In order to let the public know more about popular meteorological science and enhance the awareness of disaster prevention and reduction, China Weather News. From March 20 to 22, the Zhenyuan County Meteorological Bureau diversified to carry out a series of science popularization activities with the theme of "the forefront of climate action".


This activity mainly carried out meteorological science popularization activities in various forms in Shangmatai Kindergarten, vegetable greenhouses, gas stations, main streets of the county and other places. The business staff publicized and taught the basic knowledge and skills of disaster prevention and risk avoidance, self rescue and mutual rescue, displayed the meteorological disaster prevention and disaster reduction and disaster relief publicity and popular science display boards such as flood and mountain torrent geological disasters caused by rainstorm, lightning protection safety knowledge, weather affected by human work, and distributed rainstorm, gale, hail The prevention guidelines for meteorological disasters such as thunder and lightning and various kinds of meteorological science publicity materials were publicized in various ways, and the Public Meteorological Service Demand and Satisfaction Questionnaire was issued on site to understand the public's needs, satisfaction and suggestions on meteorological affairs.


In order to improve the public's awareness of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief and their ability to avoid risks, the county meteorological bureau will make full use of radio, television, network, mobile phone messages and other forms and means during the Science and Technology Week, play the role of publicity, education and warning of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, and popularize disaster prevention, mitigation and relief knowledge and basic skills of self rescue and mutual rescue to the public, We will further raise the awareness of all people in disaster prevention, mitigation and relief. (Author: Douqin Qin)