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Nanjing carried out the training of the city's labor union volunteers

2024-04-03 19:52

Longhu News (correspondent Ning Gongxuan) In order to further unify ideas, raise awareness and jointly promote the city's labor union's love rescue work, on April 3, the city's labor union's love rescue volunteer training activity was held in Tianfeng Hotel. Tan Jian, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Nanjing Municipal People's Congress and Chairman of the Nanjing Federation of Trade Unions, Jiao Yong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Nanjing Federation of Trade Unions, Xi Yongming and Zang Zhengjin, former Deputy Directors of the Standing Committee of the Nanjing Municipal People's Congress, Chen Siming, former Chairman of the Nanjing Federation of Trade Unions, Wen Qingwu, member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the Nanjing Federation of Trade Unions, Zhao Dachun, Chairman of the Nanjing Ninggong Charity Relief Foundation and other leaders attended the meeting. The leaders in charge of the trade unions directly under the Municipal Federation, the comrades in charge of the rights and interests protection department, the directors, supervisors and volunteers of Ninggong Charity Relief Foundation, and the representatives of the needy workers participated in the activity.

According to the introduction, Nanjing Ninggong Charity Relief Foundation follows the working idea of "stressing politics, strengthening the foundation, re creating excellence, and enjoying Ninggong", closely follows the Party, focuses on the center, and sticks to the staff, focusing on system construction, standardization, and efficient assistance and relief work. Since the foundation was established in 2007, it has spent a total of 24.81 million yuan to help 23711 needy workers.

It is understood that Nanjing Ninggong Charity Relief Foundation has established a part-time volunteer team of trade union staff at all levels. They go deep into the grass-roots level to learn about the situation, timely and accurately report rescue materials, build a bridge between the Party and the government, trade union organizations at all levels and the masses of workers in need, open up the "last mile" of helping workers in need, and have received unanimous praise from workers in need.

The training of caring volunteers is an important measure taken by the trade union organization of our city to help workers in need and strengthen assistance to solve difficulties under the new situation. The trade union organization will continue to provide assistance to needy workers in terms of serious illness relief, major accidents, children's completion of school, etc. Focusing on the main line of "rescue", targeted assistance priorities are determined and rescue is implemented accurately. On the original basis, we will more actively promote the assistance and relief work for workers in new forms of employment, and help more difficult workers out of difficulties.

At the meeting, representatives of leaders in charge of the trade union directly under the trade union, representatives of volunteers and representatives of workers in difficulty made speeches respectively. Tan Jian, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Nanjing Municipal People's Congress and Chairman of Nanjing Federation of Trade Unions, respectively issued the appointment letter of honorary chairman of Nanjing Ninggong Charity Relief Foundation for Xi Yongming, Zang Zhengjin and Chen Siming.

Source: Longhu.com Editor: Zou Jiachen
