Propaganda of Grounding, Air Warming, Heart Keeping, and Peace Jinzhou tries its best to strengthen the traffic safety defense line in rural areas

2024-03-13 08:11:12 Source: Shijiazhuang News Network

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In order to further strengthen the publicity of road traffic safety in rural areas, effectively prevent the occurrence of traffic accidents, and improve the traffic safety awareness of the masses, Jinzhou City has actively carried out various "grounding" traffic safety publicity activities to ensure the road traffic safety in rural areas from the source.

Recently, Jinzhou Public Security Traffic Police Brigade went to Nanweijiakou Village to publicize the traffic safety propaganda activities of "big horn" by the police using the big horn of the village committee. In the activity, the propaganda police focused on explaining the harm of serious traffic violations such as rural van overload, illegal agricultural vehicle carrying people, and driving without a license to the masses in combination with the unique traffic conditions and characteristics in rural areas. At the same time, with the help of typical traffic accident cases, the police comprehensively analyze the reasons for the violation of the accident, explain the harm of the illegal traffic behavior and the harm to the lawbreakers themselves and others, and appeal to the masses to firmly establish the awareness of safe travel, truly achieve the alarm bell, prevent accidents before they happen, and stay away from traffic accidents.

Since this year, the "Big Horn" campaign has been carried out 18 times, with about 10000 audiences. The activity opened up the "last mile" of traffic safety publicity, sent road traffic safety knowledge to the masses, and made traffic safety closer to the masses, life and reality, thus ensuring that traffic safety publicity, education and persuasion work reach thousands of households, and enhancing the traffic safety awareness of the people. (Reporter Liu Lifang)

Editor: Liu Xiaoting
Editor in charge: Shang Yanhua

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