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Firmly follow the unique path of China's tourism development -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions lead the construction of a tourism power to create a new situation

2024-05-18 08:13

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 17

Xinhua News Agency reporter

"Tourism has grown from small to large, from weak to strong, and has increasingly become an emerging strategic pillar industry, livelihood industry and happiness industry with distinctive characteristics of the times". The National Tourism Development Conference was held on May 17, at which the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on tourism work were conveyed.

Since the reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's tourism development has entered a fast track, forming the world's largest domestic tourism market, and becoming the largest source country and major destination of international tourism.

General Secretary Xi Jinping made a comprehensive deployment and made clear requirements for accelerating the construction of a strong tourism country and promoting high-quality development of tourism. Cadres, masses and cultural and tourism workers all over the country were deeply excited, and said that they would deeply study and implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and a series of important statements on tourism development, firmly follow the unique path of China's tourism development, and constantly create a new situation for tourism development.

After learning the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the conference, Shan Gangxin, Director of the Department of Resource Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, was encouraged: "Tourism in the new era has become an important part of a better life for the public. At this National Tourism Development Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions, which made our cultural and tourism workers deeply feel the great responsibility and glorious mission. We will deeply practice the concept of tourism for the people, constantly promote the high-quality development of tourism, and let tourists at home and abroad better feel the beauty of China's mountains and rivers, the beauty of culture, the beauty of life, and the beauty of the times through tourism. "

Tourism is an important industry related to the national economy and the people's livelihood.

North Pole Village of Mohe River in Heilongjiang Province was a small border village many years ago. Now, it has developed into a tourist attraction, and more than 500 villagers have started their own businesses to operate farmhouses and homestays.

"Tourism is a livelihood industry and a happiness industry with distinctive characteristics of the times, and we Arctic villagers have a personal experience." Shi Ruijuan, owner of the snowman wooden house in Arctic Village, said that local tourism was developed in combination with regional advantages, and many villagers became bosses, tour guides and photographers. "Tourism has changed the Arctic Village. We should cherish the scenery of the frontier fortress and the ice and snow resources more, so that tourism can benefit the people in the frontier for a long time."

In early summer, the Shentankou of Xixi National Wetland Park in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, is full of green water, dragon boat races and tourists.

"We have successfully walked out of a unique path of China's tourism development", the General Secretary affirmed the achievements of China's tourism development, Sun Xiong, Executive Deputy Director of Hangzhou Xixi National Wetland Park Administration, made clear the next work focus: "Xixi Wetland has been adhering to the development of tourism with" green as the background and culture as the soul "for many years. We will realize the refinement of resource management and the wisdom of ecological protection through digital reform, strengthen cultural excavation and display, promote the integration of science, technology, culture and tourism, and strive to make the green water and green mountains more beautiful, and make Jinshan and Yinshan bigger."

Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Research Institute, was impressed by the request of General Secretary Xi Jinping for "coordinating government and market, supply and demand, protection and development, domestic and international, development and security": "coordinating five pairs of relationships reflects profound systematic thinking and dialectics, which must be handled well in the process of promoting high-quality development of tourism. General Secretary Xi Jinping has deeply expounded the great significance, important principles and key tasks of the new era and new journey to improve the modern tourism system. We should follow the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, unite our hearts and forge ahead towards the goal of becoming a powerful tourism country. "

Guilin, Guangxi, as the "city card", the Xiangshan Scenic Area will officially open for free in 2022. After learning the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, He Jintao, the general manager of the scenic spot, pondered over how to "make the tourism industry better serve the better life".

"The important instructions of the General Secretary have made me more aware of the close relationship between tourism development and serving the people. We should continue to work hard to improve the quality of service, improve the supporting facilities of tourism public services, adhere to the people-centered development of tourism, and build a livable city for the people," He Jintao said.

Fireworks and tourists gathered in the "Village Super" stadium in Rongjiang, Guizhou. Sun Guoxiu, the general manager of Rongjiang County Guzhou Cultural Tourism Investment and Development (Group) Co., Ltd., who witnessed the change of "village excess" from the "joy" of the masses to the "way" of revitalizing the countryside, expressed a lot of emotion: "General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that tourism should better 'promote economic development', which made us full of energy. 'Village Supermarket' is a new product of the integrated development of cultural, sports, tourism and business. We will strive to make 'Village Supermarket' popular and help urban and rural construction and development through tourism. "

Datong, Shanxi Province, Yungang Grottoes Scenic Area is magnificent, integrating ancient and modern times. "The General Secretary emphasized the role of tourism in building a spiritual home, which provides an important guide for the development of tourism in Yungang Grottoes." Cui Xiaoxia, director of the Cultural Tourism Integration Development Center of Yungang Research Institute, said, "Yungang Grottoes are a treasure of Chinese culture. Traveling here is also a process of understanding Chinese culture and enhancing cultural confidence. We should always put protection first, and enhance tourists' confidence in continuing the Chinese culture and building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation by strengthening explanation and activating cultural relics. "

General Secretary Xi Jinping's concern for tourism also gave Wan Yujun, the English tour guide of the head office of CITS, a branch of CITS, a deeper understanding of his career: "As an inbound English tour guide, I feel extremely honored to show the charm of Chinese culture to the world through my work and promote mutual understanding and respect between different cultures. To do a good job as a tour guide, it is necessary to build a bridge for exchanges between China and foreign countries, so that more people can understand and love China. "

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that all regions and departments should effectively enhance their sense of responsibility and mission, work in a coordinated manner, and focus on implementation.

"The General Secretary requested to promote the high-quality development of the tourism industry, and Hunan should adhere to the mission of integrity, innovation, quality and efficiency improvement, and integrated development." Li Aiwu, director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hunan Province, said, "The Third Hunan Tourism Development Conference will be held in September. We should take the conference as a starting point, speed up the in-depth integration of culture and tourism, vigorously promote the doubling plan of cultural and creative tourism industry, and contribute wisdom and strength to accelerate the construction of a tourism power with distinctive Chinese characteristics and strong international competitiveness."

Source: Xinhua News Agency Editor: Zhang Rongrong
