China Weather Network News Spring is born and summer is long, autumn is harvested and winter is hidden, living with the solar term. May 20 is the second solar term of summer, Xiao Man. In this season, the weather changes from warm to hot, and the rain gradually increases. Small full, light wheat wind, new cicadas, fine plum rain, and small lotus turning are the prelude to harvest. In order to pray for a bumper harvest, folk customs include offering sacrifices to the car god, praying for silkworms, and robbing water. China Weather Network has launched Xiaoman's custom atlas and nationwide weather map to see how the solar term passes.

Xiaoman goes like this: praying for silkworms and sacrificing to the car god, everything is beginning to fill up

The "full" of "small full" refers to the mature state of wheat, and also the description of rainfall abundance. In the Xiaoman season, the weather is getting hotter and the rain is getting more abundant, and the grains of wheat and other crops are beginning to fill up. The annual "Summer Harvest and Summer Planting Summer Pipe" kicked off. People often pray for a bumper harvest by sacrificing to the car god, praying for silkworms, robbing water and other customs.


In the traditional farming civilization, some areas in the south mainly rely on water tankers to irrigate the land. Sacrifice to the god of water tankers has been a traditional farming folk custom in the Xiaoman season since ancient times. In myth and legend, the "god of waterwheel" is the white dragon. On Xiaoman's day, every household prepares fish and meat to worship the "god of waterwheel" to pray for good weather. There is also the saying of sacrificing three carts in the south of the Yangtze River, which are water tankers, oil tankers and silk carts, all of which are closely related to the farming life in ancient times, expressing people's attention to farming and their hope for a better life.

"Water grabbing" is also a folk farming custom during the Xiaoman solar term. During the Xiaoman Festival, people lit torches near the water tankers. With the sound of drums and gongs, they stepped on the water tankers that had been installed in advance, diverted the river water into the fields, irrigated the crops, and prayed for a good harvest that year.

Before and after Xiaoman, wheat and other crops gradually matured, and silkworms began to cocoon, just when a bumper harvest was in sight. In Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, people generally raise silkworms. It is said that Xiaoman is the birthday of the silkworm god. At this time, people will hold a silkworm praying festival to worship the silkworm god in order to have a good harvest of silk, and also express their awe and gratitude to the natural gods.

In Guanzhong area of Shaanxi Province and other places, the custom of "watching the wheat ripen" during the Xiaoman season is also called "watching the wheat turn slightly yellow". Every year, when the wheat is about to mature, the married daughter will visit her parents' home to greet the preparation of summer harvest and the growth of wheat.

"It is better for Xiao Man to eat bitterness than to make up", Xiao Man solar term, and the folk custom of eating bitterness. At this time of the year, the grains of wheat crops begin to be full, but they are not yet mature, and the wild vegetables in the fields are growing vigorously. People will pick bitter vegetables to eat at this time. This custom has been passed down to this day. In the past, people used to eat bitter food to satisfy their hunger, but now they eat bitter food in Xiaoman season, more to taste fresh food.

Xiaoman looks at the weather: open the sun exposure mode in the north, and heavy rainfall occurs frequently in the south

During the Xiaoman period, China's summer territory continued to expand northward, and the summer frontier will reach the northern Hebei, central Shanxi and southern Shaanxi, gradually spreading the summer atmosphere. However, in the same summer, the weather in the north and south is quite different.


It can be seen from the national weather map of the perennial "Little Full Solar Term" launched by the China Weather Network that the weather in the south is very consistent with the scene of "little full, big full, rivers full". With the outbreak of the South China Sea summer monsoon, warm and humid air flows continue to pour in, and the rainfall in southern China has increased significantly. South China is in the peak period of the pre flood season, and the rainstorm process is often seamless. Strong convective weather such as thunder and lightning, hail, and short-term heavy rainfall also frequently appear. Local partners should pay attention to the latest weather forecast and avoid going out during periods of heavy rainfall or convection; In case of heavy rain or severe convection weather outdoors, keep away from such structures as portable houses, light boxes and billboards, and quickly hide in indoor shelters to ensure your own safety.

Contrary to the weather in the south, the precipitation in the north is still not much at this time, and the weather is getting drier and hotter. The high temperature weather above 35 ℃ is also beginning to emerge. The northwest, north China and Huang Huai areas are mainly sunny and hot, with strong ultraviolet radiation. Children should take adequate sun protection measures, try to wear sunglasses, masks and hats when traveling, and pay attention to replenishing water. What needs special attention is that farmers in Henan, western Shandong, southern Hebei and other places should be alert to dry and hot wind, pay attention to watering wheat grouting water and wheat yellow water, reduce the near surface temperature of wheat fields, increase the field humidity, and ensure the need for water in the later growth period of wheat.

In addition, there may still be sandstorms in central Xinjiang, so local residents should pay attention to wind and sand prevention; In the northeast, cold vortex activities are frequent, rainfall increases, and there is often strong convection weather. You should pay attention to safety when going out.

"Small and full, as far as things are concerned, they are small and full." Small and full season, when they are small and full, is slightly full, but there is still room for growth, full of hope. In the season of Xiaoman, the wheat is about to ripen, the weather is not very hot, the rain is abundant, the harvest is in sight, and everything is "just right". I hope that we can all harvest "Xiaoman" in our life in this early summer. (Planning/Zhang Hui Design/Wei Lai Data Support/Shi Yan)