Opinions of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Hebei Province on Accelerating the Construction of a Beautiful Hebei with Blue Sky, Green Earth and Beautiful Water

2024-05-14 08:55:09 Source: Hebei News Network

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CPC Hebei Provincial Committee Hebei Provincial People's Government

Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Beautiful Hebei with Blue Sky, Green Earth and Beautiful Water

(May 11, 2024)

In order to fully implement the spirit of the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China, and accelerate the construction of a beautiful Hebei with blue sky, green land and beautiful water, the following implementation opinions are put forward in combination with the actual situation.

1、 General requirements

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on Hebei's work, accelerate the construction of a strong economic province and a beautiful river north, and strive to write a chapter of Chinese style modernization in Hebei. By 2027, the environmental quality of the province will continue to improve, the ecological quality will be steadily improved, green development will be further promoted, the quality of urban and rural areas will be significantly improved, ecological security will be effectively guaranteed, the environmental governance system will be more perfect, and the construction of a beautiful Hebei will achieve remarkable results. By 2035, the ecological environment of the province will be fundamentally improved, the land space development and protection pattern will be comprehensively optimized, the green production and lifestyle will be widely formed, the carbon emissions will be stable after reaching the peak, the ecological security will be more stable, the modernization of the ecological environment governance system and governance capacity will be basically achieved, and the goal of building a beautiful Hebei will be basically achieved. By the middle of this century, the ecological civilization will have been comprehensively improved, the green development mode and lifestyle will have been fully formed, the key areas will be deeply decarbonized, the ecological environment will be healthy and beautiful, and the beautiful Hebei with blue sky, green land and beautiful water will be fully completed.

2、 Accelerate green and low-carbon development

(1) We will strengthen the development and protection of land and space. Implement the system of main functional zones, and establish main functional zones with main agricultural production areas, key ecological functional zones, and urbanization areas as the main body, supplemented by other functional areas. Adhere to the ecological protection red line, with an area of no less than 363900 square kilometers. We will improve the management policy for the balance of land requisition and compensation. Strengthen the control of urban development boundaries. Strictly control the shoreline space of rivers and lakes, and optimize the functional layout of marine space. Strengthen the protection of natural shoreline. Strengthen the management and control of ecological environment zoning. By 2035, the retention rate of natural coastline on the mainland will not be lower than the task assigned by the state, and the ecological function and nature of the ecological protection red line will not be reduced.

(2) Actively and steadily promote carbon peaking and carbon neutralization. Strictly implement the policy requirements of national planned steps and carbon peak action. Vigorously reduce coal consumption and actively develop non fossil energy. We will gradually shift the dual control of energy consumption to the dual control of total carbon emissions and intensity. Do a good job in the pilot work of collaborative innovation of pollution reduction and carbon reduction according to the national deployment. Actively participate in the construction of the national carbon emission trading market and the greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction trading market. By 2027, the grid connected installed capacity of wind power and photovoltaic power generation in the province will reach 137 million kilowatts; By 2035, the proportion of non fossil energy in total energy consumption in the province will further increase.

(3) Promote green and low-carbon development in key areas. We will resolutely curb the blind launch of projects with high energy consumption, high emissions and low levels. Strengthen the green and low-carbon transformation of traditional industries, and promote the environmental protection performance of key industries to achieve A. We will further promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in existing buildings and municipal infrastructure. Support railway special lines to enter port areas, parks, bulk product storage and transportation bases, and grain warehouses. Vigorously develop strategic emerging industries. Actively promote new energy vehicles. By 2027, the proportion of new energy vehicles among new vehicles in the province will strive to reach 45%; By 2035, the proportion of green ports for coal, ore and other bulk goods in the province will reach more than 95%.

(4) Strengthen resource conservation, intensive and efficient utilization. Earnestly implement the comprehensive economy strategy. We will continue to deepen energy conservation in key areas. Strictly control the total amount and intensity of water consumption. Promote the economical and intensive use of land. We will comprehensively promote the construction of green mines. Promote raw material conservation and resource recycling. Carry out comprehensive utilization of resources to improve quality and efficiency. Accelerate the construction of waste recycling system. By 2035, water resource utilization efficiency and energy utilization efficiency of key energy consuming industries will reach the international advanced level, and the construction land use area per unit of GDP will drop by more than 41%.

3、 Continuously and deeply promote pollution prevention and control

(5) We will continue to deepen air pollution control. We will strengthen comprehensive treatment of volatile organic compounds. We will continue to harness coal pollution. Strengthen the quality supervision of mobile sources, non road mobile machinery and oil products. Strengthen the prevention and control of dust pollution. Continue to implement noise pollution prevention and control actions. By 2027, the air quality of all cities with districts and districts will be stable out of the "last ten" in the country, and the average concentration of fine particles in the province will meet the national requirements; By 2035, the average concentration of fine particles in the province will continue to decline on the basis of meeting the national requirements.

(6) Continue to strengthen water ecological environment protection. Optimize and adjust water function zoning. We will promote the standardized construction of water sources and the construction of standby water sources. We will strengthen the investigation and control of sewage outlets into rivers and seas, and comprehensively establish a monitoring and supervision system for sewage outlets. Implement the performance grading requirements for wastewater treatment and discharge levels of key industries and enterprises. Black and odorous water bodies in urban and rural areas were basically eliminated. We will work together to prevent and control land and sea pollution, protect and repair ecosystems, and improve the coastal and marine environment. By 2027, the water quality of Baiyangdian Lake will remain Class III, the proportion of surface water quality and excellent water quality of coastal waters in the province will meet the national requirements, and the completion rate of beautiful rivers, lakes and bays will reach about 40%; By 2035, the "human water harmony" beautiful rivers and lakes and beautiful bays will be basically completed.

(7) We will continue to promote the prevention and control of soil pollution. Deepen the prevention and control of soil pollution sources. We will make solid progress in tracing the source of heavy metal pollution in agricultural soil and covering it. We should strengthen the joint supervision of the use change of construction land and the risk control of contaminated land plots according to law. Improve the provincial groundwater environment monitoring network. By 2027, the safe utilization rate of polluted farmland in the province will meet the national requirements, and the safe utilization of construction land will be effectively guaranteed; By 2035, the proportion of Class I - IV groundwater at the national groundwater control points in the province will reach more than 80%, and the soil environmental risks will be comprehensively controlled.

(8) We will strengthen the control of solid waste and new pollutants. Accelerate the construction of "waste free city" and continue to promote the action of new pollutant treatment. We will comprehensively promote the control of plastic pollution. Strengthen the supervision, utilization and disposal of hazardous wastes. Establish and improve the medical waste collection system of grass-roots medical and health institutions. By 2027, the construction of "waste free cities" in the province will be fully covered, and the intensity of solid waste production will be significantly reduced; By 2035, the whole region will be built into a "waste free city", and the environmental risks of new pollutants will be effectively controlled.

4、 Create a beautiful ecological space

(9) Build natural ecological barriers. Build an ecological restoration pattern of "two screens, two belts, three zones and multiple corridors". Promote the construction of nature reserves. Carry out investigation, monitoring and evaluation of natural ecological resources. We will strengthen unified supervision over ecological protection and restoration. By 2035, the completion rate of demarcation of nature reserves in the province will reach 100%.

(10) We will strengthen the construction, protection and restoration of ecosystems. Accelerate the implementation of important ecosystem protection and restoration projects. Continue to implement the integrated protection and restoration project of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand. We will carry out large-scale land greening activities in a scientific way, and strengthen the restoration and protection of grasslands and wetlands. By 2035, the forest coverage rate of the province will meet the national planning targets, the comprehensive vegetation coverage of grassland will not be less than 75%, the water and soil conservation rate will be increased to about 84%, and the ecosystem will basically achieve a virtuous cycle.

(11) Improve ecosystem diversity. Implement biodiversity conservation projects, and continue to carry out the investigation and assessment of biodiversity in the province. We will fully implement the system of closed fishing in summer. By 2035, the proportion of the land area of nature reserves in the land area of the province will meet the relevant requirements of the land space planning, and the typical ecosystems, national key protected wildlife and their habitats will be fully protected.

5、 Protect the ecological security of beautiful Hebei

(12) We will effectively safeguard ecological security. Implement the overall national security concept, improve the coordination mechanism of provincial ecological security work, and implement ecological security investigation and assessment. Improve the ability of ecological security risk research and assessment, monitoring and early warning, emergency response and disposal.

(13) Ensure nuclear and radiation safety. We will improve the coordination mechanism for provincial nuclear safety work. We will modernize our regulatory capacity for nuclear and radiation safety. Strengthen the monitoring, emergency and safety management of nuclear technology utilization, and do a good job in monitoring the radiation environment in coastal waters.

(14) Strengthen biological safety prevention and control. Strengthen environmental risk detection, identification and assessment of biotechnology and its products, and strengthen environmental safety monitoring and management of biotechnology. Implement the requirements for early warning, prevention and control of biosafety supervision. Make good use of the census results of alien invasive species, and continue to carry out tracking monitoring, impact assessment and prevention and control of key management alien invasive species. We will improve the protection and utilization system of germplasm resources and strengthen the protection and management of biological genetic resources.

(15) Carry out actions to adapt to climate change. Strengthen the monitoring of climate change impacts and risk early warning of infrastructure and major projects. Deepen the construction of climate adaptive cities. By 2035, a climate adaptive society will be basically completed.

(16) Strictly prevent and control environmental risks. Adhere to the principle of prevention first, strengthen the normalized management of environmental risks, and implement the classification and classification management of environmental safety hazards. Improve the environmental emergency response system and emergency supplies reserve system. Carry out environmental health risk assessment.

6、 Build a harmonious, livable and beautiful home

(17) Create a beautiful construction practice model. Implement the coordinated protection mechanism of ecological environment in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. Promote Xiong'an New Area to build a model of green development city. By 2035, the proportion of blue and green space in Xiong'an New Area will be stable at 70%, and the city will be basically built into a high-level socialist modern city.

(18) Build a beautiful city. Promote the integrated development and protection of the capital metropolitan area and Shijiazhuang metropolitan area, improve the efficiency of ecological environment governance in large and medium-sized cities, and promote the upgrading and expansion of environmental infrastructure in small cities and counties. Give play to the exemplary role of Shijiazhuang, Chengde, Zhangjiakou, Qinhuangdao and Xiong'an New Area in building a beautiful city.

(19) Build beautiful villages. Promote the experience of Zhejiang's "Ten Million Project" according to local conditions, and promote the revitalization of rural ecology and the improvement of rural residential environment as a whole. We will promote the treatment of rural domestic sewage, black and odorous water bodies, and the renovation of toilets, and improve the garbage collection, transportation, and treatment system. Continue to promote the upgrading of fecal and sewage treatment facilities of livestock and poultry farms. Deeply carry out the village cleaning action. We will scientifically promote rural greening and beautification, and strengthen the protection and utilization of traditional villages and rural landscape guidance. By 2027, the proportion of beautiful villages in the whole county will reach 40%, and the rural domestic sewage treatment rate will reach 60%; By 2035, the beautiful countryside will be basically completed.

(20) Carry out exploration and innovation. Promote the integration of beautiful Hebei construction into grass-roots governance innovation. Encourage green innovation in China (Hebei) Pilot Free Trade Zone. By 2027, there will be no less than 24 ecological civilization construction demonstration areas and practice and innovation bases of "Green Water and Green Mountains are Jinshan and Yinshan" awarded by the Ministry of Ecological Environment; By 2035, there will be no less than 30.

7、 Carry out the nationwide action of building a beautiful Hebei

(21) Cultivate and promote ecological culture. We will continue to deepen the theoretical study of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization ideology, and promote the full integration of ecological civilization education into the training of party members and cadres and the national education system. Encourage the use of museums, archives, exhibition halls and other forms of literature, drama and other forms to promote the vivid practice of building a beautiful Hebei.

(22) Practice a green and low-carbon lifestyle. The concept of green tourism development has been firmly established, and the influence of "so close, so beautiful, and coming to Hebei on weekends" has been continuously improved. Promote the "CD-ROM Action". Encourage green travel. We will promote the full coverage of waste classification in residential quarters in cities divided into districts. We will continue to expand the supply and consumption of green and low-carbon products.

(23) Establish a social action system. Actively carry out a series of activities of "Beautiful China, I am an actor". Guide enterprises to consciously implement the concept of green production and management mode. We will improve the public ecological environment supervision and reporting feedback mechanism. We will promote the development of a voluntary service system for the ecological environment.

8、 Strengthen the guarantee of beautiful Hebei construction

(24) Strengthen mechanism innovation. Perfect the local legal system supporting the construction of beautiful Hebei. We will improve the management system for land, space, and natural resource assets. Strictly implement the system of river and lake leader, forest leader and other relevant systems. Deepen the audit of natural resources assets of leading cadres. Give full play to the functions of ecological and environmental departments, and strengthen the overall coordination, supervision and management of ecological and environmental work.

(25) We will strengthen policy incentives and constraints. Deeply promote market-oriented trading of resource and environmental rights and interests. Strengthen the application of cleaner production audit and evaluation certification results. Rationally formulate and adjust the charging standards for urban sewage treatment. Improve the value realization mechanism of ecological products, and promote the innovation of ecological environment oriented development mode and investment and financing mode. Vigorously develop green finance.

(26) Strengthen scientific and technological support. We will tackle key scientific and technological problems in building a beautiful Hebei. Accelerate the integration into the cultivation of national science and technology innovation platforms, and actively cultivate high-level ecological environment science and technology talents and innovation teams.

(27) Strengthen intelligent environmental protection management. Build a beautiful Hebei digital governance system. Implement the ecological environment informatization project. Perfect the sky earth integrated ecological environment monitoring network. Carry out the construction of ecological environment satellite payload, satellite remote sensing, data platform and application capacity of the province. Vigorously promote off-site law enforcement of ecological environment.

(28) Strengthen project support. Establish a database of beautiful Hebei construction projects and improve the promotion mechanism of key projects. Explore effective models of market-oriented construction, operation and management.

Adhere to and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over the construction of a beautiful Hebei, and implement the working mechanism of the central planning, the province assuming overall responsibility, and the city and county focusing on implementation. The provincial ecological environment protection committee strengthened the organization, promotion, guidance and supervision. All departments at all levels conscientiously implement the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China and this implementation opinion, refine the tasks and measures, and promote the end implementation. In principle, no supporting documents shall be prepared by local governments. Relevant departments at all levels should strengthen work cohesion and strengthen policy support for the construction of a beautiful Hebei. Carry out the monitoring and evaluation of the beautiful Hebei, and timely transfer the assessment of the effectiveness of the pollution prevention campaign to the assessment of the effectiveness of the construction of the beautiful Hebei according to the national deployment.

Editor: Miao Jiale
Editor in charge: Shang Yanhua

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