Fully understand the policies and regulations, improve the awareness of safeguarding rights in accordance with the law Yuhua District launched the March 15 theme law popularization activity

2024-03-20 08:17:18 Source: Shijiazhuang News Network

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"When finding fake and shoddy products, you must report to the relevant departments to protect your legitimate rights and interests..." "Prepaid card consumption should be cautious, you should carefully understand the business qualifications of card issuers, and you should read the relevant contract terms in detail." "To protect the rights and interests of consumers, legal workers can help mediate and provide legal aid"... In order to coordinate the efforts of all parties, Urge the operators to strictly implement the legal provisions and pay attention to the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. On March 13, the Yuhua District Law Popularization Office, together with the District Market Supervision Administration, the Yudong Street Office and other units carried out the "March 15 International Consumer Rights Day" theme law popularization activity in the Xiaoma Store of Yonghui Supermarket.

During the activity, the staff from the Yuhua District Justice Bureau and the Market Supervision Administration carried out law popularization publicity by setting up a consultation desk, placing theme boards, interpreting the law through cases, distributing publicity materials and on-site consultation, and distributed the Constitution, the Civil Code, the Consumer Rights Law, the People's Mediation Law and food safety knowledge to merchants and consumers who came to shop Optimize publicity materials such as business environment policy foldout. In front of the centralized display boards, the law enforcement personnel of Yuhua District Market Supervision Administration vividly explained how to safeguard their rights according to laws and regulations when the "consumer rights" are damaged in daily life, and also carried out on-site food safety monitoring for the masses. The Justice Bureau of Yuhua District organized legal popularization volunteers to explain the Legal Aid Law, the People's Mediation Law, Several Provisions on Community Correction in Hebei Province, the Measures for Promoting Public Legal Services in Shijiazhuang City, and the "Eighth Five Year Plan" for Law Popularization on the spot. Through the explanation of classic cases, merchants and the past have deepened their understanding of relevant legal norms and policies, Further improved consumers' awareness of safeguarding their rights according to law.

In addition, Yuhua District also strengthened communication with enterprises under its jurisdiction, organized staff, volunteers for popularizing the law and "people who understand the law" to go deep into various large supermarkets and markets to set up special areas to display consumer rights advocacy materials and broadcast videos for popularizing the law. Through electronic displays, radio stations and other forms, the publicity of relevant laws and regulations such as food, medicine, measurement, cosmetics, auto San Bao policy and online shopping has been strengthened. At the same time, new media such as government websites, WeChat public accounts, Tiao Yin and Today's Headlines have been used to carry out law popularization publicity, constantly improving the coverage of law publicity and creating a good social consumption environment for everyone. (Reporter Mao Yu, Correspondent Wang Huili)

Editor: Liu Huan
Editor in charge: Shang Yanhua

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