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The Grass Terrace Team's acrobatics is not for performance but for selling charms 13:07, May 11, 2006 Yangzi Evening News

Last night, many citizens reported to reporters that there was a grass platform team performing around the No. 90 bus station near five hundred households in Cangbomen, Nanjing. Although it was a street show, due to the large number of people and many tricks, many citizens were gathered around three circles inside and outside, and the scene was very lively.

Mr. Zhou, a citizen, told reporters that he and his wife were walking along the road at more than 8 p.m. when he heard bursts of cheers from the front. Many people gathered together. Curiosity also prompted Mr. Zhou to squeeze into the crowd to see exactly how many people were there
Some of them were performing acrobatics, turning around on a cylinder. Although their body technique was a bit clumsy, they also won applause from many people. Some are performing Qigong. The throat is against the steel bar, and the hard steel bar is against a man's throat. In less than 10 seconds, the steel bar was bent 90 degrees! After watching the performance for a while, the grass team of more than 10 people began to sell a so-called "amulet" to passers-by, saying that they could strengthen their body and keep safe, without talking about the price, but they had to pay some production costs, which were all voluntary. Careful Mr. Zhou found that the grass bench team had simple facilities and no relevant procedures. The "amulets" were all wrapped in red paper, very thin, which was also a piece of yellow paper. In this way, there are still many people on the scene who take the initiative to pay for them. Some people pay one yuan, some pay two yuan, and others pay ten yuan or five yuan.

Mr. Zhou believes that it is now advocated to be proud of advocating science and ashamed of ignorance. Although it is justifiable to perform some acrobatics, it is wrong to cheat the surrounding people by promoting "amulets" to ensure safety.

(Pei Rui)

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