On March 23, on the occasion of the 64th World Meteorological Day, the China Meteorological Administration announced the "Top Ten Advances in High Quality Meteorological Development in 2023". In 2023, the meteorological department will focus on implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on meteorological work, vigorously promote the modernization of meteorological scientific and technological capabilities and social services, and promote high-quality meteorological development to achieve positive results.

The 10 projects rated as "Top 10 Progress in High Quality Meteorological Development in 2023" are:
Progress 1: The implementation of the Outline of High Quality Meteorological Development (2022-2035) has made positive progress, and the level of meteorological development has increased by 4.8% over the previous year. It is estimated that in 2023, the national meteorological high-quality development level will reach 80.3 points. The basic capabilities of meteorological satellites, weather radars, numerical prediction models, new generation meteorological supercomputing and other basic capabilities have been improved, the innovation vitality of meteorological science and technology has been further enhanced, and the meteorological monitoring and forecasting ability and service level have been significantly improved. According to the statistical survey, the meteorological information has saved the public 560 billion yuan.


Progress 2: Two Fengyun meteorological satellites were successfully launched, and China's meteorological satellite monitoring system is more complete. The Fengyun 3 meteorological satellite (G satellite) launched in April 2023 is China's first precipitation measurement satellite, filling the gap in China's monitoring of the three-dimensional structure of global precipitation in mid and low latitudes. The FY-3 meteorological satellite (F satellite) launched in August 2023 can provide local satellite monitoring data at 10:00 a.m. for all parts of the world. China has realized the four track networking of "morning, afternoon, dawn and tilt". At present, there are 9 meteorological satellites (4 stationary and 5 polar orbiting) in orbit in China, and the global meteorological satellite monitoring capability continues to increase.


Progress 3: The accuracy and refinement level of global/regional numerical weather forecasting have significantly improved, and the number of days available for forecasting in the Northern Hemisphere has steadily exceeded 8 for the first time. China's autonomous and controllable global weather numerical forecast system 4.0 (CMA-GFS4.0) is operating well, and the global spatial resolution has increased from 25 km to 12.5 km. The regional weather numerical prediction model (CMA-MESO) achieves hourly updates of 1 km resolution, which strongly supports the meteorological support services for major disastrous weather processes and major activities.


Progress 4: A new generation of meteorological supercomputing system has been built, and the comprehensive computing power has been significantly enhanced, with the total computing power exceeding 60PFLOPS. The new super computing power 52PFLOPS (520 million floating point operations per second) and intelligent computing power 3.6PFLOPS provide computing power support for the independent research and development of key core technologies such as the earth system numerical prediction model and the meteorological model.


Progress 5: The global intelligent digital forecasting product system has expanded to fine and three-dimensional space, and the prediction accuracy has increased by 4.6% on average. We will improve the global meteorological grid forecasting product system covering 10 km, 5 km in China and 1 km in key areas, add 14 forecasting products such as fog and sand and dust, and expand them into three-dimensional space. The 24 hour average path prediction error of typhoons affecting China is reduced to 62 km, with the highest accuracy in history.


Progress 6: 150 weather radars were added and upgraded, and the ability to monitor and warn severe convective weather such as hail was further enhanced. The coverage of national weather radar detection increased by 5.5%. The performance of weather radar business software and products was further optimized and improved. The monitoring and early warning capability of meteorological disasters continued to improve, and the early warning signal of severe convection weather was 43 minutes ahead of schedule on average.


Progress 7: The meteorological service capacity continues to improve, and the public satisfaction with meteorological services will reach 92.4 points in 2023. The cumulative page views of the "China Weather" website (www.weather. com. cn) increased by 35% over 2022, reaching 39.7 billion person times. The National Early Warning Information Release Center released 420000 early warning information throughout the year, with a public coverage rate of 98.8%. The meteorological department, the public security department and the transportation department jointly carried out the optimization and improvement of 218 sections with severe weather and high impact. According to statistics, the traffic accidents in the optimized sections due to severe weather decreased by about 50% year on year, with a comprehensive benefit of 4.3 billion yuan.


Progress 8: The construction of meteorological science and technology and talent innovation platform has achieved positive results, significantly stimulating innovation vitality. The meteorological scientific research business units and 58 units including industrial universities and scientific research institutes have jointly built the national meteorological science and education integration and innovation alliance. Cooperate with local governments to build major innovation platforms in artificial intelligence, quantum technology, air cloud water resources development, marine meteorology and other fields, and further improve the meteorological innovation system. The number of meteorological scientific researchers and investment in meteorological scientific research continued to grow, the global carbon source sink monitoring and calibration technology reached the international advanced level, and won 49 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards. One academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, one expert and one team won the first National Engineer Award. The National Steering Committee for Postgraduate Education in Meteorology was established, and four universities applied for the establishment of undergraduate majors in atmospheric science.


Progress 9: The area affected by weather modification operations is about 5.05 million square kilometers, and the precipitation increased by rain enhancement operations is about 34.3 billion cubic meters. 1600 sets of ground operation equipment will be newly built and upgraded, and 5 rain enhancement aircraft will be upgraded. In 2023, 51000 ground weather modification operations and 1391 aircraft rain (snow) enhancement operations will be carried out. Significant benefits have been achieved in artificial hail suppression, artificial precipitation enhancement and drought resistance, forest fire prevention, ecological environment improvement, food security and other aspects.


Progress 10: The meteorological sounding system based on Beidou satellite navigation has been put into use, and the ability of atmospheric vertical observation has been significantly improved. The high-precision humidity chip in the radiosonde system realizes autonomous control. 49 ground-based remote sensing observation systems have been added to form 24-hour continuous atmospheric vertical profile observation capability for temperature, humidity, wind and aerosol, and the accuracy and intelligence of high-altitude meteorological detection have been significantly improved.
