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Ma Ying jeou: Chen Shui bian should clarify whether the "National Unification Program" is still in place 18:07, March 19, 2006 China News Network

Chinanews. com, March 19 -- The People First Party held the "March 19, the people choked on the president" activity today. Ma Ying jeou, the chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, said at the meeting that Chen Shui bian said that even under the pressure of recall, he would "end the reunification", which was admirable for his courage; But if you really have the courage, why not say aloud whether the "National Unification Program" and "National Unification Council" are still there? He said that "brave Taiwanese" should not talk about the same thing with the US and the other thing with the Taiwanese people.

According to the "Central News Agency", Ma Ying jeou also questioned why Chen Shuibian should be included if the "National Unification Program" was not important“
In the promise of "Four No"? Clearly contradictory. Now, two months after the "reunification" scandal, "the image of the Republic of China has been shamed and the President has been shamed". The Taiwanese people are in a bad mood, and Taiwan's international reputation has also been hurt.

He stressed that the Taiwanese people do not care about "reunification and constitutional amendment", but about their own jobs and survival, Taiwan's economy, direct flights between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and other issues; Therefore, Chen Shui bian must return to the issue of people's livelihood as soon as possible, otherwise "it will pay a heavy price". It is even more worrying that if President Chen does not change, even if the political parties rotate again in 2008, Taiwan's economy may not be saved.

Ma Ying jeou took the lead to deliver a speech on Kaidagran Avenue at the beginning of the afternoon event in order to travel to the United States today. He questioned that Chen Shuibian had originally said "abolishing unification", but after discussing with the US side, he changed to "final unification". But now, is the "National Unification Council, National Unification Program" still in place? I wonder why no one can explain clearly the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty? Why can't Su Zhenchang, the sharp spoken "chief executive", speak clearly and just repeat like a tape recorder?

Ma Ying jeou said that with so many card debts, the nutrition lunch problem and economic problems are urgent to solve, but the March 19 shooting and the "reunification" scandal have shamed Taiwan, and Chen Shui bian has been criticized by the international media for trying to change the current situation.

He said that when he went to the United States this time, he would also explain to friends and overseas Chinese in the United States that Chen Shui bian's actions did not represent the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan. Taiwanese people cared about the economy, direct flights between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the investigation of malpractices was clear. If the priority was changed, the ruling party would pay a heavy price.

Related topics: The second anniversary of the 319 shootings in Taiwan  


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