Since the beginning of the Little Full Solar Term, the northern part of China has been dominated by dry and hot weather, while the southern part has been frequently rainy. In the next three days (May 22-24), most parts of the north will continue to maintain the sunny mode, with strong ultraviolet rays in the afternoon. The sun darkening season is coming. China Weather Network has launched a national fancy sunscreen map to see where the ultimate equipment is needed.


North China, Huanghuai and other places, sunny heat, continuous strong ultraviolet radiation, pay attention to sunscreen

In the past two days, the heavy rainfall in the south of China is concentrated in the south, while the dry heat is dominant in the north. Zhang Juan, a meteorological analyst at China Weather Network, said that in the next three days, China's relatively strong precipitation will mainly occur in the coastal areas of South China; The sunny weather prevails in the central and southern parts of North China to the Huang Huai River and other places, where there will be a large range of high temperatures. The local public will try to reduce outdoor activities from noon to afternoon when the ultraviolet rays are strong, and do a good job of replenishing water and sunscreen.


As can be seen from the nationwide fancy sunscreen map launched by the China Weather Network, on the 22nd, a large area of Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, southern Xinjiang, southern Shanxi and other places were mainly sunny. Some areas were exposed to high temperatures, and outdoor ultraviolet rays were strong. Sun cream, sun hat, sunglasses, sun clothes and other equipment could be used; Other regions in the north and parts of Tibet, Sichuan, Hubei, Guangxi and other regions are mainly cloudy, with strong ultraviolet rays. Sun hats and sunglasses can be selected for sun protection. However, most regions such as Jianghuai, Jiangnan, and South China are dominated by overcast or showery weather, with weak ultraviolet rays. Whether to prevent sunscreen or not is up to the mood.


On the 23rd, most parts of the north still had strong ultraviolet rays. Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Beijing, Tianjin and other places joined the sunny sun exposure area, which can be combined with various sunscreen equipment. In the south, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei, Guizhou, Chongqing and other parts of the country will also welcome strong ultraviolet rays, so sunscreen equipment should be arranged.


On the 24th, the range of sunny exposure was narrowed, mainly in Shandong, Henan, northern Anhui, western Hubei, northwestern Hunan, eastern Sichuan Basin, northern Guizhou and Chongqing. The weather in Jiangnan, South China and other places is still dominated by cloudy days or showers. With the increase of rainfall in most parts of Northeast China and North China, these areas are all in areas with weak ultraviolet radiation.

Reject ineffective sunscreen. These mistakes should be avoided

As the weather turns hot, people's clothes become cooler and cooler, and more exposed skin increases the risk of sunburn. Sun cream, sun clothes, sunglasses and other sunscreen products become necessities for many people to go out. If you don't master the correct sunscreen method, it may cause damage to the skin. Here are four sunscreen mistakes. Have you been hit?

Myth 1. Sunscreen is not required in rainy days

Although there is no sunlight on rainy days, the ultraviolet ray penetration is strong, and the clouds cannot completely block the transmission of ultraviolet rays. Especially in areas with high altitude, the atmosphere is thin, and ultraviolet rays are easier to penetrate the clouds to reach the ground. Long term exposure to ultraviolet rays will accelerate the aging of skin. It is recommended to apply low power sunscreen in rainy days, which will not increase the burden on the skin, but also play a protective role.

Myth 2. The higher the SPF and PA value, the better the sunscreen

In sunscreen products, SPF is mainly used for sunburn. The higher the value, the greater the ability to protect the skin; PA is sunscreen black. The more+marks, the better the sunscreen effect. If the sun is not strong outdoors, you can choose low or medium sunscreen; If you go to the beach, plateau, snow mountain and other areas with strong ultraviolet radiation, it is recommended to choose high power sunscreen. For water activities, you can choose those with waterproof effect. Remember to reapply every 3 hours or so.

Mistake 3. Just apply sunscreen to prevent sunburn

In summer, when you sweat a lot, you may not be able to reapply sunscreen in time. At this time, you can use sunshade caps, sunglasses, sunscreen clothes, etc. to provide secondary protection for your skin. The combination of chemical sunscreen and physical sunscreen can effectively prevent sunburn and tanning.

Mistake 4. Repair after sun exposure is not important

Even if the sun protection work is well done in daily life, the skin may appear dry, red, itching and other uncomfortable symptoms after being exposed to ultraviolet light for a long time. It is recommended to apply moisturizing emulsion in time after cleaning the skin, especially the products containing vitamin C and vitamin E.

The hot summer is coming. Sun protection has become an indispensable part of daily skin care. Proper sun protection according to the activity environment, time and personal skin quality can effectively resist the damage caused by ultraviolet rays. (Planning/Du Bingbing Design/Luo Jiaxue Data Support/Zhang Juan)