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Bamboo Town: The Spring Breeze Never Fails

2024-03-15 16:07

Zhuzhen Town is located at the junction of Jiangsu and Anhui, 60 kilometers northwest of the main city of Nanjing. Xiangyang River winds eastward, Zhima Ridge winds westward, and mountains and rivers are winding back and forth, creating a side of hills, hillocks, river valleys and plains. With the shape of heaven and earth and the charm of China, the ancient and vigorous bamboo town is like a bright pearl inlaid here, shining and eye-catching.

Beautiful scenery

Zhimaling Forest Park has ten miles of shade, where there are towering ancient trees, old vines wrapped around trees, jagged rocks, rocks like eggs, gurgling streams, clear springs like strands, hundreds of birds crowing, deer moose haunting

Daquan Lake is located at the foot of Zhimaling Mountain. It is named after the perennial gushing of spring holes at the bottom of the lake. The lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the water is like a mirror. The lake and mountains are beautiful, and the water birds and fish swim together.

Fengcai Mancheng Scenic Area is the place of colorful romance. Rose Garden, Begonia Garden, Magnolia Garden, Pear Garden are colorful and pleasing to the eye

As for the flowers in the fog of Peach Blossom Island, the wild scenery of Bablo Mountain, the national beauty and natural fragrance of peony garden, the sunset of vineyard... There are many beautiful sceneries here.

Red Land of Ancient Cultural Town

Bamboo Town is the hometown of culture. It was named "Scholar Forest" because people in Zhuzhen love reading and Confucianism is like a forest. Scholars and poets of past dynasties also often linger in Zhuzhen, singing and expressing their feelings. Wen Tingyun, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, once left a wonderful poem called "Farewell to Zhigong in Panshi Temple" at Panshi Temple in Bamboo Town.

There are many folk literature and art associations in Zhuzhen. Zhuzhen Yang Opera Troupe and Wushiyang Opera Troupe are active on the rural stage, offering people a favorite cultural feast. Bamboo Town Ethnic Women's Stilt Art Troupe has won praise from all over the world for its superb skills. Cycling race, international marathon race and other series of activities held in Bamboo Town for many times have created a golden signboard of colorful rural leisure tourism in Bamboo Town.

Bamboo town is a piece of red land. In August 1939, Luo Binghui, commander of the Fifth Detachment of the New Fourth Army, led his troops to settle in Zhuzhen Town, which was the center to open up the main anti Japanese base in the east of Jinpu Road founded by our party. The older generation of revolutionaries, such as Deng Zihui, Fang Yi, Wu Xueqian and Zhang Jinfu, worked and fought here, leaving many moving and impressive deeds.

Travelers are like weaves, diners like clouds

The fresh fruits and melons in Bamboo Town are all over the mountains, sweet and clear. In addition, Zhuzhen small sesame oil has been produced for more than 500 years. The best selected sesame produced locally is used, which is manually fried with traditional technology and finely ground with a stone mill. The oil is golden in color, pure and refreshing, and has a pleasant aroma.

Mutton soup is a local flavor. The soup is as white as milk, and the meat is tender without smell. Add some pepper sauce and sprinkle a pinch of onion and garlic flowers, which is delicious. It is even more wonderful to use bamboo as the supporting material.

In recent years, Zhuzhen has been committed to green development, releasing its rural charm, holding festivals featuring rural ecological tours, agricultural experience tours, ethnic customs tours, health and wellness tours, diversifying the development of recreational vehicles, rural apartments, boutique homestays and other tourism products with different characteristics, attracting people with beautiful rural scenery, and retaining people with comfortable and complete facilities, Attract repeat customers with a memorable experience.

In 2014, it was rated as "National Key Town", "National Ecological Town", "National Agricultural Science and Technology and Integration Demonstration Base", "National Major Agricultural Technology Promotion Pilot Project Scientific Research Experiment Base", "National Characteristic Tourism Landscape Town" in 2015, "National First Batch of Rural Industry Integration Development Demonstration Parks" and "National Agricultural Industry Strong Town" in 2018, In 2019, it won the title of the third batch of "villages with Chinese ethnic characteristics"... The ancient town will glow with youth, the countryside will release green charm, and the millennium old town - Bamboo Town will certainly glow with more brilliant brilliance.

Source: Nanjing Liuhe District Local Records Office Local Records Jiangsu Editor: Zhang Qi
