China Weather News This weekend (May 18-19), most regions in Guangxi have rain, the whole region has heavy rain, local heavy rain to heavy rain, accompanied by strong convection weather, need to pay attention to prevention.

According to the latest forecast issued by the Guangxi Meteorological Observatory, during the day today, there will be moderate to heavy rain, local rainstorm to heavy rain, accompanied by short-term thunderstorms, gales, hail and other strong convective weather in Guilin, Liuzhou, Hechi, Baise, Fangchenggang, Qinzhou, Beihai and the north of Hezhou, Laibin and Nanning, and small to moderate rain, local rainstorm to heavy rain to heavy rain in other regions.

 bqtb Forecast of cities in Guangxi. (Source: China Weather Network)

From tonight to tomorrow, Guilin, Liuzhou, Hezhou, Laibin, Wuzhou, Guigang, Yulin, Fangchenggang, Qinzhou and other cities, as well as Hechi and Nanning in the east will have heavy rain, local heavy rain to heavy rain, accompanied by short-time thunderstorms and gales and other severe convective weather, and other areas will have moderate to heavy rain, local heavy rain.

From tomorrow night to the day after tomorrow, there will be moderate to heavy rain and local torrential rain in southeast Guangxi and coastal areas, while there will be showers or thunderstorms and local heavy rain in other areas on cloudy to cloudy days.

In terms of the city, there will be showers or thunderstorms, local moderate rain or heavy rain on a cloudy day in Nanning today, and heavy rain and local rainstorm on a cloudy day in Nanning tonight. The southeast wind is 2~3, with the maximum temperature of 27 ℃ and the minimum temperature of 23 ℃.

The meteorological department reminds that Guangxi has entered the main flood season, with frequent rainstorm processes, large accumulated rainfall and high disaster risk. Children who plan to go out should pay attention to the latest local weather forecast and early warning information, take lightning and rain protection measures, and pay attention to traffic safety.