminds that there will still be strong rainfall in some parts of Guangdong today and tomorrow, and attention should be paid to preventing possible secondary disasters caused by continuous rainfall. The public should pay attention to traffic safety when traveling in rainy days.