Zhang Chaochao Chaired the Eighth Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the CPC to Administer the City in an All round Way by Law

2024-05-14 06:58:47 Source: Shijiazhuang News Network

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Zhang Chaochao Chaired the Eighth Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the CPC to Fully Administer the City by Law

Deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law

Accelerate the construction of a modern, international and beautiful provincial capital city on the track of rule of law

Ma Yujun Attends

On May 13, Zhang Chaochao, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and the Director of the Municipal Party Committee's Comprehensive Commission of Governing the City by Law, presided over the eighth meeting of the Municipal Party Committee's Comprehensive Commission of Governing the City by Law, conveyed and studied the spirit of the ninth meeting of the Provincial Party Committee's Comprehensive Commission of Governing the Province by Law, summarized the work in 2023, and deployed the tasks in 2024. Ma Yujun, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, attended.

At the meeting, Liang Kun, Vice Mayor, reported the development of the comprehensive evaluation on the performance of the main party and government leaders and the "first responsible person" for rule of law construction in 2023, and explained the drafting of relevant documents. The leaders of Xinle City, Gaoyi County, Yuhua District and the Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau explained the law.

The meeting pointed out that all departments at all levels in the city should thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's rule of law thought, firmly grasp the correct direction of rule of law construction, comprehensively promote the rule of law in all aspects of work according to the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, accelerate the construction of a modern and international provincial capital city on the rule of law track, faithfully defend the "two establishment" with practical actions, and resolutely achieve the "two maintenance"

The meeting stressed that we should comprehensively promote the key tasks of comprehensively governing the city according to law, and ensure high-quality development with high-level rule of law. Efforts should be made to improve the scientificity of legislation, conscientiously implement the annual legislative plan, focus on the development of new quality productivity, high-quality industrial development, urban livability and employment, and ensure and improve people's livelihood, and accelerate the formulation of a number of "small incision, effective, and distinctive" legislative projects to promote development and ensure good governance with good laws. Efforts should be made to strictly regulate, fair and civilized law enforcement, deepen the three-year action to improve the quality of administrative law enforcement, strengthen law enforcement in key areas such as ecological environment, production safety, transportation, market supervision, and ensure that laws are strictly observed, law enforcement is strict, and violations are prosecuted, resolutely prevent "one size fits all", protect the legitimate rights and interests of various business entities according to law, and continue to optimize the business environment. We should work hard to promote fair justice, deepen the comprehensive reform of the judicial system, comprehensively and accurately implement the judicial responsibility system, effectively improve the quality and efficiency of justice, and let the people feel fair and just in every judicial case. We should work hard to speed up the construction of a law based society, thoroughly implement the "Eighth Five Year Plan" for law popularization, strengthen the publicity and education of the rule of law, adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, solidly promote the legalization of petition work, and constantly improve the effectiveness of social governance.

The meeting called for adhering to and strengthening the overall leadership of the Party, the Party committees (Party leading groups) at all levels should shoulder the main responsibility, the main responsible comrades should perform the responsibility of the first responsible person, the leading cadres at all levels should strengthen the concept of the rule of law, the city office should play a leading role in governing the city according to law, and the member units should establish the idea of "one game of chess" and widely gather strong joint forces, Promote the construction of rule of law Shijiazhuang to a new level.

Luo Li, Guo Jianting and Liu Jianfang, municipal leaders, and Xing Wei, chief procurator of the Municipal People's Procuratorate attended the meeting. (Reporter Qi Guangjun)

Editor: Jia Cong
Editor in charge: Shang Yanhua

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