China Weather Network reported that in the next two days (May 23-24), most areas of Chongqing will be sunny and hot. The highest temperature in the day after tomorrow will be around 38 ℃, and the heat will increase. However, in the afternoon of the 25th, there will be thunderstorm weather. The rain is obvious, and local or heavy rain should be taken precautions.

In the daytime, most areas of Chongqing are mainly cloudy and sunny, and the highest temperature in the central city is about 33 ℃.

According to the forecast, in the next two days, Chongqing will still be sunny and cloudy, and the temperature will rise. It is expected that the highest temperature in the day after tomorrow will be about 38 ℃, which will aggravate the sense of inflammation and heat.

To be specific, tomorrow, Chongqing will be sunny and cloudy, with showers in the eastern part of the city, and the temperature will be 16~36 ℃; It is sunny and cloudy in the central city, and the temperature is 23~35 ℃.

The day after tomorrow, Chongqing is sunny and cloudy, with a temperature of 16~38 ℃, and the central city is sunny and cloudy, with a temperature of 24~37 ℃.

On the 25th, the western and northeastern regions of Chongqing turned sunny to cloudy, with thunderstorms in the afternoon. The amount of rainfall was small to moderate rain, with local heavy rain. The rest of Chongqing was sunny and cloudy, with a temperature of 17~37 ℃; The central urban area turns sunny to cloudy, with scattered thunderstorms in the afternoon, and the temperature is 27~36 ℃.

The meteorological department reminded that the "inflammation" value of Chongqing will be online in the next two days, and the public should pay attention to sunscreen and water supplement when traveling. On the 25th, there will be thunderstorms in the western and northeastern regions, and heavy rain may occur locally. Attention should be paid to prevention and traffic safety when going out.