Zhangjiazhuang Village, Gaoyi Town, Gaoyi County: e-commerce red e station lights up the rural revitalization road

2024-01-04 14:28:04 Source: Hebei Communist Party member website

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Hebei Communist Party Member Online News (Correspondent Jiang Shan) In recent years, Zhangjiazhuang Village, Gaoyi Town, Gaoyi County has adhered to the leadership of party building, actively introduced e-commerce live broadcast, established a rural revitalization exhibition live broadcast base, built an e-commerce red e station, explored the business model of "party branch+enterprise+cooperative+farmers", extended the industrial chain, and developed industries such as pepper, traditional Chinese medicine, warehousing and logistics, We will continue to expand the village's collective economy and steadily increase people's income.

 Rural revitalization exhibition and marketing live broadcast base

Gaoyi County Rural Revitalization Exhibition and Marketing Live Broadcast Base

Adhere to the red leadership and set the collective development steering wheel

The key to industrial development is the leadership of the Party organization. In view of the weak collective economy in the village, the "two committees" cadre meetings were held consecutively to find the crux of the problem, unify the ideological consensus of village cadres, organize party members and villagers' representatives to hold seminars on strengthening the village collective economy for many times, and based on resource advantages, clarify the direction of the development of the village collective economy. Taking the opportunity of carrying out the "Sangzi Plan" for rural revitalization, relying on the Zhangjiazhuang Village Talent Service Workstation to contact overseas e-commerce talents, drawing on the experience of overseas e-commerce, we signed a contract with Hebei Hongke Cultural Media Co., Ltd. to establish the business model of "Party branch+enterprise+cooperative+farmers". Led by the Party branch, we follow the path of joint development of village enterprises, and enterprises provide e-commerce operation technology Management and other resources. Farmers provide land, labor and other resources to jointly develop industries and realize benefit connection and benefit sharing.

Build a live broadcast base to gather and develop featured products

Establish a live broadcast exhibition and marketing base for rural revitalization, including four functional areas: exhibition and marketing hall, live broadcast platform for anchors, e-commerce training conference room and agricultural and sideline products warehouse, and build an e-station platform integrating exhibition publicity, live broadcast with goods, brand promotion, talent cultivation, and logistics distribution.

Carry out product promotion. The "one village, one product" brand in the county is excavated through the exhibition hall, and more than 80 kinds of agricultural and sideline featured products in the county are promoted, so that consumers can more intuitively understand the quality and characteristics of products.

 Display featured products

Display featured products

Build a live broadcast cargo platform. Build two e-commerce broadcast booths, cooperate with the operation team of Hebei Hongke Cultural Media Co., Ltd., carry out live broadcast with goods, and promote the sales of Gaoyi County's "Ronglaoma" chili sauce, selenium rich wheat flour, high-quality fruits and vegetables, protein drinks, peanut oil, children's clothing and other special products, with an average daily sales revenue of 15000 yuan.

Promote the training of rural talents. Relying on the red e station, we will establish an e-commerce talent service workstation, invite professional live broadcast teams to regularly carry out special training for e-commerce talents. At present, more than 90 e-commerce talents have been trained, and 3 local live broadcast people have been cultivated, attracting more farmers to find jobs at home, and promoting villagers to increase their income and become rich.

Carry out order planting and open up production and marketing channels

Relying on the platform of Honge Station, the village collective invested 550000 yuan, recruited 110 members, and established Gaoyi County Xishuo Agricultural Professional Cooperative. Integrate land resources, adjust the planting structure, develop order farming, build a 180 mu pepper and traditional Chinese medicine planting base on a large scale, sign a contract with Hebei Maohezhuang Food Co., Ltd. to develop the pepper processing industry, actively promote the cultivation of agricultural product brands, establish the "Xishuo" traditional Chinese medicine brand and the "Ronglaoma" pepper sauce brand, and create a "one village, one product" characteristic industrial development pattern. At present, relying on the e-commerce red e station, "Ronglaoma" chili sauce has developed seven flavors, including garlic, dry flavor and spicy flavor, and the annual sales revenue is expected to reach 50000 yuan. Next year, the traditional Chinese medicine of Paeonia lactiflora and Shegan in Zhangjiazhuang Village will realize revenue, which is expected to reach 100000 yuan. In March 2023, Zhangjiazhuang Village was rated as a provincial "one village, one product" demonstration village.

Integrate advantageous resources and expand commercial logistics industry

Relying on the platform of Honge Station, optimize and improve the commercial logistics supply chain, comprehensively feel the current situation of village level land, assets and other resources, and do a good job in "local products". First, integrate existing resources. Integrating four grain storage enterprises, the cooperative invested 3.5 million yuan to build a standardized storage, logistics and distribution warehouse, and the village collective could increase its income by 80000 yuan every year. The second is to introduce high-quality resources. Actively integrate into the construction of regional central city, introduce "Yibo Group" to carry out overall development of 140 mu of land in Zhangjiazhuang Village, make use of the resources of shops along the street, carry out public lease, increase the operating income, and it is estimated that the collective income can increase by more than 150000 yuan annually.

In the next step, Zhangjiazhuang Village will continue to rely on e-commerce red e station, adhere to the leading role, realize the development of characteristic industries, actively develop the life service industry, build a rural service complex integrating leisure, tourism and pension, effectively promote the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization.

Editor: Liu Huan
Editor in charge: Shang Yanhua

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