Nanlou Township, Zhengding County launched anti telecommunication fraud publicity activities

2024-02-20 08:20:22 Source: Shijiazhuang News Network

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In order to further prevent all kinds of telecommunication fraud crimes, improve the public's awareness of self prevention and create a strong anti fraud atmosphere, on February 19, the Comprehensive Management Center of Nanlou Township, Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang City, in conjunction with the fair of the township judicial office, organized a centralized publicity campaign to prevent telecommunication fraud, so as to protect the people's "pockets" with practical actions.

During the activity, the staff publicized and explained to the masses the recent high rate of scalping rebates, fake e-commerce customer service fraud, investment and financing "pig killing dish" and other practical cases, introduced the common telecom fraud means and "routines" used by fraudsters, popularized the common sense of preventing telecom fraud, and reminded the masses that they must pay attention to protecting their privacy and consciously resist the temptation of high profits, Don't trust fraud activities such as money transfer.

In view of the large proportion of the elderly in Nanlou Township, we especially remind the elderly not to trust the promotion of health care products and other aspects in their daily life, always keep a clear head, raise awareness of vigilance, and do not lose "pension money" and "life-saving money" because of greed for small profits.

This publicity campaign issued more than 140 publicity materials on the prevention of telecom fraud, which further enhanced the awareness and understanding of rural residents in Nanlou about the means of telecom fraud, improved the awareness of the masses to consciously resist and prevent the crime of telecom network fraud, maintained social security and stability, and created a good social atmosphere for the next step of combating and preventing the crime of telecom network fraud. (Reporter Dai Lili)

Editor: Liu Huan
Editor in charge: Shang Yanhua

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