Management Office of High tech Zone Science and Technology Pioneer Park won the advanced collective commendation for the establishment of harmonious labor relations nationwide

2023-11-14 06:28:21 Source: Shijiazhuang News Network

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Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China and other departments jointly announced the list of the first national advanced collectives to be commended for the establishment of harmonious labor relations. The Management Office of Shijiazhuang Hi tech Zone Science and Technology Pioneer Park was selected, making it the only advanced collective in the city to win this honor.

Since this year, the Management Office of the High tech Zone Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Park has comprehensively strengthened the construction of a harmonious labor relations park. With the goal of promoting enterprise development and safeguarding the rights and interests of employees, it has constantly improved the coordination mechanism of labor relations, forming a working pattern of party committee leadership, social coordination, enterprise and employee participation, and legal protection. In addition, the Science and Technology Pioneer Park also urges and guides enterprises to standardize management, and legally protects the basic rights and interests of employees such as labor remuneration, rest and vacation, social insurance, and vocational skills training, so as to lay a solid foundation for promoting the establishment of harmonious labor relations.

In order to speed up the rapid transformation of student resources into productivity, the Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Park has further strengthened its human resources services, successively carried out communication and cooperation with many colleges and universities and scientific research institutes in the province, and established student internship bases in high-quality enterprises in the park.

It is reported that in the future, the management office of the high-tech zone science and technology entrepreneurship park will take this honor as a new starting point, vigorously strengthen the labor relations governance system and governance capacity building, and promote the further improvement of the harmonious labor creation system and mechanism. (Reporter Zhao Yi)

Editor: Jia Cong
Editor in charge: Shang Yanhua

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