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The two sessions of Nanjing Municipal People's Congress and CPPCC injected strong confidence, wisdom and strength to promote the high-quality development of Nanjing in the new era - knowing the heavy burden and striving to hand over the excellent answer sheet of "learning to promote work"

2024-01-22 07:13

□ Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan News Reporter

Collective writing

The strength gathers in the firm heart, and the goal is achieved through hard work and progress.

This past week, with the keen attention of the people of the city and the joint efforts of all the deputies, the Second Session of the 17th Municipal People's Congress and the Second Session of the 15th Municipal CPPCC successfully completed all the agendas and successfully closed. The conference holds high the banner, gathers consensus, strives for truth and pragmatism, and strives for unity. It has injected strong confidence, wisdom and strength to promote the high-quality development of Nanjing in the new era. It is encouraging and mobilizing the whole city to keep in mind the instructions, be grateful and forge ahead, and take the lead. With a more high spirited spirit, it knows how to bear heavy responsibilities, work hard, shoulder responsibilities, and shoulder the responsibility to accomplish the goals and tasks of the whole year Promote the new practice of Chinese style modernization in Nanjing and make new and greater contributions.

Make new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation

Last Friday, the second session of the 17th Municipal People's Congress ended successfully. On the closing day, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission announced that 32 new members had been added to the headquarters of the city!

Headquarter enterprises, which efficiently gather high-quality resources at home and abroad, are the main force of scientific and technological innovation. The gathering of headquarters enterprises is helping Nanjing to build a main bearing area of the industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence.

Adhering to innovation driven, Nanjing has been doing a good job for a long time. Recently, the Chinese Institute of Science and Technology Information of the Ministry of Science and Technology released the National Innovative City Innovation Capability Evaluation Report 2023, which ranked Nanjing fourth in the country after Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. Three cases in Nanjing, including the establishment of a direct mechanism for preferential policies, the innovative implementation of the "Ningju Plan", and the construction of Zijinshan Laboratory, were included in the report as typical examples of innovative development.

Huang Hui, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, said that the Municipal Development and Reform Commission will focus on the goals and tasks defined by the Municipal People's Congress, focus on the central work of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development, and strive to make more contributions to the development and reform of the new practice of Chinese style modernization in Nanjing. Specifically, we will make better contributions to the wisdom of development and reform in planning and promoting development, strengthen the monitoring and analysis of economic operation, do a good job in economic work publicity, deepen the "five competitions, five competitions and five rankings" competition activities, focus on the reserves of incremental policy research, and consolidate and enhance the recovery trend of the economy; In the process of industrial transformation and upgrading, we should better shoulder the responsibility of development and reform, boost the new development of traditional industries and the cultivation and expansion of innovative industrial clusters, promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of modern service industries such as platform economy and headquarters economy, serve to build the main bearing area of industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence, build a scientific innovation matrix such as unicorn enterprises and gazelle enterprises, and constantly cultivate new quality productivity.

At the same time, we should give better play to the role of development and reform in accelerating project construction, implement the "5+1" working mechanism, fully promote 450 major projects in provinces and cities, and ensure that the commencement rate of new major projects in the first half of the year reaches 75%, and that they all start in the third quarter; We will focus on the construction of public infrastructure for both emergency and emergency purposes, revitalize inefficient and idle urban resources, and create more new growth points for effective investment. To better highlight the role of development and reform in deepening reform and opening up, accelerate the comprehensive reform of market-oriented allocation of factors, actively integrate into the national unified market, continue to optimize the business environment, and serve to ensure the healthy development of private economy; Implement the high-quality deployment of jointly building the "Belt and Road", and promote the construction of China Arab (UAE) production capacity cooperation demonstration park; Deeply integrate into the Yangtze River Economic Belt, Yangtze River Delta integrated development and other national strategies, and promote the construction of Nanjing Metropolitan Area to take new steps.

Jiangsu Jiuwu High tech Co., Ltd., as a high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development of new materials and overall solutions, is one of the first batch of recognized national high-tech enterprises, one of the first batch of specialized and new "little giant" enterprises in China, and a leading enterprise in the ceramic membrane field of the membrane industry in China. It has won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, the second prize of the National Technology Invention Award and other honors.

Party Jianbing, a deputy to the Municipal People's Congress, is the "leader" of the company. He said that the company was born and grew up in scientific and technological innovation. At the beginning of the development of the enterprise, it broke the blockade of foreign countries through the self-developed ceramic membrane products, and took the lead in realizing the localization of ceramic membranes.

"The important task should be carried out on the shoulders, and the confidence should be in the body. I will earnestly implement the requirements of the two sessions of the NPC and CPPCC, take an active role, faithfully perform my duties, and contribute wisdom." The party building soldiers also said that next, Jiuwu High tech will continue to adhere to the corporate culture of "innovation is the first productive force", actively respond to the call of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and make new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation, To build the company into a leader in the global membrane separation industry.

Show new achievements in strong chain complement chain extension

A new situation was opened in the new year, and ten billion level industrial clusters accelerated. The "Nanjing Additive Manufacturing Quality and Reliability Engineering Research Center", which was awarded by the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and is the first domestic research center specializing in highly reliable additive manufacturing, was officially listed in Jinling University of Science and Technology recently.

The research center is a municipal innovation platform aimed at improving independent innovation ability, enhancing the core competitiveness of regional industries, and serving the implementation of major strategic tasks and key projects of the country, provinces and cities. Additive manufacturing is known as 3D printing. After listing, the Research Center will make efforts from the digital twin of additive manufacturing and quality reliability control technology, break through common key technologies, explore and develop specifications and standards for 3D printing products with better quality and more stable performance, and enhance the quality control capability of additive manufacturing process.

In 2023, as an important manufacturing town in the east, Nanjing will move towards the new and play a good "first hand" in strengthening the city through industry. 9 new 10 billion level industrial projects, such as Huatian Technology wafer level advanced seal test base and American Egyptian high-end equipment, have been signed; Cooperate with Sinopec, Baowu Steel, Chang'an Auto, SAIC Motor and other enterprises to plan and promote a number of major transformation projects with a total investment of nearly 100 billion yuan; The revenue from software business reached 800 billion yuan, and the revenue from smart grid business exceeded 320 billion yuan. The city's productive services accounted for 56%.

In the new year, the industry will draw a new picture and build strong competitiveness. This year's work report of the municipal government proposed that we should adhere to forging strengths and complementing weaknesses, strengthen the chain through clusters, and strive to promote a breakthrough in building a strong city through industries.

"Nanjing, as a pacesetter, shoulders an important task in the process of promoting the strengthening of the chain, supplementing the chain and extending the chain, and building a modern industrial system supported by the real economy." Sun Wanwei, member of the CPPCC Municipal Committee and chairman of Nanjing Haoding Group, told reporters that as an enterprise mainly engaged in dairy industry, they adhered to the fundamentals of the real economy and manufacturing industry, and connected the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, Realize the integrated development of three industries. In June 2023, a new factory was built in Liuhe District, creating a series of brands, giving full play to industrial advantages, expanding online and offline marketing channels and other marketing channels

Sun Wanwei said that next, they will rely on Nanjing's scientific and technological research advantages and the consumer market demand in East China to build the end of the industrial chain in Nanjing, leaving high-quality products, services and taxes in Nanjing, and making contributions to the economic and social development of Nanjing.

Exploring new experience in building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation

The atmosphere of Spring Festival is strong, and the purchase of New Year goods is busy.

Pickling, cutting, curing... For several days, Zhu Xiaorong, the fourth generation successor of Liuhe beef jerky production technology, has been constantly stepping up production to prepare enough supplies for the upcoming New Year's Festival. The reporter saw at the scene that some stewed beef jerky and beef were packed neatly and waiting for shipment.

"For me, the biggest harvest last year was to inherit the century old beef production technology (Liuhe beef jerky production technology), and successfully included in the fifth batch of provincial intangible cultural heritage representative projects, which is a recognition of our 'performers', and also recognition of Liuhe beef jerky, a century old delicacy." She told reporters that in recent years, Governments at all levels continue to strengthen the protection of intangible cultural heritage projects, so that they have a future and a direction. This time, Liuhe Beef Breast was included in the list of provincial intangible cultural heritage food, which made her energetic.

Street stores not only carry the demand of citizens' living consumption, but also place the simple desire of ordinary workers. Zhu Xiaorong said that in the new year, he would devote himself to the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, tell a good story about Liuhe beef jerky, let more people know and love Liuhe beef jerky, and actively participate in this cause. At the same time, it is hoped that the relevant departments will strengthen policy support and guidance, build more exhibition and marketing platforms, continue to improve the popularity and reputation of intangible cultural heritage food, support enterprises to explore new markets and sales channels, and make Liuhe Beef Breast better go out of Nanjing to thousands of households.

Culture is an important manifestation of urban soft power, making cities more attractive and attractive. This year's work report of the municipal government proposed that we should adhere to promoting new trends, inheriting cultural context, and strive to build a strong city with socialist culture. Wu Ying, member of the CPPCC Municipal Committee and founder of Nanjing Chengchuang Embroidery Culture Development Co., Ltd., said, "Intangible cultural heritage is living and spiritual, and has a broader space for imagination." Next, she will continue to promote the integration and development of cloud brocade culture and contemporary life, and create a cloud brocade brand that can wear, use and taste through cloud brocade lifestyle and oriental aesthetics. She suggested that the Nanjing Intangible Cultural Heritage Business District should be built to distinguish itself from exhibitions and exhibits, which should not only collect intangible cultural heritage artworks, but also cover folk intangible cultural heritage, promote the integrated development of culture, tourism, commerce and other fields, and promote the development of cultural industry to a new level.

Achieve new improvement in promoting the modernization of social governance

The goal is simple, "bless the warm four seasons"! At this year's Municipal People's Congress, after deliberation and voting by all representatives, the 2024 Nanjing People's Livelihood Facts Project was officially launched, with a total of 40 projects in ten categories.

Community is the "last mile" of people's livelihood service. This year's government work report proposed that we should continue to promote the "Jingwang Microgrid" project and launch the urban brand of "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era. Zhang Shuihua, deputy to the Municipal People's Congress and secretary of Fulishanzhuang Community, said that she would lead the community to thoroughly implement the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on Jiangsu work, and strive to "achieve new improvement in promoting the modernization of social governance". "Every cause, no matter how big or small, is done step by step." Next, the community will focus on the three dimensions of place friendliness, participation friendliness and people to people friendliness, focus on solving the security problem of "one old and one young", expand the space for youth activities, and make the "all age friendly community" more convenient, warm and friendly.

Photographing, recording, uploading forms... Every day after New Year's Day from Sanqiao monitoring point to Bawei monitoring point, Yang Jinhai, a monitor of Pukou finless porpoise, is extremely busy. In 2016, Pukou District started the work of transferring fishermen to land, and the first 12 fishermen, represented by Yang Jinhai, joined Nanjing Finless Porpoise Aquatic Biological Protection Association.

"In the past two years, from the city to the district, more and more attention has been paid to the ecological environment, and the work on the protection of the Yangtze River has become more and more detailed and specific." Yang Jinhai said that in addition to monitoring the finless porpoise, he also took the initiative to join the team of fishing guards in Pukou, and carried out propaganda on the prohibition of fishing in the Yangtze River and Chuhe River basins, patrolling and inspecting the waters, cleaning up the miscellaneous nets in the river channels, and timely persuading and stopping illegal fishing Violation of arrest and other acts. With the concept of "joint protection and no development" becoming more popular, the frequency of finless porpoise has increased significantly, and it has become a beautiful ecological landscape in Nanjing.

At the beginning of the New Year, the spring tide of recovery of everything is surging everywhere in our city. The whole city will unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, vigorously carry forward the spirit of "fearing difficulties, hardships and dangers, fighting bravely and winning bravely", be a good executor, activist and doer, strive to hand over the excellent answer sheet of "learning to promote work", and contribute wisdom and strength to the new practice of Chinese style modernization in Nanjing.

Reporter Liu Anqi, Yu Mengjiao, Yu Mengdi, Sun Jingqing, Lu Shuting

Source: nanjing daily Editor: Jiang Xinping
