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Nanjing's agricultural digitalization construction, the whole city's pilot work has been promoted for two years, and the "digital wing" has been inserted into the "smarter" agriculture

2024-06-04 07:05

□ Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan Journalist Liu Quanmin

In the third summer, farming is busy. In the vast fields of our city, unmanned agricultural machinery shuttles back and forth, and the Beidou navigation system is like a "heavenly eye", helping the smooth development of farming; In the digital fish pond, through intelligent perception, Internet of Things and other technologies, the water quality, pH value and dissolved oxygen at the pond mouth are accurately monitored to help save costs and increase income of fishery and aquaculture; In intelligent greenhouses, automatic sprinkler irrigation, intelligent temperature control and humidity control, digital intelligent systems "plot strategies", fruits and vegetables thrive

Agriculture can stabilize the country, and tools can benefit farmers. Since 2022, when Jiangsu was selected as the pilot city for promoting agricultural digital construction, our city has accelerated the digital construction of agricultural industry, actively built smart agricultural parks and digital farms (pastures and fishing grounds), promoted the digital application of agricultural equipment, deepened the application of agricultural and rural big data and social services, explored new paths for agricultural digital construction, and made agriculture more and more "smart" Agricultural development has been accelerated.

"Unmanned" leads to "smarter" production

On May 28, a red and white harvester was shuttling back and forth in a wheat field of Hetian Yueguang Agricultural Planting Professional Cooperative in Gaochun District in a hot wave. A closer look shows that there is no one above the driver's seat of the harvester. The steering wheel automatically calibrates the direction and works happily in the wheat field.

"Look, how neat the cutting is! This is driverless! The car is equipped with a Beidou navigation driverless system. Click your fingers, and the machine will harvest by itself. When the wheat is full, it can stop to unload grain by itself!" Wei Qing, chairman of Hetian Yueguang Agricultural Planting Professional Cooperative, said happily that with it, you will no longer have to work in the sun.

Sitting in the office, you can farm. The plot in the past movies has become a reality. "This is due to the construction of 'unmanned farm'." Wei Qing led the reporters to the office and called up the information management platform of "Hetian Yueguang Unmanned Farm in Gaochun District" on the digital screen, which showed the basic situation of the farm, planting varieties, agricultural machinery operations and other data in detail. All kinds of information were clear at a glance.

In addition to unmanned harvesters, Wei Qing's farms are also equipped with unmanned rotary tillers, unmanned rice transplanters, etc. "As long as you look at the information screen of 'unmanned farms', you can handle most of the agricultural work, which is much easier than farming in the past." Wei Qing said.

"'Unmanned farms' have changed farmers' farming methods and reshaped agricultural production organization, which is an important way to promote agricultural production towards mechanization, digitalization and intelligence, and represents the development direction of modern agriculture." said the person in charge of relevant business departments of the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

The reporter learned that last year, our city explored the construction of an "unmanned farm" for grain production, and the level of digital application of agricultural machinery and equipment continued to improve. By 2025, the number of intelligent agricultural machinery equipment access system platform management in the city will strive to account for more than 80%, and the city will build 10 "unmanned farms".

"One Cloud" Helps Prawn "Wisdom" Breeding

The construction of agricultural digitalization is in full swing. Today, data has become the "new agricultural means" of farmers, and mobile phones have become the "new agricultural tools" of farmers. In Pukou District, Kang Guanghui, a big shrimp farmer, has tasted the benefits of digital agriculture.

Yongning shrimp is a specialty of Pukou District, and has won the registration and protection of national agricultural product geographical indications. At the critical time of shrimp breeding, we should always pay attention to the changes in water quality at the pond mouth.

On the morning of May 31, when the reporter saw Kang Guanghui, he was blowing the air conditioner and cleaning his mobile phone in the small house near the entrance of the pond, very comfortable. "At this time in the past, I almost didn't sleep all night. It basically took me 24 hours to patrol the pond to ensure the smooth breeding of green shrimp." Kang Guanghui told reporters that now it is not so troublesome. Just look at the "Fishery Cloud" APP on my mobile phone, and the real-time temperature, pH value, dissolved oxygen and other data in the pond are clear, and one person can handle all of them.

Kang Guanghui opens the "Fishery Cloud" APP, which displays the current real-time data of Tangkou. "Each pond mouth is equipped with intelligent sensor equipment, which can monitor the water quality changes in real time, and we can achieve remote operation through mobile phones." Kang Guanghui pointed to a data introduction on the mobile phone, such as this dissolved oxygen indicator, if it is lower than the set value, an alarm will be given. If it is not operated for a period of time, "Fishery Cloud" will automatically turn on the oxygen enrichment equipment to ensure that the shrimp is not anoxic.

The "fishery cloud" is an Internet of Things system promoted by Pukou District. This cloud not only changes the tradition of farmers "watching the weather" and "relying on experience", but also makes breeding more efficient, time-saving and labor-saving.

Kang Guanghui said that since the use of the "fishery cloud", the labor cost has been reduced, and because of the scientific and accurate monitoring of the water quality at the pond mouth, the density of shrimp farming has increased, the yield is higher, and the quality is better. The amount of shrimp fry per mu has increased from about 150000 to 200000, and the yield of shrimp per mu has also increased from more than 150 kg to more than 250 kg.

Agricultural digitalization can effectively reduce the redundant costs of agricultural production, circulation and other links, significantly improve product quality and production efficiency, and has become a new driving force to promote agricultural development. In recent years, Nanjing has focused on the leading agricultural industry chain and accelerated the digital application of information technology and intelligent equipment in the agricultural field, such as the Internet of Things and intelligent control. A number of digital farms, digital ranches and digital fishing grounds have emerged. Last year, the city built three smart agricultural parks, seven digital farms (pastures and fishing grounds), and more than 20 municipal agricultural Internet of Things application demonstration sites were accepted.

The "wisdom shed" shows the "abundant" scene

What kind of growth temperature, nutrient fertilizer and soil pH value blueberries need at different stages has long been a familiar experience for Zhou Hui, an "old hand" in growing blueberries in Lishui. This is not only because of his years of planting experience, but also because of the intelligent planting mode based on the Internet of Things technology.

Illumination 17.1, soil temperature 28.2, soil humidity 47.9... On the top of the "Suhui Fruit and Vegetable" intelligent greenhouse in Shitouzhai Village, Lishui, an electronic display screen clearly shows various data in the greenhouse. Different from the traditional planting method, more than 2000 blueberries are planted in the smart greenhouse with an area of more than 2000 square meters, all of which are operated by a mobile phone, which is full of "science and technology".

"Traditionally, blueberries can only be picked in June when they are planted in the open air. However, the smart greenhouse planting mode and refined management measures can make blueberries come into the market in February ahead of schedule. The average yield per mu is 3-4 times that of traditional planting, and the average income per mu can reach about 200000 yuan, nearly 10 times that of traditional planting mode, which greatly improves the economic benefits." In the smart greenhouse, Zhou Hui checks the growth of blueberries, Said happily.

Similar to Zhou Hui's smart greenhouse, the smart greenhouse in Gaochun District Shuangyou Village Farmers' Pioneer Park also increases income and efficiency. Kong Fengcai, Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch of Shuangyou Village, told reporters that last May, the first phase of the digital rural system of the Shuangyou Village Farmers' Pioneer Park was put into use, and all the 117 multi span greenhouses in the village were turned into "smart greenhouses". All the temperature, humidity, insect and moisture in the greenhouses can be accurately monitored in real time. The greenhouses are more scientifically managed, and the labor costs are significantly reduced, "It used to take 25 people to take care of the shed, but now it only needs more than 10 people."

With the help of digital technology, the smart greenhouses in Shuangyou Village can also enable consumers to view information such as product sources, planting conditions, growth medication, etc. through the traceability system, which improves the market competitiveness of products. Last year, the operational income of Shuangyou Village Farmers' Pioneer Park reached 150 million yuan.

At present, the construction of agricultural digitalization in our city is accelerating, and the application scenarios of digital technology are more and more in the agricultural field. The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said that, in the next step, our city will accelerate the promotion of agricultural digital integration demonstration, develop smart planting, smart animal husbandry, smart fishery, and digital characteristic industry chain, build smart parks and digital farms (pastures, fishing grounds), and constantly improve the digital level of production and operation, while encouraging colleges and universities Scientific and technological enterprises, together with agricultural technology extension departments and new business entities, promote the integration and innovation of digital agricultural scientific and technological achievements, and provide strong "digital support" for agricultural and rural modernization.

Source: nanjing daily Edit: Gao Ying
