Xing Haiming, from Lingshou County, Shijiazhuang City, said that he would persist until he could not run

2024-05-13 08:27:20 Source: Shijiazhuang News Network

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In the deep Taihang Mountain of Lingshou County, Shijiazhuang City, for 35 years, there has always been an active figure carrying a basket and riding a motorcycle to buy daily necessities for the local elderly left behind and deliver them to their homes.

Xing Haiming, 55 years old, is not a professional "runner", but a station manager of Nanying Service Station of Lingshou County Power Supply Company of State Grid, who is responsible for maintaining the daily power consumption of Mufota Village.

Mufota Village, Nanying Township, Lingshou County, is located in the deep Taihang Mountains, with an altitude of nearly 1000 meters. It is characterized by high mountains, long roads and steep slopes. There are 138 households and 380 villagers in this village, who live in 9 natural villages, such as Mufo Pagoda, Shangshui Spring Stream and Shuishui Spring Stream. These nature villas are inlaid beside the winding and narrow Panshan Road, about 8 kilometers away from the rural center at the foot of the mountain, and there is no snack bar. People jokingly call the local mountain road "72 turns", and it is not easy for the elderly to go out. For this reason, after work, Xing Haiming has become the "legs" of the elderly.

At 12:00 on May 10, in front of a shop in the center of Nanying Township, the shopkeeper Zhang Xiufang greeted Xing Haiming warmly.

"I'm going to buy soy sauce, vinegar and detergent. I'll send them to the two old people when I'm not busy at noon. They are in urgent need." Xing Haiming put down the basket and said with a smile.

"This is a basket made by myself, which can bear 70 to 80 kilograms. Sometimes I will bring rice, noodles and other heavy things to the old people, and sometimes I have to carry 40 to 50 kilograms every time I go." Xing Haiming packed the things he bought in the basket.

Xing Haiming went up the mountain with a basket on his back and a motorcycle on his back. He rode along the familiar Panshan Road for 30 minutes, came to Mufo Tower Nature Village, and handed the soy sauce to Xing Zhengyue, 74.

"My blood pressure is high, my heart is not very good, and my movement is not convenient. The children are away all year round. After all these years, I have trouble with Master Xing. It's all about him, from pulling sand and cement for me to buying daily necessities. In my heart, he is a 'family member'." When I was in deep love, tears rolled in Xing Zhengyue's eyes.

After receiving the detergent and vinegar from Xing Haiming, 76 year old Li Yecheng said bluntly: "Most of the young people in the village go out to work, and there are many old people left behind. From changing light bulbs to repairing lines, Master Xing is always on call. What makes us even more moved is that he has always volunteered to carry things for us, which is more intimate than 'relatives'."

Xing Haiming delivers goods in a basket full of "nostalgia", four times a week. As an "outsider" who has the most contact with the villagers, he has become the "relative" whom everyone misses most. Over the past 35 years, Xing Haiming has scrapped two motor tricycles and used two motorcycles. Fifteen or six of his own baskets have been worn out, and he has traveled more than 300000 kilometers between mountain roads.

"They are neighbors, and these are all easy things to do." In Xing Haiming's opinion, it is proper to help them after work.

"I have worked with Brother Xing for more than 20 years. At first, I thought that he delivered goods to the elderly on a whim. Unexpectedly, this delivery took 35 years. He is an example for us to learn and better serve the villagers for rural revitalization." Qi Yongzhi, a technician at Nanying Service Station, said.

Xing Haiming felt that he was still a "young man" when he was about to retire in five years. He said: "Even if I retire, I will continue to run errands for the elderly left behind until they can't run."

(Reporter Liu Chenmin, Nan Kaiyu)

Editor: Miao Jiale
Editor in charge: Shang Yanhua

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