Strengthen safety awareness and improve emergency response capability Jingxing Mining Area organizes fire safety science popularization training

2024-03-13 08:10:51 Source: Shijiazhuang News Network

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In order to vigorously popularize fire safety knowledge, further enhance the fire safety awareness of the masses, and comprehensively improve the ability and level of the masses to resist fires, the Jingxing Mining Area Association for Science and Technology, in conjunction with the fire brigade in the area, recently carried out the 2024 fire safety science popularization training of "Cherish Life and Stay Away from Fire" in the Cultural Center.

During the activity, Zhang Jiao, the propagandist of the fire brigade in the area, carried out a wonderful fire safety education and training through video, PPT and other forms from four aspects: fire hazards, common fire hazards, evacuation and escape knowledge, and on-site evacuation and escape. Then, two professionals from the fire brigade gave practical training to the safety administrators of the community, property and school, and explained the correct way to wear the fire clothes, the key points and precautions for the use of fire extinguishers and hydrants on the site. Under the guidance of firefighters, the masses on site actively participated in interactive activities such as wearing fire clothes and using dry powder extinguishing agent.

It is reported that more than 200 people from the education, housing and construction systems, township (street), community and property companies in charge of safety, as well as resident representatives, student representatives and other people participated in this training activity, which further strengthened the public safety awareness and improved the fire safety quality and emergency response ability of the community, property and industry departments.

In the next step, the Science and Technology Association of the district will continue to regularly carry out fire safety science popularization training activities, further strengthen the awareness of fire safety, and lay a good foundation for creating a safe fire environment. (Reporter Du Qianqian Correspondent Zhang Huiying Wang Qian)

Editor: Liu Xiaoting
Editor in charge: Shang Yanhua

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