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Nanjing Story in Three Cultural Relics Censuses

2024-04-12 10:44

□ Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan Journalist Wang Feng

The fourth national cultural relics survey was launched not long ago. The census will cover immovable cultural relics on the ground, underground and underwater. Nanjing is one of the "four ancient capitals" in China and one of the first batch of national historic and cultural cities. The cultural relics survey has effectively enriched the cultural relics resources of Nanjing, highlighting the important role of cultural protection in helping to upgrade the cultural and tourism fields and promoting high-quality economic and social development. Recently, Yang Xinhua, the former deputy director of Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics, who has been engaged in cultural protection for more than 30 years, received an exclusive interview with reporters, talking about the extraordinary road Nanjing has taken in the previous national cultural relics census.

55 "national insurance" items in three censuses

Nanjing people enthusiastically handed in cultural relics

Nanjing now has 55 national key cultural relics protection units, ranking among the top ten in China; 114 provincial cultural relics protection units; There are more than 400 municipal cultural relics protection units... They are closely related to the three national cultural relics surveys. As a major survey of national conditions and strength, an important basic work for the development of cultural relics and an important guarantee for national cultural security, since the founding of the People's Republic of China, China has carried out three national cultural relics censuses in 1956, 1981 and 2007 (hereinafter referred to as "one census", "two census" and "three census" respectively).

Yang Xinhua has participated in two national cultural relics surveys, the "second census" and the "third census". According to him, although the census technology of "One Census" cannot be compared with that of all subsequent cultural relics censuses, it has far-reaching influence, and the census results have laid a solid foundation for the development of cultural relics. Interestingly, although the objects of the census were immovable cultural relics at that time, there was still a phenomenon of people enthusiastically handing in and donating movable cultural relics in Nanjing.

The coverage area of the second census was significantly larger than that of the first census, which basically realized the overall control of the national cultural relics resources. It is worth mentioning that through this census, the team of cultural and museum institutions in Nanjing has been strengthened, the establishment of cultural relics archives has tended to be improved, and the level of cultural relics protection and management has also been significantly improved. Yang Xinhua, who used to be a language teacher in Nanjing's Bianyuan Primary School, grew up from the second national cultural relics survey.

Yang Xinhua told reporters that Yuhuatai District, where he was located at that time, covered a large area, including today's Longjiang, Hexi and other areas. Therefore, Yuhuatai District became Nanjing's "cultural relics center". The arduous cultural relics survey was both a challenge and an opportunity. Because of his excellent work, Yang Xinhua was later transferred from the then Yuhuatai District Cultural Bureau to the Nanjing Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau.

"Different from the first and second national cultural relics surveys, the third national cultural relics survey turned from the original behavior of cultural relics departments into the behavior of the government." For Nanjing, the meaning of "three popular" is more unusual. With the acceleration of Nanjing's urbanization process and the development of large-scale urban and rural construction, it is important to comprehensively grasp the number, distribution, characteristics The preservation status, environmental conditions and other basic conditions, accurate judgment of the situation of cultural relics protection, and scientific formulation of cultural relics protection policies and plans provide scientific support.

It is worth mentioning that the previous cultural relics surveys have also left a lot of precious historical data for Nanjing. Yang Xinhua himself has compiled 50 or 60 books, including Nanjing Ming City Wall, Nanjing Ming and Qing Architecture, Exploration of the Origin of the Tomb of the King of Borneo, and the Essence of Jinling Steles, which have laid a solid foundation for the future research of cultural relics in Nanjing.

More than 100 years of "oblivion"

A stone tortoise opens the journey of promotion to "National Insurance"

In recent years, Nanjing has attached great importance to the protection of the "Maritime Silk Road · Chinese Historic Sites" and the application for World Heritage. Nanjing, as an important central city on the Maritime Silk Road, has a large number of historical relics closely related to it. The site of Longjiang Shipyard and the tomb of the King of Borneo, listed as the first batch of sites for applying for World Heritage, are closely related to the first national cultural relics survey.

The site of Longjiang Shipyard, located at 57 Lijiang Road, Gulou District, is the site of the treasure shipyard of the Ming Dynasty. It was a large-scale official shipbuilding base specially built for Zheng He's voyages to the West. Now it is a key cultural relic under national protection. As the largest preserved shipyard site for building navigation ships in ancient times in China, the most valuable thing is the row by row "making ponds", that is, ponds similar to docks, which were dock type workbenches when building treasure ships. Later, cultural relics such as rudder stock, boat plate, shipbuilding tools and household appliances were unearthed at the site, and the remains of shipbuilding "foundation" were found.

The story behind the tomb of the king of Borneo has long been widely known. It is a powerful example of the interaction between China and Southeast Asian countries, especially the early political and economic exchanges with Brunei.

According to Yang Xinhua, on May 12, 1958, cultural relics workers in Nanjing were lucky to find the tomb of the King of Borneo, which had been "buried" for more than a hundred years, when conducting a general survey of cultural relics in the southern suburbs. At that time, census workers came across several farmers nearby. One farmer told the legend he had heard since childhood: "Our mountain is called Wugui Mountain, and there is a stone tortoise on the mountain..." The stone tortoise is the standard configuration for the tombs of ancient princes and ministers. The census takers were overjoyed. They climbed up the Turtle Mountain according to the farmers' instructions, and they found the headless stone tortoise and a remnant tablet. Most of the inscriptions on the stele have faded away. The census taker picked up a handful of grass and wiped it repeatedly. Soon, the words "The King of Borneo was buried at the Shizigang outside the Anders Gate" and "The King of Borneo is going to China" appeared. After repeated research and analysis, this anonymous tomb was finally confirmed to be the burial place of the new king of Borneo, Manareganai.

The tomb of the king of Borneo has been repaired many times since then. In 1996, a precise magnetic survey was carried out around the tomb of the king of Borneo, and the secret buried underground for hundreds of years was finally completely revealed to people. Today, the tomb of the king of Borneo is a solemn and elegant environment. It is not only a national key cultural relics protection unit, but also a heritage site of the Maritime Silk Road. With the help of high-tech and big data, it continues to collect and input heritage monitoring data.

From "Urban Defense Project" to "Cultural Relics"

The hundreds of years long outstanding case of Ming City Wall was solved

As we all know, the Ming City Wall is a super IP in Nanjing. However, it was the second national cultural relics survey that brought the Ming City Wall into people's sight for the first time as a "cultural relic" rather than a city defense project.

Since the "second popularization", Nanjing has increased its investment in the maintenance of the city wall and the improvement of the surrounding environment: try to use city bricks with the same color and stone quality as the city wall for maintenance; In some areas, the lack of historical records and brick making materials makes it impossible to follow the original process when repairing. At this time, imitation city bricks will be used, and recycled old city bricks will be laid on the surface, while new city bricks will be used for the top surface and wall core; In 2004, the "Nanjing Ming City Wall Scenic Belt Planning" was implemented, and was later awarded the "China Habitat Environment Example Award"; In 2006, after the completion of the Feasibility Study Report on the Application of the Nanjing Ming City Wall to the World Cultural Heritage and the clarification of the UNESCO evaluation criteria, the Nanjing Ming City Wall came with very scientific measurement results.

"The length of the Nanjing City Wall has always been variously stated. The length of the Nanjing City Wall was 33.676 kilometers measured during the 'Erpu' period." Yang Xinhua told reporters that, considering the limitations of technology and practical conditions at that time, the data measured with a tape measure was very inaccurate, and he had the idea of accurately measuring the length of the Nanjing City Wall. Through the cooperation with the then Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, the city wall was divided into 41 sections according to the road, the city gate, the complete part and the remaining part, and each section was numbered. Then, staff were arranged to confirm the location and direction of the city wall, and coordinate points were marked on the 1:10000 image map provided by the provincial bureau of surveying and mapping. After the completion of the punctuation, the data will be handed over to the Provincial Bureau of Surveying and Mapping for vectorization and measurement. The final measurement results solved the length of the Nanjing City Wall since the Ming Dynasty.

In 2016, with the submission of the text of the application for World Heritage of China's Ming and Qing Dynasty City Walls, which has been the focus of researchers for many years, to the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, Nanjing took the lead in the joint application for World Heritage of China's Ming and Qing Dynasty City Walls, making another big step forward.

Today, the "Nanjing City Wall 'One Picture' Cultural Heritage Digital Archive System" built by the Nanjing City Wall Protection and Management Center is based on the GIS geographic information system. It uses 3D scanning to complete the 3D data collection of Nanjing City Wall, obtain and preserve the earliest cultural relics information data of Nanjing City Wall, and establish the earliest digital archive of Nanjing City Wall cultural heritage. At the same time, we will integrate the historical, geographical, repair and other multi-dimensional data of the Nanjing City Wall into the "one picture", build the "one picture" cultural relics resource management platform of the Nanjing City Wall, and provide accurate data support for the protection, research, display and utilization of the cultural heritage of the Nanjing City Wall.

Important New Discovery of "Three Popularization"

Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge and Jinling Hotel

Both the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge and the Jinling Hotel are landmarks in Nanjing. In the third national cultural relics survey, they were listed as important "new discoveries" of immovable cultural relics in Nanjing. More than ten years ago, both of them had applied for national key cultural relics protection units. Although they were not selected later due to various reasons, the sound that they were designated as "cultural relics" in that year was deafening.

In Yang Xinhua's view, the concept of cultural relics workers in Nanjing has been changing with the development of the times. Although the Jinling Hotel was completed and opened in 1983, and the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge was opened to traffic in 1968, they all bear extremely rich cultural connotations. Jinling Hotel is the pioneer of modern hotels in China. It was once the central landmark of Nanjing city. It has been known as "the first floor of China" for a long time after its completion, which is a sign of the times. Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is of great significance to the history of Chinese bridges. The data ranging from a nail to the load bearing capacity of roads and railways are all produced and designed by Chinese technicians.

Even so, when they were listed as cultural heritage more than ten years ago, many people still laughed at them. Yang Xinhua said that facts have proved that the inclusion of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge and Jinling Hotel as immovable cultural relics early is conducive to early intervention and scientific protection.

In October 2016, the highway bridge of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge entered the stage of closed maintenance and reconstruction, and its highway bridge maintenance cultural relics protection project was successfully selected into the fifth "National Excellent Historic Site Protection Project". This is the highest award in the field of cultural relics protection projects in China. Chun Qing, the director of the cultural relics protection design project of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge and professor of the School of Architecture of Southeast University, told the reporter that the cultural relics protection design scheme of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge highway bridge is hundreds of pages long, and the materials used are more compatible, reversible and coordinated.

Today, Jinling Hotel is the youngest district level immovable cultural relic in Nanjing, and Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is the youngest cultural relics protection unit in Nanjing. Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge has also been included in the "first batch of China's 20th century architectural heritage list" and the "first batch of China's industrial heritage protection list".

Extended Reading

Appreciatable and readable

What "cultural landscapes" will be discovered in Nanjing?

The fourth national cultural relics survey has begun. The reporter learned that in addition to covering the immovable cultural relics on the ground, underground and underwater, and following the principle of "preserving as much as possible", the scope, connotation and objects of cultural relics in this census have been expanded and innovated.

In fact, as early as the "Three Popularizations", Nanjing further expanded the connotation and extension of cultural relics. In addition to reviewing and registering the announced cultural relics, "in particular, it strengthened the identification and registration of cultural heritage with Nanjing characteristics, including local architecture, industrial heritage, cultural landscape, cultural relics along the Qinhuai River, etc." Yang Xinhua said.

For example, as the precious spiritual wealth of the nation, water culture, such as Xuhe River, Zhujiashan River and Shuiyangjiang River, has been listed as important "new discoveries" in Nanjing's third national cultural relics survey.

Xuhe River, which connects the water system of Shuiyang River and Taihu Lake, has been flowing for more than 2500 years and is one of the earliest artificial canals in China. Today, the Xuhe River has become the "Shanghai Nanjing Expressway" on the water from the entrance of Wuhu to Shanghai. Based on the high value of history, science, water conservancy, transportation, economy and culture, the ancient Xuhe River is experiencing another renaissance.

Gaochun Shuiyang River Water Chestnut, founded in the Ming Dynasty, is the best preserved ancient water Chestnut in China and was listed as one of the "Top Ten New Discoveries of the Third National Cultural Relics Census in Jiangsu Province". 牮 means retaining water with earth and stone. The Shuiyangjiang River is located next to the Gaochun Xiangguo Dock. It is composed of "Jiujiubadang" and "Heyuzui Fenshui", whose functions are respectively to fix dikes, protect dikes and divide water. It is now a provincial cultural relics protection unit.

In 1975, the new Qinhuai River was excavated, which became a water conservancy project with the most manpower input, the longest construction time, the longest excavated river reach and the greatest impact on the Qinhuai River system in the history of Qinhuai River water control. In the third general survey of cultural relics in Nanjing, the "Qinhuai New River" was clearly listed as immovable cultural relics.

The reporter noticed that the fourth national cultural relics census for the first time explicitly included "cultural landscape" into the census objects, including "a combination of harmonious interaction and coordination with the natural environment deliberately designed and created for aesthetic, social, cultural and other reasons" And "as an important material evidence of historical evolution and development, it has developed from the initial social needs to the current form through the connection or adaptation with the surrounding natural environment, and has played an active role in the close integration of modern society and traditional lifestyles". Experts in the industry believe that Nanjing, as the "capital of literature" in the world, is bound to usher in important "new discoveries" of related cultural relics among many readable historical sites.

Source: Nanjing Daily Editor: Zhang Qi
