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Shakespear In Love

http://www.sina.com.cn March 17, 1999 Sina.com

 Miramax produced in 1998 Director: John Madden Main actors: Gwyneth Paltrow - Viola Joseph Fiennes - Shakespeare Colin Firth ------------ Earl of Wessex Geoffrey Rush -------- Hanslow Judi Dench ------------- Elizabeth I Tom Wilkinson Ben Affleck

The summer of 1593. Will Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) as A rising star in London's drama industry is experiencing a The playwright's greatest pain: no creative inspiration. Although the art is unprecedented In the Elizabethan era, there were many new things around him every day He appeared, but no matter how his investors and theater owners urged him In terms of how hard he tried, he just couldn't inspire his latest drama "Romeo and the pirate's daughter Ethel" creation enthusiasm. In such an era when life is like drama, he is attracted by a woman However, the latter brought him a tragic love experience like a drama. Viola (Gwyneth Paltrow) is a dreamer who wants to act But at that time, it was absolutely impossible. So she disguised herself as Men wear men's clothes to watch Shakespeare's plays. When the fire of love burns in their hearts, all disguise is no longer needed Has. Now, Shakespeare's quills are flying on the paper again. No This time, I put my love experience into words. He has found himself His Juliet, and "Romeo" also found his own life destination. However, Shakespeare's love was not always smooth. Parchment manuscript in Growing thicker, he had to accept a painful fact -- Viola Must obey the order of Queen Elizabeth I (Judy Danchi) and the disgusting Vesace The Earl of Kox is married. In such a wrong identity, confused thinking and unrealized wish In the vortex of hope, in the struggle with jealous husbands and dangerous love Shakespeare must find a way out, for his play and for His own immortal fire of love. London in 1590 was under the rule of Queen Elizabeth I, Art reached an unprecedented peak stage. In order to satisfy the audience's enthusiasm for the new works It is required that a young man who has gradually become famous and signed Will Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet, his inspirational love tragedy. This sad The sad and passionate tragedy is bound to move the world into love Men and women. However, in such a dictatorial world at that time, how did Shakespeare Can you create such a timeless masterpiece that is very close to life? This is Is it Shakespeare's own love experience? Based on this bold imagination, Mark Norman and Tom Stoppard wrote With such a romantic love story, the story of a lonely playwright is How to control your restless mind and create the peak of romantic love Made. In addition to going deep into Shakespeare's love world, express his interpretation of love In addition, Shakespeare in Love also shows us the original appearance. It was an age when utilitarianism threatened artistic creativity The age when the king was happy with literature and art and entertainment was an age when he coveted sex in bed, It is an age when egoism prevails, and an art school is independent In the 1990s, violence was rampant and women had no status. Of course It is the age when love is supreme. In the final analysis, as John Madden, director of Shakespeare in Love, said, The film tells us about the great literary idol Shakespeare in a solemn and humorous way Biya's love romance in the 1890s.

Movie Poster

Gwyneth Paltrow as Viola

Joseph Fiennes as Shakespeare

Joseph Fiennes as Shakespeare

Ben Affleck as Ned Elaine

Geoffrey Rush as Hanslaw

Viola and Shakespeare at the Ball

Viola and Shakespeare's affectionate gaze

Earl of Wessex (rear left)
Finiman (middle) and Ned Eyre
Ryan (rear right)

The Earl of Wessex and Eliza
Bai I