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 Chen Shuibian Announces Termination of the "National Unification Council"
Chen Shuibian's New Year's Day Speech: Taiwan People Spit at Chen Shuibian
Special Topics on Ugly Acts of Taiwan Independence Molecules
- Taiwan's "general election" in 2004
   "General election" vote verification dispute

- Taiwan's "referendum on constitution"
- Li Denghui Visits US for Private Visit
- Chen Shuibian Throws out "One Country on One Side" "Football diplomacy"
- Taiwan authorities announced that citizens' passports were marked "Taiwan"
Wen Jiabao pointed out that the Taiwan authorities' decision to terminate the "National Unification Council" and the "National Unification Program" is a flagrant provocation to the one China principle and a serious breach of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region. We must remain vigilant against the danger of the Taiwan authorities stepping up separatist activities for "Taiwan independence". [ comment ][ video ]
· Hu Jintao: Taiwan Ends the "National Unification Council" Serious Challenge to the One China Principle
· Cao Gangchuan: Taiwan authorities will never be allowed to split Taiwan from the motherland
· Chen Shuibian's "Abolition of Unification" Forces Taiwan's Intelligence Agency to Keep a Close Watch on the Second Artillery
· US think-tank scholars say the White House will not punish Chen Shuibian
Continental reaction
· Central Taiwan Affairs Office, National Taiwan Affairs Office: Stopping Legal Taiwan Independence is the Most Urgent Task
· The All China Taiwan Federation issued a statement strongly condemning Chen Shuibian's "unification" act
· The Taiwan League delivered a speech on Chen Shuibian's termination of the operation of the "National Unification Council"
Island voice
· Following the Kuomintang, the People First Party decided to impeach Chen Shuibian
· The Kuomintang will march on March 12 to protest against Chen Shuibian's "abolition of unification"
· Most Taiwanese People Oppose the "Abolition of Unification" and Chen Shuibian's Reputation Falls to the Bottom
· Wang Jinping sent a letter inviting the island's interior party to negotiate against the "abolition of unification" tomorrow
US response
· The United States said it took note of Chen Shuibian's reaffirmation of his commitment to maintaining the status quo
· The former Deputy Secretary of State of the United States met with Chen Shuibian in Taiwan on March 8
Comment analysis
· Taiwan public opinion believes that Chen Shui bian's "unification" is a farce that does not pay off
· Experts say that Chen Shuibian's courage to "abolish the system" is inseparable from the United States, Ming and Ming
· Beijing News: Chen Shuibian Takes the Interests of Taiwan People as His Personal Bet
· Chen Shuibian's "New One No" Policy Brings New Crisis
Chen Shuibian's schedule of "abolishing the system"
·February 27 Chen Shuibian Announces Termination of the "National Unification Council" and "National Unification Program"

·February 26 Taiwan media said Chen Shuibian would replace the "four no's" with "one new no's"

·February 26 Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Chen Shuibian's promotion of "disunity" is bound to lead to Taiwan Strait crisis

·February 22 The United States sent special envoys to Taiwan to prevent Chen Shuibian from "abolishing the system"

·February 13 Chen Shuibian will decide whether to abolish the "National Unification Council" before the end of February

·February 6 The US side publicly demands that Chen Shuibian abide by four different commitments

·January 31 State relatives say Chen Shuibian has fallen into "political madness"

·January 30 The United States reiterated its disapproval of Taiwan independence in response to Chen Shuibian's talks

·January 30 Ma Ying jeou: The price of Bian's flagrant breach of his promise

·February 7 Chen Shuibian Shouts that the Mainland Cannot Share "Taiwan Sovereignty"

·January 30 The US side reiterated cross-strait policies in response to Chen Shuibian's three Spring Festival speeches

·January 29 Chen Shuibian Considers Abolishing the "National Unification Council" to Demonstrate Taiwan's Subjective Consciousness

Related topics
Chen Shuibian's Spring Festival Speech "Abolishing the Unification"
Chen Shuibian's New Year's Day Speech
Civil strife within the Democratic Progressive Party
The Democratic Progressive Party lost the three in one election in Taiwan
Background: "National Unification Council", "National Unification Program" and "Four None"
News background: "National Unification Council" and "National Unification Program"
● "National Unification Council"
The full name of the "National Unification Council" is the "National Unification Commission", which was established on October 7, 1990. Its task is to "study and consult the general policies of national reunification". The leader of the Taiwan authorities acts as the chairman. The purpose is to "lead the development of cross-strait relations" and promote China's reunification. The "National Unification Council" has held 14 meetings since its establishment, and the last meeting was held on April 8, 1999.
● "National Unification Program"
The full name of the "National Unification Program" was "National Unification Program", which was discussed and adopted by the third meeting of the "National Unification Council" held on February 23, 1991, and the executive department meeting of the Taiwan authorities held on March 14 of the same year. The "National Unification Program" states that "both the mainland and Taiwan are Chinese territory, and it is the common responsibility of the Chinese people to promote national reunification."
The "National Unification Program" clearly stipulates that the reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits can be achieved in three stages: short range, medium range and long range. Among them, "short distance" focuses on exchange and mutual benefit, "medium distance" focuses on mutual trust and cooperation, and "long distance" focuses on negotiation and unification. [ detailed ]

News Background: What is Chen Shuibian's "Four Nones and One Absence"
On May 20, 2000, when Chen Shui bian was not stable when he came to power, he made the so-called "four no no" commitment, that is, "he will not declare 'Taiwan independence', will not change the 'national title', will not promote Lee Teng hui's' two countries' theory into the 'Constitution', will not promote the 'referendum' on reunification to change the status quo, and will not abolish the 'National Unification Program' and the 'National Unification Council'.". [ detailed ]

Background of "Second Unification"
At the beginning of the emergence of the "National Unification Commission" and the "National Unification Program", although Lee Teng hui added some content of "substantial Taiwan independence", it is still an inevitable product of the development of cross-strait relations to a certain extent, which to a considerable extent reflects the mainstream public opinion of the island against "Taiwan independence" and the pursuit of peace and win-win.
In 1990, Taiwan's political situation was the first critical moment for the establishment of pluralistic politics. In order to occupy the political commanding heights conducive to their own development, the political parties in the ruling and opposition would hardly openly oppose the public opinion advocating cross-strait exchanges. In particular, the ruling Kuomintang, which has been opposed to "Taiwan independence" for a long time, will not be in favour of national division. Second, Lee Teng hui is in a critical period of consolidating the power base, and will not oppose the social public opinion and mainstream consciousness within the Party that advocate cross-strait exchanges. It was against the backdrop of the actual needs of cross-strait exchanges and the island's internal disputes that the "National Unification Commission" and the "National Unification Program" were introduced successively. [ detailed ]

News background: "1992 Consensus" and "Wang Gu Talks"
On November 3, 1992, the SEF formally sent a letter to the ARATS, suggesting "expressing the one China principle in an oral statement.". However, the political meaning of "one China" is not involved in the cross-strait business talks. " The letter also attached the third oral expression listed by the Shanghai Foundation. On December 3, the SEF replied to the ARATS in a letter and did not object to the consensus reached. As can be seen from the correspondence between the two sessions, the consensus of both sides is that "both sides of the Taiwan Straits adhere to the one China principle and strive for national reunification." (referred to as the "1992 Consensus")[ detailed ]
Analysis: Chen Shuibian Pushes the "Abolition of Unification" to the Path of Taiwan Independence
Behind the proposition of "abolishing unification"
After the introduction of the "second unification", it has always been the target of the "Taiwan independence" elements. Just as after Chen Shuibian's speech on "abolishing the unification", some core figures of the Democratic Progressive Party have said that "abolishing the unification" has always been the basic proposition of the party; Li Denghui, who "encouraged" Chen Shuibian to "boldly abolish the system" this time, implanted "disabling virus" in the "second system" from the very beginning.
After the Chen Shui bian administration came to power, the direction of "Taiwan independence" was very clear and purposeful. From the perspective of Chen Shuibian's "Taiwan independence" deployment, from the social and ideological perspective, the focus is to comprehensively promote "de Chinesization", "cultural Taiwan independence", "Taiwan's name rectification", "military Taiwan independence" and "pragmatic diplomacy", and comprehensively expand the social and political foundation of "Taiwan independence". From the perspective of laws and political platforms in the island, there are two major obstacles, namely, the current "Constitution of the Republic of China" and the "National Unification Program". The repeal of the current "Constitution of the Republic of China" is the last step to achieve "legal Taiwan independence", and the repeal of the "National Unification Program" is the prelude to "destruction of the constitution". The "folk version of the new draft constitution for Taiwan independence" was produced and put forward in 2006 In 2007, the political atmosphere adapted to the "New Constitutional Referendum for Taiwan Independence" was held. [ detailed ]

Chen Shuibian's Two "Historical Tasks"
For a long time, Chen Shuibian has tried to accomplish two "historical tasks", one is to ensure the ruling position of the Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan, the other is to achieve "Taiwan independence". This time, his speech on "abolishing unification" is an attempt to promote "legal Taiwan independence" by comprehensively denying the "four different things", and serve the political needs of the Democratic Progressive Party with the "Taiwan independence" line to ensure its current ruling position. [ detailed ]

"Taiwan independence" is a struggle of trapped animals
Choosing this opportunity to provoke cross-strait relations with the words of "abolishing the unification" is Chen Shuibian's trapped move in the face of internal and external difficulties.
After the "three in one" election at the end of last year, the situation in the island has changed. "Pan Blue" Ma Ying jeou won more than 50% of the votes through the election, and the DPP suffered a disastrous defeat. After the "three in one" election defeat, Chen Shuibian "closed his door and thought about mistakes", extensively contacted the island's "independence faction", listened to their opinions, planned countermeasures, and tried to survive from nowhere. Finally, in his speech on New Year's Day, Chen Shui bian reiterated the timetable for Taiwan's "legal independence" in 2008, that is, the "new constitution draft" of Taiwan was formulated in 2006, the "new constitution referendum" was held in 2007, and the "new constitution" was implemented in 2008. In order to implement the so-called "independence" schedule, he also mentioned in his Spring Festival speech the abolition of the "National Unification Council" and the "National Unification Program", and the reapplication for membership in the United Nations under the name of "Taiwan". [ detailed ]

Chen Shuibian's "Abolishment of the System": A Probe into the Legal Theory of "Taiwan Independence"
What is the purpose of Chen Shuibian's intention to abolish the "National Unification Program" and the "National Unification Council"? To sum up, this is an important step towards "Taiwan independence", from the abolition of the "National Unification Program" and the "National Unification Council" as a breakthrough, and then to the legal "Taiwan independence". Chen Shuibian's mind is not only about the "National Unification Program" and the "National Unification Council", but also about the abolition of the "National Unification Program" and the "National Unification Council". His real purpose is to launch the so-called "referendum on a new constitution", so that Taiwan can become a so-called "independent country"! [ detailed ]
February 28th Central Taiwan Affairs Office, National Taiwan Affairs Office: Stopping Legal Taiwan Independence is the Most Urgent Task
On February 27, Chen Shuibian forcefully decided to terminate the operation of the "National Unification Council" and the application of the "National Unification Program" amid the strong opposition of compatriots on both sides of the Straits and the condemnation of the international community. Although he did not dare to use the word "abolishment", which had been deliberately used for a long time, instead, he used "termination", but this was just playing a word game to deceive the Taiwanese people and international public opinion. Everyone knows Chen Shuibian's heart of "seeking independence". He clearly tried to accelerate the "Taiwan independence" activities by ending the "National Unification Council" and the "National Unification Program", but lied that "it does not involve the change of the status quo".
It must be pointed out that the risk and danger of Chen Shuibian's "Taiwan's legal independence" activity through the "constitutional reform" continues to rise. Once successful, it is bound to cause a high degree of tension between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, and seriously threaten the peace and stability of the Taiwan Straits region and the Asia Pacific region. It is the most important and urgent task for us to resolutely oppose and stop Chen Shuibian's activities of "Taiwan's legal independence" through "constitutional reform". [ detailed ]

February 26th Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Chen Shuibian's "abolishing the system" is bound to lead to Taiwan Strait crisis
Chen Shuibian's promotion of the "Taiwan independence" secessionist activities will inevitably lead to a serious crisis in the Taiwan Strait region and undermine peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region. This fully shows that "Taiwan independence" separatist activities are the biggest source of chaos threatening peace in the Taiwan Strait. Facts have repeatedly proved that Chen Shuibian is indeed a troublemaker in Taiwan, cross-strait relations and the Asia Pacific region. [ detailed ]
February 23rd Ministry of Foreign Affairs: It is hoped that relevant countries will be alert to the dangerous actions of Taiwan independence forces
On the 23rd, Liu Jianchao, spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, said at the regular press conference here that we hope the relevant countries can be vigilant against some wrong, even dangerous actions of the "Taiwan independence" forces to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region. [ detailed ]

February 24th The Taiwan Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China pays attention to Taiwan's "disunity" and responds to complex situations at any time
Chen Yunlin, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, said on the 22nd that since the Spring Festival, while compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits expect greater development of cross-strait relations on the basis of gradual easing last year, worrying conditions have emerged in cross-strait relations. The leaders of the Taiwan authorities have repeatedly claimed to abolish the "National Unification Council" and the "National Unification Program" in spite of his repeated commitments since 2000, and are working on the so-called "abolition of unification" plan. This is a dangerous signal for the further escalation of "Taiwan independence" separatist activities. [ detailed ]

February 5th China hopes that the United States and the international community will jointly safeguard peace in the Taiwan Strait
Kong Quan, spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, commented on the US side's reaffirmation of its adherence to the one China policy, saying that China hoped that the US side and the international community would continue to be highly vigilant against the dangers and serious dangers of the "Taiwan independence" separatist activities, and jointly safeguard peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the Asia Pacific region. [ detailed ]
Island attitude
The People First Party: "Abolishing Unity" Will Completely Destroy Chen Shuibian's Political Integrity
Zhang Xianyao, director of the Policy Center of the People First Party, said on the 26th that "four different things and none" was Chen Shuibian's political commitment for six years. "Like a conjoined baby", none of them was dispensable. "Abolishing unification" not only changed the current situation, but also completely destroyed Chen Shuibian's political integrity. The foundation of mutual trust and interaction between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, Taiwan and the United States would no longer exist, hurting Taiwan's interests. [ detailed ]

The Kuomintang is meeting today to study measures to counter the "abolition of unification"
The chairman of the Kuomintang, Ma Ying jeou, will today convene the Kuomintang's high-level meeting "Zhongshan News" to propose specific counter measures against the "abolition of unification" of the Chen Shui bian authorities. It is reported that in addition to the "recall case", some people in the Kuomintang also suggested that if Chen Shuibian's "abolition" decision was to be blocked, there was no other way but public opinion. The opposition party's "Legislative Yuan" party group could propose a "referendum on the abolition policy", which would be passed by Taiwan's "Legislative Yuan" and handed over to Taiwan's people for "reconsideration". If the Taiwanese people veto the "abolition of unification", Chen Shui bian's policy will be swallowed back. Party insiders pointed out that this is probably the only way to let Chen Shuibian brake. [ detailed ]

The former chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party criticized Chen Shuibian for his lack of wisdom
According to Hong Kong media reports, Shi Mingde, former chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, criticized Chen Shuibian for being "very unwise and lacking in political wisdom" and "difficult to end next" for the disturbance caused by Chen Shuibian's recent proposal of "abolishing the theory of unification". Shi Mingde stressed that if Chen Shuibian's intention is to force the United States to put pressure on the mainland, "Taiwan has no such ability". [ detailed ]
American attitude
The US warning station authorities will lose their protection if they "abolish the system"
US President George W. Bush has appointed special envoys to Taiwan to dissuade Chen Shuibian from "abolishing the system" without success, and the pressure has risen again. According to Taiwan media reports, the White House has issued a warning to the Taiwan authorities through official channels: "Do you still want to be protected by the United States?"[ detailed ]

The United States once again warned the Taiwan authorities not to unilaterally change the status quo
On the 21st, the United States again warned the Taiwan authorities to exercise restraint and not unilaterally change the status quo. At the regular news briefing on the same day, State Department Spokesperson Ereli was asked whether the United States would send a secret envoy to Taiwan to communicate with Chen Shuibian about the abolition of the "National Unification Council", but he did not want to confirm. However, Ereli stressed that the Taiwan side should exercise restraint and not take actions that would be seen as unilateral changes to the status quo; They need to deal with this problem through dialogue with mainland China. [ detailed ]

US Senior Officials Warn Chen Shuibian of the Comprehensive Consequences of "Abolishing the System"
A senior official of the Bush administration once again warned Chen Shuibian that if he insisted on abolishing the "National Unification Council" and the "National Unification Program", he would have to bear "comprehensive consequences", which would include the US Taiwan relations, cross-strait relations and Taiwan's relations with the international community. [ detailed ]
Mao Zedong and other leaders' views on Taiwan
- Chairman Mao's thought of peaceful reunification
- Zhou Enlai One Outline and Four Eyes
- Ye Jianying's Nine Principles of Peaceful Reunification
Deng Xiaoping's proposition of peaceful reunification
- Deng Xiaoping's Six Principles of Peaceful Unification
- Deng Xiaoping's Talk on One Country, Two Systems
Jiang Zemin's Eight Principles of Peaceful Reunification
- Jiang Zemin's Eight Principles of Peaceful Reunification
- Jia Qinglin made a speech at the commemoration meeting of the 10th anniversary of 8:00 in the Yangtze River
Hu Jintao's Four Opinions on Cross Strait Relations
- Never waver
- Never give up
- Never change
- Never compromise

Related topics

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  • More>>
    Comment analysis>>
  • Experts say that "final reunification" will damage Taiwan's long-term interests by challenging the one China principle (0327 13:44)
  • Scholars say that Taiwan's democratization does not mean that the people choose Taiwan independence (0323 14:05)
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  • Taiwan News: Making a statement to the United States, making friends with the "independence" faction to gain more suspicion (0315 08:45)
  • The United States is waiting to see China's chips (0310 15:04)
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  • The State Council of the United States issued a tough statement to upset the Taiwan authorities (0308 08:26)
  • Overseas Chinese strongly condemn Chen Shuibian's independent path (0307 15:59)
  • Foreign media said that the "Hu Four Points" list of government reports revealed two main purposes (0307 13:07)
  • The mainland's operations in Taiwan affairs have gradually matured and mastered the dominant power of the situation in the Taiwan Strait (0307 09:36)
  • Hong Kong and Macao people's witticism breaks the Taiwan situation: the two sides have become a community of common destiny (0306 09:20)
  • The editorial of the Taiwan News thinks that Chen Shuibian's "unification" is an act of deceiving the outside and the inside (0304 17:34)
  • Taiwan expert: Chen Shuibian's "final reunification" has four disadvantages (0303 21:44)
  • Cross Straits Cultures Connected by the Same Blood is a Strong Foundation for Anti Taiwan Independence (0303 19:43)
  • Alert Chen Shuibian to Realize "Legal Taiwan Independence" by "Referendum Constitutionalism" (0303 16:03)
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  • US think-tank scholars say the White House will not punish Chen Shuibian (0303 12:45)
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  • Director of the Taiwan Institute of the Academy of Social Sciences said Chen Shuibian was doomed to failure (0302 16:13)
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  • Taiwan, the United States and Japan prepare for the crisis secretly; Taiwan authorities try to gain political interests (0302 12:43)
  • The US "Single Fight against Ah Bian" Explains the Subtle Information (0302 10:53)
  • The current situation of the Taiwan Strait cannot be manipulated by Taiwan independence forces (0302 10:43)
  • Chen Shuibian Takes a Dangerous Step: The State and the People's Republic of China propose to remove him (0302 10:38)
  • The International Crisis Organization reports that the situation in the Taiwan Strait has worsened due to the "final reunification" (0302 09:18)
  • Chen Shuibian will bury himself with the strategy of cutting sausage (0302 08:54)
  • Background information: the context of the "National Unification Council" (0302 08:50)
  • Expert: First stop "Taiwan independence" and then consider cross-strait reunification (0302 02:03)
  • All China Taiwan Federation: Chen Shuibian provokes an all-around confrontation (0302 01:34)
  • Video: Newspapers across the Taiwan Straits denounce Chen Shuibian's provocation (0301 23:30)
  • Public opinion in Hong Kong expressed that it is necessary to recognize the danger of Chen Shuibian's provocation of "Taiwan independence" (0301 16:03)
  • Taiwan public opinion believes that Chen Shui bian's "unification" is a farce that does not pay off (0301 09:42)
  • Summary: All walks of life in Taiwan are looking at Chen Shuibian's next step (0301 09:39)
  • People from all walks of life in Hong Kong pointed out that Chen Shuibian had taken a dangerous step (0301 09:29)
  • Hong Kong public opinion: Bian's promotion of Taiwan independence will seriously hurt Taiwan people (0301 09:29)
  • Comment: the throat cutting battle behind the "unification" language game (0301 09:19)
  • Macao Daily editorial: Chen Shui bian ended up killing himself (0301 07:09)
  • Cross Strait emissaries become the focus of attention (0301 00:02)
  • Chen Shuibian Explores the Bottom Line of the United States; it is difficult for the United States to lay a heavy hand on Taiwan (0301 00:02)
  • Chen Shuibian Terminates the "National Unification Council", and the United States Difficulties in Paying Heavy Hands to Taiwan (0228 23:56)
  • Macao Daily editorial: stop Chen Shuibian from taking further risks (0228 21:32)
  • Public opinion in Hong Kong: Chen Shuibian's promotion of Taiwan independence has seriously hurt Taiwan people (0228 20:40)
  • After Chen Shuibian declared "final reunification", he embarked on the path of radical Taiwan independence (0228 09:22)
  • Taiwanese businessmen must be able to see through Chen Shuibian's deception (0228 09:01)
  • We have to rely on ourselves to solve the Taiwan issue (0228 01:50)
  • More>>
  • Video: The director of the SEF resigned due to dissatisfaction with Chen Shuibian's "unification" (0312 23:32)
  • Video: Soong Chuyu said he would cooperate with the Pan Blue march to protest against the Taiwan authorities (0312 23:30)
  • Video: Directors of the SEF are dissatisfied with Chen Shuibian's resignation (0312 03:07)
  • Video: Chen Shuibian plans to go to the "Legislative Yuan" to report "final unification" (0312 03:02)
  • Video: Ma Ying jeou, former US Secretary of State, said that it was unwise for Chen to "end unification" (0309 23:44)
  • Video: The Kuomintang's opposition to the crackdown "Juntong" said that the recall would not lead to the fall of the cabinet (0309 23:42)
  • Video: Ma Ying jeou's "final unification" destroys promises (0306 23:46)
  • Video: Kuomintang County Mayor Condemns Bian for "Unification" (0305 00:48)
  • Video: Taiwan's "opposition party" fiercely questioned Su Zhenchang (0305 00:44)
  • Video: The state and pro democracy parties plan a grand march against Chen Shuibian's "unification" (0305 00:35)
  • Photo: Members of the Federation of Overseas Chinese strongly condemned Chen Shuibian's "Taiwan independence" act (0304 15:38)
  • Photo: Members of the Federation of Overseas Chinese and others strongly condemn Chen Shuibian (0304 15:36)
  • Video: The United States asked Taiwan to correct the statement that "termination" is "abolition" (0303 21:26)
  • Video: Guoqin plans to counter "unification"; Su Zhenchang will give a report to respond (0302 23:25)
  • Video: China Council for the Promotion of Unification and the Whampoa Military Academy Students Association condemn Chen Shuibian (0302 23:21)
  • Video: Taiwanese businessmen in Fuzhou are deeply worried about Chen Shuibian's "unification" (0302 23:18)
  • Video: The People First Party decided to impeach Chen Shuibian after the Kuomintang (0302 23:15)
  • Video: cross-strait Taiwan compatriots folk exchange promotion association established in Beijing (0302 22:45)
  • Video: Wang Guangya Meets with Annan on Chen Shuibian's Termination of the "National Unification Council" (0302 21:11)
  • Video: Zeng Qinghong Meets with the Russian Interior Minister to Appreciate His Anti Taiwan Independence (0302 20:23)
  • Video: Ma Ying jeou is counterattacked by the Blue Camp when Bian speaks provocatively (0301 23:40)
  • Video: Taiwan businessmen in Xiamen approve the Bian to gamble on the good address of Taiwan people (0301 23:38)
  • Video: Taichung citizens march to step down Chen Shuibian (0301 23:35)
  • Video: Hu Jintao said that people who move against the historical trend will fail (0301 23:33)
  • Video: Many countries reiterated their opposition to any form of "Taiwan independence" (0301 21:53)
  • Video: The Taiwan League made a speech on Chen Shuibian's termination of the operation of the "National Unification Council" (0301 21:44)
  • Photo and text: People from the Democratic Progressive Party in Taichung protest against "Ah Bian stepping down" (0301 14:06)
  • Video: Chen Shuibian's "final unification" Ma Yingjiu supports the recall and countervailing (0228 23:22)
  • Video: More than half of the public opposed to the "unification" of Chen's popularity dropped to a new low (0228 23:20)
  • Video: Hong Kong Lawyers Criticize the "Unification" and Expose Its "Taiwan Independence" Face (0228 23:18)
  • Video: Fuzhou veteran Taiwanese oppose Chen Shuibian's "final unification" (0228 23:16)
  • Video: Jia Qinglin, Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, said that Taiwan independence would never be tolerated (0228 21:53)
  • Video: Democratic parties condemn Chen Shuibian for terminating the "National Unification Council" (0228 21:22)
  • Video: Hu Jintao Says Taiwan Ends the "National Unification Council" Challenge One China Principle (0228 21:14)
  • Picture and text: Those who experienced the 2-28 event criticized Chen Shuibian for terminating the "National Unification Council" (0228 15:50)
  • Video: The Taiwan Affairs Office issued a statement on Chen Shuibian's termination of the National Unification Council (0228 13:51)
  • More>>
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