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Parabolic hit the head on the fifth floor 13:07, May 11, 2006 Yangzi Evening News

At about 9:20 last night, at the entrance of a steamed bun shop at No. 2, Needle Lane, Baixia District, Nanjing, the female boss, who was about 50 years old, was chatting with another woman. Suddenly, the female boss felt that something had hit her head and dropped it on the table in front of her. She looked at it intently and saw that it was a pair of glasses. The woman next to her and the husband of the female boss looked up in the direction and saw a man in pink on the fifth floor opposite. Her husband shouted, "Hit someone!" The man flashed into the room. They immediately called the police. When the police arrived, they saw that the female boss had a wound on her head, which was not too serious. The female boss said that he had smashed things on the fifth floor before. The police then came to the fifth floor. It was originally a dormitory of a company. There were two rooms and one hall, and several employees lived there. The boss's husband immediately recognized Dai Fen
The young man in red began to refuse to admit it. Finally, under the criticism and education of the surrounding people and the police, he went downstairs to the steamed bun shop and apologized to the female boss in person. (Yang Minservant)

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