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Chen Shuibian said that the original plan was to "abolish" the system because of external pressure 07:40, March 15, 2006

On March 15, Taiwan. com reported that Chen Shuibian, who was condemned by both sides of the Taiwan Straits and the international community unanimously because of the "reunification", had recently made frequent appearances in front of the international media in an attempt to defend his so-called "reunification" behavior.

According to Taiwan media reports, Chen Shui bian recently revealed the truth in an exclusive interview with the Washington Post, saying that "he had hoped to use the word 'abolition'", but because of external pressure, "he decided to use the word 'termination'."

It is reported that, despite the previous explicit request of the US State Department, the Chen Shui bian authorities should "unequivocally state that 'unification' does not mean 'abolition', and that" the status quo of the Taiwan Strait has not been changed ". However, the Taiwan authorities and Chen Shui bian himself did not respond positively from beginning to end. This statement is also the first time that he confirmed that he really wanted to use "repeal".

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Chen Shuibian Decides to Terminate the "National Unification Council" The statement on the operation and the application of the "National Unification Program" pointed out that although Chen Shuibian did not dare to use the word of "abolition", which had been premeditated for a long time, but used "termination" instead, it was just playing with words to deceive the Taiwan people and international public opinion. Everyone knows Chen Shuibian's heart of "seeking independence". (Yun Peng)

Related topics: Chen Shuibian Announces Termination of the "National Unification Council"  


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