Shijiazhuang Weiming Road Primary School held a health lecture on "Healthy growth starts from dental care"

2024-03-14 15:03:19 Source: Heqing News Network

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In order to enhance students' awareness of tooth care, enrich their common sense of tooth love, and develop a good habit of cleaning their mouth. Recently, Dr. Hu Tianyun, a pediatrician from Qiaoxi District Stomatological Hospital, came to Weiming Road Primary School in Shijiazhuang to hold a health lecture themed "Healthy growth starts from dental care".

Doctor Hu said that teeth are an indispensable part of the body. We eat all kinds of things every day, so teeth are the busiest and most vulnerable to bacteria. How can we have healthy teeth?

Through the vivid PPT courseware, Dr. Hu let children know what is the crown, root and pulp of teeth, and use the tooth model to let children see the structure of teeth, know the importance of caring for teeth, and master the correct method of mouthwash and brushing teeth, know to rinse after meals, brush teeth in the morning and evening, do not eat sugar and other things before sleep, do not eat too hard things, and so on. At the same time, Hu dentist also showed the students how to brush their teeth correctly, guided them how to brush their teeth correctly in the morning and evening, and gave them professional dental care guidance.

This theme health education activity not only enhanced the students' awareness of caring for oral health, but also made them pay more attention to dental health, establish the health concept of "loving teeth and protecting teeth, starting from me", and develop a good habit of loving teeth and protecting teeth from childhood.

Article/Correspondent Xue Jing Zhang Lixiu

Editor: Liu Huan
Editor in charge: Shang Yanhua

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